Mac Catalyst

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Start building a native Mac app from your current iPad app using Mac Catalyst.

Posts under Mac Catalyst tag

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Is there a way to opt a Catalyst app into supporting preferred text size?
As of macOS Sequoia 15.1 (and probably earlier), in System Settings under Accessibility -> Display, there's a Text Size option that looks an awful lot like Dynamic Type on iOS: I have an iOS app with robust support for Dynamic Type that I've brought to the Mac via Catalyst. Is there any way for me to opt this app into supporting this setting, maybe with some Info.plist key? Calendar's Info.plist has a CTIgnoreUserFonts value set to true, but the Info.plist for Notes has no such value.
Oct ’24
How can I make my multi-window Catalyst app restore window size and position after closing with stoplight button?
I have a Catalyst app that supports multiple scenes / windows. It has one "main" window type and lots of other secondary windows that can be opened. I'm using the system window restoration functionality via NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows to restore windows with their user activity data after the app is quit and restarted. Normally, this works great. If I open my app, change the size and position of my window, quit, and reopen it, the window size and position comes back as expected. But if I close the window using the red stoplight button and then click the app icon to bring it back, it comes back at the default position and size. This isn't how other system apps work - if I close the system Calendar app with the stoplight button, it comes back at the same size and position. How do I get this behavior with my Catalyst app? Is there some identifier property I need to set somewhere? I don't see such a property on UISceneConfiguration. If it matters, I'm using the configurationForConnectingSceneSession method to configure my windows when they open, instead of setting it up in the Info.plist.
Oct ’24
Required initializer unavailable in Mac Catalyst
Hello, I've just enabled Mac Catalyst for my already available and working iPad. When trying to build for Mac Catalyst I get this error in a subclass of NSURL. required initializer .... must be provided by subclass of NSURL Ok. So I add that, but then it tells me the Mac Catalyst doesn't support NSPasteboard. `NSPasteboard is unavailable in Mac Catalyst' This seems like a catch-22! I've tried variations like #if canImport(AppKit) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst) required init?(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: Any, ofType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) { fatalError("init(pasteboardPropertyList:ofType:) has not been implemented") } #endif But not having any luck.
Oct ’24
Weird vibrancy effects on Mac Catalyst
Hello, my app uses vibrancy effects thanks to SwiftUI's materials and hierarchical shape style. While they work flawlessly on iOS and iPadOS, on Mac Catalyst they seem to be pretty broken. I'm attaching some screenshots. iPad Mac This is the same code, with the same background behind the material. The colors are already pretty different, but my concern is about the text, which clearly looks broken Here a sample code: HStack(spacing: 0) { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) { Text(event.label) .font(.subheadline.weight(.semibold)) .foregroundStyle(.secondary) Text( currentDestination)) .font(.system(.title2, design: .rounded, weight: .semibold)) .foregroundStyle(.primary) } Spacer(minLength: 0) InfoIcon(isCustom: event.isCustomIcon, icon: event.icon, renderingMode: .palette, size: iconSize) .font(.body.weight(.semibold)) } .padding(.horizontal, 24) .padding(.vertical, 12) .background(.quaternary, in: .rect(cornerRadius: 16, style: .continuous)) .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 16, style: .continuous)) .padding(.all, 16) .background(.ultraThinMaterial, in: .rect)
Oct ’24
App will build and run once; then crashes on phantom AVPlayerView reference every time
My application suddenly started crashing on launch when I target "My Mac - designed for iPad." But only after the first build from scratch, which runs once. All subsequent runs crash with: dyld[90869]: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVPlayerView Referenced from: <D566512D-CAB4-3EA6-9B87-DBD15C6E71B3> /Applications/ Expected in: <4C34313C-03AD-32EB-8722-8A77C64AB959> /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks/AVKit.framework/Versions/A/AVKit I don't use AVPlayerView anywhere in my application. A file-contents search of the entire source tree doesn't turn it up either. The application doesn't even get to the point of instantiating the app object, so none of my code is involved. If I switch the target to my iPhone, it will build and run repeatedly. If I then switch back to "My Mac," it will build and run once... and then crash every time. Further research shows that this only happens in Debug builds. This is a major issue right now because iOS 18 broke authentication certificates (thus HTTPS), so anyone writing or debugging an app that needs network functionality must use HTTP on localhost. In my case, I'm dead in the water because I can't debug on my local machine. Has anyone seen something like this before? I can find no reference to anything like it.
Oct ’24
How to get UIFont to respect preferredContentSizeCategory in a Mac Catalyst app?
