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Access essential data types, collections, and operating-system services to define the base layer of functionality for your app using Foundation.

Posts under Foundation tag

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Running .app bundled application in non GUI environment causing app to fail at runtime
I am having a bundled application(.app file) and I am wanting to run this application via ssh session which does not have GUI access. Launching this application in a desktop GUI session, runs the application perfectly. However, on running it on the same machine via ssh session produces an error. Note: My application does not bring up any GUI window(it' just produces some logs on the terminal), so running it in a non-GUI environment should have worked. I get the below error when trying to launch the unix exe in the .app bundle( ./ ) on the terminal. I have observed that applicationDidFinishLaunching(_:) gets called and then the below error occurs. +[NSXPCSharedListener endpointForReply:withListenerName:replyErrorCode:]: an error occurred while attempting to obtain endpoint for listener 'ClientCallsAuxiliary': Connection interrupted I tried running other bundled applications via ssh, but all seems to produce the same error. Can someone confirm Is running bundled application in a non GUI session not allowed by Apple. If its allowed, how can I solve this? Even running the .app file using the open command fails to launch the application, although it produces a different error which is consistent across different applications.
Apr ’24
AVAssetDurationDidChange - notification not receiving in iOS 17
We utilized AVFragmentedAssetMinder to refresh the player data. While notifications for AVAssetDurationDidChange were consistently received whenever the player duration changed. However, following the release of iOS 17, notifications for AVAssetDurationDidChange ceased to be received. Could you please advise anyone why this notification is not being triggered? what we have to change NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.onVideoUpdate), name: .AVAssetDurationDidChange, object: nil) #AVPLAyer, #AVMUtableMovie
Mar ’24
crash:__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort.cold.1 :56
After my project was packaged with Xcode15, the following crash occurred, which had not occurred before. After checking for a long time, the cause was not found, because similar problems did not occur when Xcode14 was used to package, so I think it is the problem caused by Xcode15 packaging Incident Identifier: 3DFEAAAC-DCEE-4C6F-B51D-29BE9448A9C0 CrashReporter Key: KSCrash2 Hardware Model: iPhone15,3 Process: KPlayi4Phone [11803] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/FD3F5994-3F75-4477-B629-2343870A4995/ Identifier: com.KPlay.KPlay Version: 2035752548 (11.0.73) Code Type: ARM-64 Parent Process: ? [1] Date/Time: 2024-03-28 15:02:18 +0800 Launch Time: 2024-03-28 15:02:10 +0800 OS Version: iOS 16.2 (20C65) Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000001d256402c Exception Subtype: SIGTRAP Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001d256402c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort.cold.1 :56 (in CoreFoundation) 1 CoreFoundation 0x00000001d242ebd4 __CFBasicHashIncSlotCount :0 (in CoreFoundation) 2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001d242fd18 __CFRunLoopRun :1232 (in CoreFoundation) 3 CoreFoundation 0x00000001d2434ec0 _CFRunLoopRunSpecific :612 (in CoreFoundation) 4 GraphicsServices 0x000000020c48b368 _GSEventRunModal :164 (in GraphicsServices) 5 UIKitCore 0x00000001d492a86c -[UIApplication _run] :888 (in UIKitCore) 6 UIKitCore 0x00000001d492a4d0 _UIApplicationMain :340 (in UIKitCore) 7 KPlayi4Phone 0x0000000100f5608c main main.m:16 (in KPlayi4Phone) 8 ??? 0x00000001f0c56960 0x0000000000000000 + 8334436704 9 ??? 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 + 0 mycrash.crash
Apr ’24
What is the appropriate required reason level when using UserDefaults?
I saved the device token in UserDefaults. The information is passed on to the backend server of my app when needed. CA92.1: Declare this reason to access user defaults to read and write information that is only accessible to the app itself. I was thinking about using CA92.1, but that seems to mean reading and writing entirely within the app. 1C8F.1: Declare this reason to access user defaults to read and write information that is only accessible to the apps, app extensions, and App Clips that are members of the same App Group as the app itself. Can I see my app's backend server as belonging to "the apps, app extensions, and App Clips that are members of the same App Group"? Would it be okay to apply 1C8F.1?
