Safari and Web

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Posts under Safari and Web tag

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Safari, WKWebView video slow loading issue
my web service has video content. the problem is in chrome browser, downloading and playing video is much faster than Webkit browser (Safari and WkWebView). we are struggling to find the reason why there is huge gap between two browsers. we've checked browser inspector and there's something look like error in safari inspector that doesn't appear in chrome. There are two cases in network section. First red header case that I think something went wrong Second yellow header csae that I think succeeded to donwload
Oct ’23
SFSafariContextMenu is not working
Hello, I try to develop extension for safari. I edited info.plist but I can't see my menu items. My Info.plist page <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>NSExtension</key> <dict> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string></string> <key>NSExtensionPrincipalClass</key> <string>$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).SafariWebExtensionHandler</string> </dict> <key>SFSafariContextMenu</key> <array> <dict> <key>Text</key> <string>Search for selected text in MyApplication.</string> <key>Command</key> <string>Search</string> </dict> <dict> <key>Text</key> <string>Add an entry for selected text in MyApplication.</string> <key>Command</key> <string>Add</string> </dict> </array> <key>SFSafariWebsiteAccess</key> <dict> <key>Level</key> <string>All</string> </dict> </dict> </plist>
Oct ’23
Query parameters are unavaialble in Safari in Private mode
Recently I noticed that users with Safari 17 have some troubles using my website. I found out that the problem affects only users who use Safari in a private mode. After I dug deeper I realised that for some reason when I execute "window.location" for these users, query parameters do not present there even though they are actually present in the URL. For example, user is on the URL But the "" returns an empty string. Also, the issue is only reproduced when user is actually redirected to the "broken" page, but it works fine if the user opens the page in a new tab. Issue is reproduced on both iOS and MacOS. I have a suspicion that the issue is somehow related to the recently added feature which prevents cross-site tracking, however, disabling that feature did not help. Does anyone aware of any recent changes to the behaviour of "window.location" in Safari? Thanks!
Oct ’23
Minimum window size of a web app is too large
I have some little helper apps in mind for which it would make sense to write them as web apps which can be «Add to Dock» in macOS Sonoma and be used just like regular native apps. But it seems that the minimum window size for such apps is fixed at 320 × 567. This is way too large for little helper apps with maybe two text fields and a button. It looks ugly to have this much empty and unused space. I guess there is no way to be able to make the main window of a web app smaller?
Oct ’23
The result of Element.prototype.scrollBy is abnormal on Safari with iOS 17.0?
I found an anomaly in the scrolling position when using Element.prototype.scrollBy to scroll DOM elements. For example, when using scrollBy(0, 20) to scroll the element, the scrollTop read immediately after the scroll is completed is the expected 20. However, after adding some delay, it becomes 40. It seems like after scrolling a distance of ‘a’, the scrollTop read after the delay becomes ‘2a’. Below is the minimal case I tried to write. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper" style="overflow-y: scroll;height: 50px;"> <div id="scroller" style="height: 200px;"> </div> </div> <script> const wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper'); wrapper.scrollBy(0, 20) console.log(wrapper.scrollTop) // will output 20 setTimeout(() => { console.log(wrapper.scrollTop) // will output 40 }, 500) </script> </body> </html>
Oct ’23
Safari Web Inspector ultra lag
So previously I had a Mac Pro 2020 Touchbar with i5 16GB RAM and it was a pain to work with Safari due to the lagness of the web inspector. I thought it was related to my hardware. Upgraded recently to an M2 Pro chip 32GB 2023, and still happens the same, i can't believe how bad it is to develop & work with Safari. Even when trying to search on files it lags as if it has a 500ms debounce per key stroke. Adding breakpoints and following code line-by-line, everything is laggy. What is going on? It's literally impossible to work on big projects and having to debug with Safari.
Oct ’23
In webview getting"couldn't connect to the server" error only on iOS 17 devices.
