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Create parametric 3D scans of rooms and room-defining objects.

Posts under RoomPlan tag

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Roomplan + Object Capture
We have an issue with Apple Roomplan - on regular bases the objects which are captured are not positioned corretly in the model which happens 50% of the cases we have - that makes the feature almost useless. Is there any idea how to solve that problem?
Jul ’24
Floor stability with physics simulations
In RealityKit using visionOS, I scan the room and use the resulting mesh to create occlusion and physical boundaries. That works well and iI can place cubes (with physics on) onto that too. However, I also want to update the mesh with versions from new scans and that make all my cubes jump. Is there a way to prevent this? I get that the inaccuracies will produce slightly different mesh and I don’t want to anchor the objects so my guess is I need to somehow determine a fixed floor height and alter the scanned meshes so they adhere that fixed height. Any thoughts or ideas appreciated /Andreas
Jul ’24
How to set the world alignment to gravity and heading for Roomplan?
So in the WWDC23 video on the Roomplan enhancement, it says that it is now possible to set a custom ARSession for the RoomCaptureSession. But how do you actually set the config for the custom ARSession? init() { let arConfig = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() arConfig.worldAlignment = .gravityAndHeading arSession = ARSession() roomCaptureView = RoomCaptureView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 42, height: 42), arSession: arSession) sessionConfig = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration() roomCaptureView.captureSession.delegate = self roomCaptureView.delegate = self } However, I keep getting an issue that self is being used in the property access before being initialised. What can I do to fix it?
Jul ’24
Room plan ceiling scans and model placement
Hello, I am trying to make an app that involves room scanning and then placing of imaginary objects in the room. I had two questions about the specifics behind this. Is it possible for Roomplan to include the ceiling when scanning the room? Is it possible to place objects in AR while Room plan is running, or is it necessary to wait until after the scan is done?
Jun ’24
Significant drop in a IMU data results in session interruption
Since moving up to IOS18 lat week I am getting an indication that there was a significant drop in IMU data being sent. Using the search capability, I can find very little information in the Developer Documentation that will tell me what the cause is and how to remedy it. Is there some documentation repository like Tech Notes that will tell me what I need to know to get going again? What additional sources of documentation are available for developers? The Search engine used for Developer documentation just does not cut it because it delivered a lot of useless entries that have no obvious relevance to my search terms. "2024-06-20 19:27:00.669334-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[902:299709] [Technique] ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x104bf6d80>: SLAM error callback: Error Domain=Slam Error Code=7 "Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data" UserInfo={NSDescription=Non fatal error occurred due to significant drop in a IMU data, NSLocalizedFailureReason=SlamEngineNodeGroup Failure: IMU issue: gyro data stream verification failed [Significant data drop]. Failed on timestamp: 53902.785827, Last known timestamp: 53901.416828, Delta: 1.368999, System timestamp: 53902.786251, Delta between system and frame: 0.000423. }"
Jul ’24
Where can "SystemVersion.bundle" be found?
This is one of the files being looked for during initialization of the RoomPlan WWDC Demo package but it cannot be found since moving to IOS 18.0. it is not anyrhere since the upgrade. Reference is 2024-06-18 16:03:36.871062-0500 RoomPlanExampleApp[860:159744] [loading] Unable to create bundle at URL (file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.bundle): does not exist or not a directory (0)
Jun ’24
StructureBuilder with modified CapturedRooms
My goal is to modify CapturedRooms and load them back into the StructureBuilder to generate a new CapturedStructure. Since CapturedRooms cannot be modified directly I stored them as JSON, modified the parameters (e.g. switching object categories) and serialized them back into a CapturedRoom object. So far so good, the object is loaded correctly. But when i put them into the capturedStructure() all the original parts of the CapturedRoom are used. As some of you may have already noticed there is an undocumented CoreModel stored in CapturedRooms when you export them in JSON-format. It seems that the structure builder only uses this CoreModel to compose the output. So here my question to the forum: Does anybody know a way to edit a CapturedRoom so the StructureBuilder respects those changes and composes a new structure including those changes?
May ’24
2D or 3D indoor mapping app in iOS
Hello! I want to create an indoor mapping application in Swift, using the LiDAR scanner. I searched among frameworks and I found that ARKit, RealityKit and RoomPlan would be useful. Which is the proper way to create a 2D indoor mapping app? And which is the proper way to create a 3D indoor mapping app? Are there any modifications I have to make on my code in order to have both?
Jun ’24
RoomPlan Interactions
HI there, I would like for the user to be able to tap on a wall that has been highlighted as scanned (the white outline) and see basic information about the wall (in a pop up view modal) without being taken out of the scan session. As a first step though i'd simply like to be able to tap on the scanned wall whilst still in the session and see in the NSLog, the data about that CapturedRoom.Surface. I'm storing the CapturedRoom on update of the sesssion using the RoomCaptureSessionDelegate and I have added a UITapGestureRecognizer to the room capture view. However i've tried a number of ways (hit testing, raycasting) and i'm unable to target the wall behind the users tap gesture. If anyone can give any advice even if just the principal of how to achieve this.