Apr ’24
Xcode 15 iOS 12 app crash
We have a app , a few days before, we have start to build and archive to Appstore with the new Xcode 15.1, before update develop tools ,Xcode version is 14.2. Before update to new Xcode 15.1, the app works fine in iOS12 After our app reviewed by apple ,and release to the customer, we found crash in Xcode Organizer / Reports/Crashes module, and the system almost in iOS 12 Below is the photo And cann't found crash stack in other crash analysis tool such as Bugly。 Finally ,i found a device iPad mini, and can debug. Below is the XCode debug console. dyld: Symbol not found: OBJC_CLASS$_NSURLSessionTaskMetrics Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/AA0D6934-6D78-4E2A-A822-F48FB29DC599/ Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation in /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/AA0D6934-6D78-4E2A-A822-F48FB29DC599/ Message from debugger: killed And the crash log is same as we can found in Xcode crash log . It seams there is a bug in system Foundation.framework? Why cann't found the NSURLSessionTaskMetrics in system Foundation.framework? I have tried to relink the Foundation.framework, but cann't work. Anyone have same issue? Have any other ideas ? Thanks.
Mar ’24
NSURLSession times out after about 100 URLTasks
So I'm getting some weird behavior when using an NSURLSession. Our app uses two separate sessions. And we aren't doing anything special when making them. This is it: let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default configuration.waitsForConnectivity = false configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = 30 self.init(configuration: configuration) All we do is create data tasks using session.dataTask(with: request) After creating about 100+ data tasks and having them complete successfully with no problems, the session will hang for the full 30 seconds and return a -1001 "The request timed out." error. The next few tasks on this session will fail, and then all of a sudden the NSURLSession will start working again. Now the weird part is... since I have two NSURLSessions, only the one that has hit 100+ tasks times out. The other NSURLSession can still contact the same server URL and run tasks just fine. I did put this through the Network Instrument and one thing I did see is that up until the timeout happens the NSURLSession will use a single connection as expected. But after the 30s timeout and the recovery it looks like the NSURLSession decides behind the scenes to make a brand new connection and that's where the "recovery" comes from. Out server team swears this isn't them as other non-iOS clients hitting the same endpoint don't have this error. Any help? (Side note: I can fix this in my app by just making a new NSURLSession every 100 tasks, but that doesn't really help me understand what could be going wrong in the first place).
Mar ’24
The right way to use start/stop AccessingSecurityScopedResource in swift-cpp interop
Hi, so I have this case where I would like the user to pick a folder where they want to create a file/folder using UIDocumentPicker/Browser and I make the file using open() in cpp and use its fd to read/write to the file. Now, the first thing is I have to call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() on the directory url, then I make the file, get its fd(file descriptor) and I leave this makefile() function. Every startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() needs to be matched with a stopstartAccessingSecurityScopedResource(). So my question is do I 'have' to call stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() 'just before' calling close() on the fd. Or is it fine to call it after I have made the fd i.e., at the end of the makefile() function? In the tests I did it seems that once the fd is opened, even if stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() is called on it(the directory), I can continue to read/write from the fd until I close() the fd?