I am facing an issue while accessing a local web server within my Xamarin iOS application using the EmbedIO library. The web server serves static files, and it works perfectly on older iOS versions and in the iOS 17 simulator. However, when the code runs on an actual iOS 17 device (iPad 6th gen, running iPadOS 17.0.2), in web view it shows nothing. DidFailProvisionalNavigation throws an error that it could not connect to the serrver
Oct ’23
Safari Bug
Hello, safari consumes less CPU than Chrome, but it does not consume less RAM. When you access YouTube in Safari, especially when you skip 5 seconds while watching a video, the buttons are very inadequate compared to Chrome. The video and audio lag, the loading sign appears and the audio lag is very annoying. At the same time, when I log into Twitter, some videos do not play but remain loading. While browsing the web in Safari, the mouse sometimes remains stuck. While typing, the mouse becomes a line, but when I hover over something to click, it still remains as a line. There are such bugs. I like to use Safari, it is very useful, but I always prefer to stay in Chrome because of such errors. I try it every time Apple updates Safari, most bugs go away, but new ones come and unfortunately the Youtube problem is very bad. This problem only occurs on YouTube, not on Netflix and similar platforms. Browsing YouTube with Safari is very annoying. I hope you find a solution to these problems soon. Since I deal with CDN and Linux servers, the web is very important to me and I like the safari web tool part, but it is not an immersive view. It gives the impression that I shouldn't have opened it. I hope a new design language will be added to this design. Other than that, using safari is nice and I love how minimalist it is. Thank you, I wish you good work.
Sep ’23
Specify custom icon for Safari 17 “Add to Dock” feature?
Safari 17 launched with a new feature to add web apps to the macOS Dock. However, it seems to use the favicon.ico file as icon, instead of a higher resolution apple-touch-icon.png. I would prefer to specify a different icon than favicon.ico for this. My favicon.ico is low resolution and includes no margins, because it’s meant to be displayed in small sizes (like in a browser tab). For the Dock icon, I would like to specify a different file that includes some margin around the content, and with a higher resolution. Similar to the apple-touch-icon.png which is used on iOS. How can I achieve that? Shouldn’t Safari on macOS also use apple-touch-icon.png for this purpose, instead of favicon.ico?
Oct ’23
Failed to load resource: the network connection was lost when I hit specific URL which is connected to AZURE Front Door
The end user experiences error "Failed to load resource: the network connection was lost" when using safari browser via reverse proxy only(Azure Front door). Using google chrome, or accessing the resource directly, the user does not see the error. After taking a packet capture and HTTP Archive traces, we were able to determine that the safari browser is completely blocking the traffic from being sent over the network.
Sep ’23
How to downgrade Safari version
I'm a web-developer debugging an error in my web page, all the users with Safari 14 are presenting the error. How can I downgrade my safari 16 to 14 in order to reproduce the error? I have to reproduce the error so i can understand it, and then fix it, like a normal web-developer that have to downgrade browser to simulate real user usage scenarios.
Sep ’23
Safari causes VideoJS ERROR MEDIA CODE:4
Hello, when I'm trying to record a video in Safari for Mac and the record ends, Safari doesn't load the video and I get this: ""VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found for this media"" I'm using VueJS in the Frontend and Django in the backend. And I can only record in Safari with video/mp4;codecs=avc1. Safari will not allow any other type for the record or the access to the camera or microphone. In Chrome or firefox it records with video/webm;codecs=vp8,opus and can find the source of it and the recorded video plays without issue. I'm using a MacBook Pro M1-Chip and the Safari Version is 16.6 on Mac. Thank you for your help and have a great day.
Sep ’23
Safari splits one Record
Hi, this is my first time to write in Forum. My Problem is that, when I have a video in Safari for Mac recorded, Safari is splitting my record into three blobs. For Example Chrome doesn't. There is one record, one blob. Safari Version: 16.6 (18615. Does anyone know why Safari splits one Record/blob into three blobs? Thank you and have a great day.
Aug ’23
Apple Web Push API doesnt work with HTTP/2
Hello, i try to send a Web Push Notification to my Safari Webbrowser and use the "http2" Module from Node.js Every other Browser is able to receive my messages. I got the message "BadJwtToken" but when i use the same Authorization Key with a HTTP/1.1 Request, i got a Message on Safari. Is there a Problem with the API when i use the HTTP/2 Protocol? Has anybody the same Problem? I send exactly the same Headers and as i said other Push APIs from Mozilla,Chrome and Microsoft e.t.c. are working with my HTTP2 Client.
Aug ’23
Request header in safari
hello! the problem is that about 2 months ago, the iphone browser sent such formats as webp/avif in http accept headers. a normal header should look like "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,/;q=0.8". on iphone now it looks like "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8"
Aug ’23