Jul ’24
Room not to scale
Hello, I am working on an AR application to visualize a life-size room. I am working with Unity 2023.3, Apple ARKIT XR Plugin 6.0.0-pre.8 and a 2021 5th gen iPad. First I scan a room with roomplan to get a usdz file. I open it with Blender to make sure I have the right data (I do) and I export it to fbx to use it in Unity. Then I import the fbx to Unity and I use it as a prefab to instantiate it when I click on a detected floor. I build my application in Unity, then in Xcode to use it on my iPad. But when the room is displayed, it is way too small. I tried adding a slider to scale up the room's gameobject and I added a plugin to visualize my Unity scene in my built application. The room is scalling up in the Unity scene but not in the application. Does anyone ever had this issue and if so how did you fix that? Best regards, Angel Garcia
May ’24
StructureBuilder Trajectory issues during merging
In larger scenes, I need to record motion trajectories. RoomCaptureSession always starts from (0,0,0), and I use the last tracked point as the offset value to connect multiple trajectory points, just like StructureBuilder merging models But when StructureBuilder merged, it eliminated some of the models, which would make the trajectory points I saved lose accuracy, and I cannot know how much scene size was specifically eliminated between them Is there any way you can help me?
May ’24
CapturedStructure encoding failure issue
invalidValue(-nan, Swift.EncodingError.Context(codingPath: [CapturedVolumeCodingKeys(stringValue: "rooms", intValue: nil), _JSONKey(stringValue: "Index 0", intValue: 0), CapturedVolumeCodingKeys(stringValue: "openings", intValue: nil), _JSONKey(stringValue: "Index 0", intValue: 0), CodingKeys(stringValue: "dimensions", intValue: nil), _JSONKey(stringValue: "Index 0", intValue: 0)], debugDescription: "Unable to encode Float.nan directly in JSON.", underlyingError: nil)) Why does this exception occur during encoding? All scan data is CapturedRoom and has not been modified
May ’24
Trying to use ARView session's currentFrame camera transforms to identify wall corners in capturedImage
I am trying to determine the corners of a RoomPlan-detected wall using the information available in the ARView session's frame, but can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong. The corners appear to be correct relative to each other, but the wall appears too large when I render it. (I'm also not sure I'm handling the image rotation correctly either, which may be compounding my problem). Here is the code I currently have, along with a sample image, and the resulting image when I pass it through the perspective filter. it is close but isn't cropping the walls and floors correctly. func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didChange room: CapturedRoom) { for surface in room.walls { if let frame = self.arView.session.currentFrame { var image: CGImage? = nil VTCreateCGImageFromCVPixelBuffer(frame.capturedImage, options: nil, imageOut: &image) let wallTransform = surface.transform let cameraTransform = let intrinsics = let projectionMatrix = let width = surface.dimensions.y let height = surface.dimensions.x let inverseCameraTransform = simd_inverse(cameraTransform) let wallTopRight = simd_float4(width/2, height/2, 0, 1) let wallTopLeft = simd_float4(-width/2, height/2, 0, 1) let wallBottomRight = simd_float4(width/2, -height/2, 0, 1) let wallBottomLeft = simd_float4(-width/2, -height/2, 0, 1) let worldTopRight = wallTransform * wallTopRight let worldTopLeft = wallTransform * wallTopLeft let worldBottomRight = wallTransform * wallBottomRight let worldBottomLeft = wallTransform * wallBottomLeft let cameraTopRight = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldTopRight let cameraTopLeft = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldTopLeft let cameraBottomRight = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldBottomRight let cameraBottomLeft = projectionMatrix * inverseCameraTransform * worldBottomLeft let imageTopRight = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraTopRight.x / cameraTopRight.w, cameraTopRight.y / cameraTopRight.w, cameraTopRight.z / cameraTopRight.w) let imageTopLeft = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraTopLeft.x / cameraTopLeft.w, cameraTopLeft.y / cameraTopLeft.w, cameraTopLeft.z / cameraTopLeft.w) let imageBottomRight = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraBottomRight.x / cameraBottomRight.w, cameraBottomRight.y / cameraBottomRight.w, cameraBottomRight.z / cameraBottomRight.w) let imageBottomLeft = intrinsics * simd_float3(cameraBottomLeft.x / cameraBottomLeft.w, cameraBottomLeft.y / cameraBottomLeft.w, cameraBottomLeft.z / cameraBottomLeft.w) let topRight = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageTopRight.x), y: CGFloat(imageTopRight.y)) let topLeft = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageTopLeft.x), y: CGFloat(imageTopLeft.y)) let bottomRight = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageBottomRight.x), y: CGFloat(imageBottomRight.y)) let bottomLeft = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(imageBottomLeft.x), y: CGFloat(imageBottomLeft.y)) if let image { let filter = CIFilter.perspectiveCorrection() filter.inputImage = CIImage(image: UIImage(cgImage: image)) filter.topRight = topRight filter.topLeft = topLeft filter.bottomRight = bottomRight filter.bottomLeft = bottomLeft let transformedImage = filter.outputImage if let transformedImage { let context = CIContext() if let outputImage = context.createCGImage(transformedImage, from: transformedImage.extent) { let wall = Wall(id: surface.identifier, image: outputImage, surface: surface) self.walls.append(wall) } } } } } }
Apr ’24