Mar ’24
Object 0x10bee2ff0 of class _DictionaryStorage deallocated with non-zero retain count 2
HI! Trying to figure out a particularly odd crash report (via crashlytics). Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7558 __pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7118 pthread_kill + 268 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x1d178 abort + 180 3 libswiftCore.dylib 0x3b93a8 swift::fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 134 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x3b93c8 swift::warningv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 30 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x3bdfd8 swift_deallocPartialClassInstance + 190 6 libswiftCore.dylib 0x3bde28 _swift_release_dealloc + 56 7 libswiftCore.dylib 0x3bec4c bool swift::RefCounts<swift::RefCountBitsT<(swift::RefCountInlinedness)1> >::doDecrementSlow<(swift::PerformDeinit)1>(swift::RefCountBitsT<(swift::RefCountInlinedness)1>, unsigned int) + 132 8 PSStore 0xab8de0 ThankYouViewController.viewCleanup() + 32 (TwoPhaseCommitHelper.swift:32) Complete stackTrace here com.predictspring.pos_issue_63a57f567d9db225552c2cd24d915564_crash_session_7dfdc13304324dd39f1e60b48d20a6af_DNE_0_v2_stacktrace.txt The stack trace line that refers to our code points to a specific implementation of a ThreadedDictionary where we are removing all the objects inside the internal storage: We have not been able to reproduce this crash, however we are seeing multiple instances in our crash reports for it (All instances happening in iPadOS + 16.4.1 devices). Is there anything relevant to take a look in the first 7 frames of the crash report to understand what could be the issue? While researching on this, we identified a post with a very similar stacktrace entries: We are not using GC or Unity, however the first entries in the stack trace look very similar. Rgds!
Mar ’24
FileDocument - open another file in the same directory as selected file
I'm working on a macOS app where my file format can include other files (think #include in C/C++). When opening a file with SwiftUI's document-based APIs (i.e., FileDocument), is there a way to get access to those other files? Alternatively, is there a way I could "open" the file's directory, similar to how Xcode opens the directory that a .xcodeproj is located? I don't mind falling back to older Cocoa APIs if this is too obscure for the shiny new stuff :)
Jul ’24
Process() object and async operation
I am maintaining a macOS app, a GUI on top of a command line tool. A Process() object is used to kick off the command line tool with arguments. And completion handlers are triggered for post actions when command line tool is completed. My question is: I want to refactor the process to use async and await, and not use completion handlers. func execute(command: String, arguments:[String]) -&gt; async { let task = Process() task.launchPath = command task.arguments = arguments ... do { try } catch let e { let error = e propogateerror(error: error) } ... } ... and like this in calling the process await execute(..) Combine is used to monitor the ProcessTermination: NotificationCenter.default.publisher( for: Process.didTerminateNotification) .debounce(for: .milliseconds(500), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { _ in ..... // Release Combine subscribers self.subscriptons.removeAll() }.store(in: &amp;subscriptons) Using Combine works fine by using completion handlers, but not by refactor to async. What is the best way to refactor the function? I know there is a task.waitUntilExit(), but is this 100% bulletproof? Will it always wait until external task is completed?
Mar ’24
KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol - Why so many requirements?
The interface for the KeyedDecodingContainer protocol declares a bunch of requirements like such: func decode(_ type: Bool.Type, forKey key: Self.Key) throws -> Bool func decode(_ type: String.Type, forKey key: Self.Key) throws -> String func decode(_ type: Double.Type, forKey key: Self.Key) throws -> Double // etc. As well as a generic one: func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: Self.Key) throws -> T where T : Decodable Is that done for performance reasons? I have implemented a return-type-aware generic extension on KeyedDecodingContainer which always defers to the aforementioned generic implementation: func decode<Value: Decodable>( type: Value.Type = Value.self, _ key: Key ) throws -> Value { try decode(type, forKey: key) } Which allows me to decode anything in the following way: self.myValue = container.decode(.myValue) // instead of self.myValue = container.decode(String.self, forKey: .myValue) Now, this works fine and all, but upon submitting this extension for code review, one of my colleague raised concerns for defaulting to calling only the generic implementation rather than the statically-typed one (where applicable). So, my question is, are these concerns valid?
Mar ’24
NSMutableDictionary removeAllObjects does not free up used memory!
I have a custom Objective-C ObjectCache class that utilized NSMutableDictionary to store named objects (specifically large NSImage objects). The class has a maxItems property and clear method, which worked fine. - (void)clear { @synchronized(_cache) { [_cache removeAllObjects]; } } But yesterday I received a customer feedback complaining one of my app consumes up to 24GB memory. I verified that on my M1 Mac mini, and it's true. Even after calling clear method, memory usage shown in both Xcode debugger panel and Activity Monitor remains the same. It did work before. Once I close a picture gallery window by calling clear method, memory usage dropped immediately as shown in Activity Monitor. I suspect that this is a bug in ARM architecture. Does anyone else have same problem?