I have an iOS app that relies on dynamic text size such that all fonts in the app respect the user's setting of Text Size in the iOS Settings app. This app also runs on macOS via Mac Catalyst. But until macOS 14 Sonoma, there was no Text Size setting in the macOS Settings app. But even as of Sonoma, the Text Size setting isn't usable by 3rd party apps. And Sequoia doesn't seem to change that. As a work around, my Mac Catalyst app provides its own Text Size setting. I was able to make it work by providing my own UIApplication subclass and overriding preferredContentSizeCategory. Under macOS 12 to macOS 14, this workaround works just fine and all fonts in the app created with code such as UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle:) gives appropriately sized fonts based on the overridden content size category. However, this workaround stopped working with macOS 15 Sequoia. I've also tried code such as: self.window.traitOverrides.preferredContentSizeCategory = myCustomSizeCategoryValue and self.window.maximumContentSizeCategory = myCustomSizeCategoryValue self.window.minimumContentSizeCategory = myCustomSizeCategoryValue in the scene delegate but that made no difference. Is there any way to get code such as UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle:) to return an appropriately sized font based on some app provided content size category in a Mac Catalyst app running under macOS 15? It sure would be nice if Mac Catalyst apps automatically responded to the macOS Text Size setting under Settings -> Accessibility -> Display -> Text Size just like a native iOS app.
Oct ’24
Mac Catalyst 18 TabView selection binding broken
I think I've found a bug with SwiftUI TabView selection binding on Mac Catalyst 18. This code prints to the console when the SceneStorage variable for the TabView selection changes. If you run the code below on iOS and change the tab, the selection prints to the console indicating the SceneStorage variable has changed. If you run the code below on Mac Catalyst 18 in Sequoia and change the tab, the selection does not print to the console indicating the SceneStorage variable has not changed. Looking for input please before I turn this over to Apple code-level support. // // ContentView.swift // tabview-catalyst-issue // import SwiftUI import os.log enum TabDisplay: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable { case list case grid var id: String { self.rawValue } } struct ContentView: View { @SceneStorage("selectedTabView") var selectedTabView = TabDisplay.list var body: some View { VStack { TabView(selection: $selectedTabView) { Text("LIST") .tabItem { Image(systemName: "list.bullet") Text("List") } .tag(TabDisplay.list) Text("GRID") .tabItem { Image(systemName: "rectangle.split.3x3") Text("Grid") } .tag(TabDisplay.grid) } } .padding() .onChange(of: self.selectedTabView, perform: { value in // Added to show that the TabView binding doesn't work in Mac Catalyst 18 print(value) }) } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Oct ’24
How to migrate macOS keychain entry to new rewritten app?
I'm working on replacing an AppKit-based Mac app with one built on Catalyst, and the Catalyst app doesn't seem to be able to read the keychain item that was saved by the old app. Both apps are using the same bundle ID. The old app uses the old SecKeychain APIs - SecKeychainFindGenericPassword and friends - and the Catalyst app uses the newer SecItemCopyMatching and such. When I try using the new API in the old app to search for the entry, it works, but the exact same code in Catalyst fails. Here's how I save an item in the old app: NSString *strItemId = @"my_item_id; NSString *username = @"user"; const char *userPointer = [username UTF8String]; NSString *password = @"password"; const char *pwPointer = [password UTF8String]; SecKeychainItemRef ref = NULL; OSStatus status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword(0, (UInt32)strlen(strItemId.UTF8String), strItemId.UTF8String, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ref); if (status == errSecSuccess && ref != NULL) { //update existing item SecKeychainAttribute attr; attr.length = (UInt32)strlen(userPointer); = (void *)userPointer; attr.tag = kSecAccountItemAttr; SecKeychainAttributeList list; list.count = 1; list.attr = &attr; OSStatus writeStatus = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(ref, &list, (UInt32)strlen(pwPointer), pwPointer); } else { status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword(NULL, (UInt32)strlen(strItemId.UTF8String), strItemId.UTF8String, (UInt32)strlen(userPointer), userPointer, (UInt32)strlen(pwPointer), pwPointer, NULL); } And here's the query code that works in the old app but returns errSecItemNotFound in Catalyst: NSMutableDictionary *queryDict = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init]autorelease]; [queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword forKey:(__bridge id)kSecClass]; [queryDict setObject:(@"my_item_id") forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrService]; [queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimitOne forKey:(__bridge id)kSecMatchLimit]; [queryDict setObject:(__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue forKey:(__bridge id)kSecReturnAttributes]; CFMutableDictionaryRef outDictionary = nil; OSStatus err = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)queryDict, (CFTypeRef *)&outDictionary); I tried creating a new blank AppKit-based Mac app project in Xcode and gave it the old Mac app's bundle ID, and the SecItemCopyMatching query code above works there. Then I created a new iOS target with Catalyst enabled, also with the same bundle ID, and the query code running there under Catalyst returned errSecItemNotFound. So maybe the issue is something specific to Catalyst? Is there something I need to do with the Catalyst app to give it access to the old app's keychain entry, besides setting its bundle ID to match the old app?
