Swift Student Challenge

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Posts under Swift Student Challenge tag

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Is it possible to use Lottie with Swift Package Manager files?
Hi! I wanted to use Lottie in my swiftpm app, but I've been running into errors and I'm not sure if it's possible. When I try to run the app, it crashes and I get errors saying that the library isn't loaded and the files aren't found (basically these: https://github.com/lottie-react-native/lottie-react-native/issues/373 , https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/issues/2233 ). But moving the framework file into the PackageFrameworks folder doesn't work, and also I'm getting the error that swiftpm cannot distribute packages containing binary frameworks and from what I understand that just isn't something that swiftpm can do. So I was wondering if anyone knows any workarounds to this, or if I should just ditch Lottie? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Redeeming Apple Developer Program Benefits from Swift Student Challenge
Hi, I’m a 2 time Swift Student Challenge Winner (2021 and 2022). I was under 18 when I won the challenges, but I recently turned 18 and want to redeem my free Apple Developer Program Membership benefits. However, I had problems with my Apple Developer Account, so I contacted Apple Developer Support and they told me that there was something wrong with my Apple Account and they didn't know anything bout Swift Student Challenge Apple Developer Program Memberships. When I try to click the “enroll” button on the Apple Developer Website all it says is "Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time.” I emailed swiftstudentchallenge[at]apple.com but didn't get a reply back either. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to someone who I could contact to resolve this issue.
Metal Integration with SwiftUI
Hello! I have asked this question in previous years, but I want to make sure I can be safe as each challenge could be different. Are applicants for the Swift Student Challenge allowed to use the features and technologies involved with Metal/MetalKit? Last year, the answer was yes. I have seen a few people here and there use it with Swift and won. I would like to know if we can use it for the 2025 challenge for this year as well. Thanks! :)
Question about the eligibility
As of June 28, 2023, South Korea has standardized its age-counting system to align with international norms, meaning that the traditional "Korean age" system is no longer used in official contexts. According to the SSC eligibility criteria, I found that participants from South Korea must be at least 14 years old. I'm confused whether if the eligibility criteria has applied this. (I'm 13 in global, which means that I could join the SSC if I was born in the US) With the recent change in age calculation, this requirement refers to my international age.. I am wondering if I still have to wait one more year.. Please be free to give more information if you know..
Which device is used to test Swift Student Challenge submissions?
Hi there, I intend to submit an app playground for the Swift Student Challenge this year. I am currently using the Swift Playgrounds app to develop a playground. Now I understand that when submitting I can choose the option of having my app playground to be tested on Swift Playgrounds on either iPadOS or macOS. But I would also like to know on which screen size is my app going to be tested. Let's say I want my app playground to run on macOS, now is there a way to also select the MacBook model, like 14-inch or 16-inch? This would give the participants a better idea of where the app playground will be tested.
Issues with using ClassifyImageRequest() on an Xcode simulator
Hello, I am developing an app for the Swift Student challenge; however, I keep encountering an error when using ClassifyImageRequest from the Vision framework in Xcode: VTEST: error: perform(_:): inside 'for await result in resultStream' error: internalError("Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-1 \"Failed to create espresso context.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to create espresso context.}") It works perfectly when testing it on a physical device, and I saw on another thread that ClassifyImageRequest doesn't work on simulators. Will this cause problems with my submission to the challenge? Thanks
Link in Swift Student Challenge
I intend to participate in the Swift Student Challenge. A link is provided within my application that directs users to an Internet HTML web page. Link(destination: URL(string: "https://url.com")!) { Label("Developer Website - .....com", systemImage: "arrow.right") .shadow(color: Color.white ,radius: 50) } This URL corresponds to my personal web page. Although it is not directly related to the experience interaction within the application, I have decided to include it as it serves as a logo and demonstrates my proficiency in HTML. However, the challenge’s rules stipulate that the evaluation environment is not permitted to connect to the Internet. Consequently, I am concerned that my work may be rejected due to its perceived incompleteness or errors. So should I keep it? Thanks!
Unable to rename the Swift Playground or add an icon when package dependencies is imported
I'm unable to rename my Swift Playground or add/change the app icon when I imported a package dependency after upgraded my Swift Playgrounds App to the newest version. Every time I tried to do that, the whole project will be destroyed and showed error message below. I wonder if anyone have same experience with me or someone can tell me the solution, it terrifies me and I'm worried that I'll be unable to submit my project on time because of that.
Training Images for Vision Classifier Model - Swift Student Challenge
I'm working on my Swift Student Challenge submission and developing a Vision framework-based image classifier. I want to ensure I'm following best practices for training data and follow to guidelines for what images I use to train my image classifier. What types of images can I use for training my model? Are there specific image databases or resources recommended by Apple that are safe to use for Swift Student Challenge submissions? Currently considering images used from wikipedia, and my own images
Swift Student Challenge - Can I Use Third-Party or Apple Provided Code?
I'm working on my submission for the Swift Student Challenge and I have some questions regarding the use of existing code. Can I use code provided by Apple in their official resources? For example, Apple recently shared a video on custom shaders (https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/10151), and I’d like to implement a ripple effect using a Metal shader similar to the one demonstrated. Would this be allowed? Am I allowed to use solutions found on developer forums like Stack Overflow, as long as I properly document and reference them in my code? Or does all the code need to be fully original? I’d appreciate any clarification on these points. Thanks in advance!
Can I Use Xcode and iPadOS 18? (and RealityView)
I'm preparing my submission for the Swift Student Challenge, and I have a couple of questions regarding the development environment. Is it allowed to use Xcode to program my scene, or do I have to use Swift Playgrounds? Can I use iPadOS 18 for development? I noticed that Swift Playgrounds currently only supports up to iPadOS 17.5, but I would like to use RealityView, which is only available starting from iPadOS 18. I appreciate any clarification on this. Thanks in advance!
The Swift Student Challenge is tested in the real machine.
I am interested in participating in the Swift Student Challenge. My application contains a significant amount of augmented reality (AR) content, necessitating access to the camera. It is evident that if the reviewer utilizes a simulator or operates on a Mac, they will not be able to experience the AR function. Therefore, the AR function in the camera experience application must be utilized to access a real iPad. However, it is mentioned in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/773530 that the plan is to evaluate Xcode app playgrounds within the simulator. Additionally, I observed the statement “Note: Xcode app playgrounds are executed in Simulator” on the submission page. Consequently, it is clear that the reviewers are limited to using a simulator or running my application on a Mac. In light of this, I am seeking guidance on how to enable the reviewer to utilize a real iPad to access the AR function in the camera experience application. Alternatively, I may need to reconsider my strategy and discontinue utilizing AR.
Winner's visa issue
It was mentioned in the Swift Student Challenge that outstanding winners will have the opportunity to visit Apple Park in the United States. However, as a challenger from China who is not currently in the U.S., this means that if I receive the outstanding award, I will need to apply for a visa to travel to Apple Park. Since I am under 18, my guardian would also need to apply for a visa. Therefore, I would like to know if Apple provides visa assistance for outstanding winners and their guardians from China, or if we are responsible for applying for the visas on our own.