Mar ’24
Addressing App Crashes Due to Locked Files in Shared Containers on Background Transition
Hi everyone, I'm facing a critical issue with my app crashing when it goes into the background, and I'm hoping to find some advice or solutions from this knowledgeable community. My app utilizes a shared directory between itself and a FileProvider, alongside tdlib, which includes SQLite. The logic to work with tdlib is housed within a shared framework, which necessitates access to certain files by both the App and FileProvider. However, when I minimize the app, it crashes and logs the following error: [app<com.sedoyjan.keepgram(74B4C997-E6C2-4B65-8A31-CA1809248B01)>:3941] Terminating with context: <RBSTerminateContext| domain:15 code:0xDEAD10CC explanation:[app<com.sedoyjan.keepgram(74B4C997-E6C2-4B65-8A31-CA1809248B01)>:3941] was suspended with locked system files: /var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/1F13B8D2-EC11-465C-85DE-2ED8797C5DF0/td/db.sqlite /var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/1F13B8D2-EC11-465C-85DE-2ED8797C5DF0/td/td.binlog not in allowed directories: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8C035881-2676-4B92-A9AB-51A664D541C8 /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8C035881-2676-4B92-A9AB-51A664D541C8/tmp reportType:CrashLog maxTerminationResistance:Absolute> This error suggests that the app is terminated due to having locked files within the shared container, which aren't allowed when the app is suspended. My question to the community is: Is there a way to keep the app running in the background without running into this issue with locked files in the shared container? Are there specific practices or architectural changes I should consider to prevent these crashes? Any advice, insights, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I navigate this challenge. Thank you in advance for your help!
Mar ’24
The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1011.)
I'm using Firebase Auth and Firestore on my app. When I already signed in, my code in init() function workes fine and my screens automatically updated when data load. But when I first sign in, I get The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1011.) error and the rest of the code dont work as it should be. What is the issue and how can I solve it?
Mar ’24
Behavior change for malloc zones in macOS Ventura
In our codebase we have an option in our Debug builds to replace the malloc implementation with a wrapper function so we can write unit tests to detect allocations in code we expect to be allocation free. We were doing this using malloc_default_zone() to get the malloc zone and then vm_protect to make the zone read/write to change malloc and free to wrapper functions (then restore the permissions on the zone with vm_protect. We noticed this was no longer working on macOS Ventura. When trying to research this I couldn't find anything related in the change logs but did find this StackOverflow post suggesting to use malloc_get_all_zones() instead of malloc_default_zone(). We tried this and still were not able to override the malloc behavior. In the example program below I would expect to see some MY MALLOC! message printed when malloc is called: #include <array> #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> #include <mach/mach.h> #include <malloc/malloc.h> using malloc_ptr = void *(*)(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size); std::array<malloc_ptr, 3> original_mallocs; template <size_t N> void *my_malloc(malloc_zone_t *zone, size_t size) { std::cout << "MY MALLOC! " << N << '\n'; return original_mallocs[N](zone, size); } template <size_t N> void hook_malloc(auto zone) { original_mallocs[N] = zone->malloc; vm_protect(mach_task_self(), (uintptr_t)zone, sizeof(malloc_zone_t), 0, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE); zone->malloc = &my_malloc<N>; } void setup_malloc_hooks() { malloc_zone_t **zones = nullptr; unsigned int num_zones = 0; if (KERN_SUCCESS != malloc_get_all_zones(0, NULL, (vm_address_t **)&zones, &num_zones)) { // Reset the value in case the failure happened after it was num_zones = 0; } if (num_zones) { for (auto i = 0; i < num_zones; ++i) { switch (i) { case 0: std::cout << "hooking zone 0\n"; hook_malloc<0>(zones[0]); break; case 1: std::cout << "hooking zone 1\n"; hook_malloc<1>(zones[1]); break; case 2: std::cout << "hooking zone 2\n"; hook_malloc<2>(zones[2]); break; default: std::cout << "NOT hooking zone " << i << '\n'; break; } } } else { std::cout << "using default zone\n"; hook_malloc<0u>(malloc_default_zone()); } std::cout << '\n'; } void print_mallocs() { malloc_zone_t **zones = nullptr; unsigned int num_zones = 0; if (KERN_SUCCESS != malloc_get_all_zones(0, NULL, (vm_address_t **)&zones, &num_zones)) { // Reset the value in case the failure happened after it was num_zones = 0; } if (num_zones) { for (auto i = 0; i < num_zones; ++i) { std::cout << "zone: " << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(zones[i]->malloc) << '\n'; } } else { auto zone = malloc_default_zone(); std::cout << "default zone: " << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(zone->malloc) << '\n'; } std::cout << '\n'; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { print_mallocs(); setup_malloc_hooks(); print_mallocs(); void *v = malloc(123); uintptr_t my_v = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(v); std::cout << "my_v is " << my_v << "\n"; return 0; } Does anyone have any insight into what might have changed or how we can work around it?
