How can I find info.plist in Xcode 15.2 playground

Hi! I'm preparing to apply for the Swift Student Challenge and had a question, how can I find info.plist in Xcode 15.2 playground I will do a game AR game and I need info.plist to access to camera so how can I find info.plist ?

Hi! App Playgrounds don't really have an Info.plist, but you can add capabilities such as camera access via Xcode.

Click on your project > Signing Capabilities, then click the "+ Capability" Button.

Add the capabilities you want, such as camera access, via the menu that appears. Then, at the bottom of the Signing & Capabilities page, you should have the new capability added, where you can also modify settings such as the purpose string for camera access:

Internally, Xcode adds these capabilities to a Package.swift file included with your project which replaces the Info.plist. This file is not directly accessible within Xcode (you can view it in Finder if you show the .swiftpm's contents), but you can add capabilities from Xcode as I explained above.

How can I find info.plist in Xcode 15.2 playground