Mar ’24
Xcode 15.3 and iOS 17.4 generate a CPU spike when launching the app
I've just updated to Xcode 15.3 and iOS 17.4 (simulator). Every time I launch the app, I see a CPU spike keeping the CPU at 100% for about 30 seconds on a background thread. After those 30 seconds, there's a 'Thread Performance Checker' error posted on the console. This does not happen when using Xcode 15.2 and running on iOS 17.2. or iOS 16.4. Thread Performance Checker: Thread running at User-initiated quality-of-service class waiting on a thread without a QoS class specified (base priority 33). Investigate ways to avoid priority inversions PID: 70633, TID: 2132693 Backtrace ================================================================= 3 CFNetwork 0x000000018454094c estimatedPropertyListSize + 28648 4 CFNetwork 0x00000001843d7fc0 cfnTranslateCFError + 1864 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010557173c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105573210 _dispatch_once_callout + 84 7 CFNetwork 0x00000001843d7f8c cfnTranslateCFError + 1812 8 CFNetwork 0x0000000184540814 estimatedPropertyListSize + 28336 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010557173c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105573210 _dispatch_once_callout + 84 11 CFNetwork 0x0000000184540728 estimatedPropertyListSize + 28100 12 CFNetwork 0x0000000184540794 estimatedPropertyListSize + 28208 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010557173c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105573210 _dispatch_once_callout + 84 15 CFNetwork 0x0000000184540780 estimatedPropertyListSize + 28188 16 CFNetwork 0x00000001844e8664 _CFNetworkHTTPConnectionCacheSetLimit + 191584 17 CFNetwork 0x00000001844e78dc _CFNetworkHTTPConnectionCacheSetLimit + 188120 18 CFNetwork 0x000000018439ce5c _CFURLCachePersistMemoryToDiskNow + 25460 19 CFNetwork 0x0000000184483068 _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 609680 20 CFNetwork 0x000000018445105c _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 404868 21 CFNetwork 0x000000018443a040 _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 310632 22 CFNetwork 0x000000018453be14 estimatedPropertyListSize + 9392 23 CFNetwork 0x000000018440fa5c _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 137092 26 CFNetwork 0x000000018445b398 _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 446656 27 CFNetwork 0x0000000184459db8 _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 441056 28 CFNetwork 0x000000018445cf60 _CFStreamErrorFromCFError + 453768 29 CFNetwork 0x0000000184541838 estimatedPropertyListSize + 32468 30 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010556fec4 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 31 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010557173c _dispatch_client_callout + 16 32 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105579a30 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 916 33 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010557a774 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 420 34 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010557b6e4 _dispatch_workloop_invoke + 864 35 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001055871a8 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 324 36 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105586604 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 488 37 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000106b87924 _pthread_wqthread + 284 38 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000106b866e4 start_wqthread + 8
Apr ’24