Oct ’24
A glitch with retained view controllers on Catalyst
Hello! I discovered a bug on Catalyst about a three years ago but it still seems to be not fixed. My bug report number is FB9705748. The Internet is silent on this so I'm even not sure, perhaps it's only me. So to the problem. When you display UICollectionViewController or UIViewController that contains UICollectionView, interact with the collection view then dismiss the view controller, the displayed view controller isn't released if dismissal is done through navigation bar item. The problem occurs only when the run target is My Mac (Mac Catalyst). Everything is fine when you run on iOS or via My Mac (Designed for iPad). The sample project is uploaded to GitHub. It has a video that shows this strange behavior, see the log for 'deinit' messages. I did have some workaround to fix this but it stops to work, presumable on the new macOS. Also, chances are that it's not only UICollectionView which initiates the glitch, it's just that I only encounter it with collection views.
Xcodebuild linker error - referencing Mac OS SDK for iOS builds.
I'm trying to build an iOS project in command line via xcodebuild. OS: Mac OS 15.1 beta Xcode: Xcode 16 Creating a new iOS project and trying to run xcodebuild results in this error. No other dependencies, no frameworks added. ld: building for 'iOS', but linking in dylib (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX15.0.sdk/usr/lib/libobjc.A.tbd) built for 'macOS macCatalyst zippered(macOS/Catalyst)' My initial plan was to do this with a VisionOS project, but for some reason, I'm getting errors like this for both platforms and brand new projects. Any pointers as to what is referencing the MacOS SDK and how I can fix this would be helpful. Complete log: /Applications/ -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release -scheme iphonedummy build CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO -verbose User defaults from command line: IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES Build settings from command line: CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED = NO SDKROOT = iphoneos18.0 Prepare packages ComputeTargetDependencyGraph note: Building targets in dependency order note: Target dependency graph (1 target) Target 'iphonedummy' in project 'iphonedummy' (no dependencies) GatherProvisioningInputs CreateBuildDescription // Removed a block for length. ExecuteExternalTool /Applications/ -v -E -dM -isysroot /Applications/ -x c -c /dev/null // Removed another block for length. Build description signature: dc5e0c08dfce007b98c7bce87acea5fe Build description path: /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/XCBuildData/dc5e0c08dfce007b98c7bce87acea5fe.xcbuilddata ClangStatCache /Applications/ /Applications/ /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SDKStatCaches.noindex/iphoneos18.0-22A3362-8ec3fe4dca91fa9a941eaa2d5faad0e4.sdkstatcache cd /Users/sravankaruturi/dev/iphonedummy/iphonedummy.xcodeproj /Applications/ /Applications/ -o /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SDKStatCaches.noindex/iphoneos18.0-22A3362-8ec3fe4dca91fa9a941eaa2d5faad0e4.sdkstatcache ProcessInfoPlistFile /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target 'iphonedummy' from project 'iphonedummy') cd /Users/sravankaruturi/dev/iphonedummy builtin-infoPlistUtility /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -producttype -genpkginfo /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ -expandbuildsettings -format binary -platform iphoneos -additionalcontentfile /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -requiredArchitecture arm64 -o /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ Ld /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ normal (in target 'iphonedummy' from project 'iphonedummy') cd /Users/sravankaruturi/dev/iphonedummy /Applications/ -Xlinker -reproducible -target arm64-apple-ios18.0 -isysroot /Applications/ -Os -L/Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Release-iphoneos -L/Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos -F/Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/EagerLinkingTBDs/Release-iphoneos -F/Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos -filelist /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -fobjc-link-runtime -L/Applications/ -L/usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/sravankaruturi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphonedummy-bwpzemojmpkzehhhkxqtjearnxkl/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/ ld: building for 'iOS', but linking in dylib (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX15.0.sdk/usr/lib/libobjc.A.tbd) built for 'macOS macCatalyst zippered(macOS/Catalyst)' clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Sep ’24
SKIncludeConsumableInAppPurchaseHistory not working
I've been trying to test if the StoreKit API returns finished consumables when you fetch all transactions. I added the SKIncludeConsumableInAppPurchaseHistory key to my Info.plist I purchased 2 consumables and verified that they show up when you fetch all transactions before I finish them. But when I fetch all transactions after finishing them, it doesn't contain the finished consumables. Has anyone had success with this or is this a bug? I tested using Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) running a macOS Catalyst app on Sonoma 14.7 (23H124). Edit: If I try to get the transaction history using the from my server, I get the transactions back. So it seems like it's a bug on the client side.
Sep ’24
Wait for some completion in main thread using Catalyst environment
I need to bring an iOS application to macOS using Catalyst. This application contain parts where it waits for a button to be pressed in the main thread, using [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1]]; in a while loop to allow some dispatching while waiting. I know that this is not good style, but I need to convert this old source code and mentioned that when using this part of code under Catalyst, the main thread will not dispatch. So the button cannot be clicked, and a beach ball appears after two seconds. I saw a similar construct for native macOS applications: NSEvent *event= [[NSApplication sharedApplication] nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskAny untilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; if (event) { [[NSApplication sharedApplication] sendEvent:event]; } but I do not have access to NSEvent and NSApplication in a Catalyst environment. Question: I there any code snippet which I can use to achieve the above? I do not want to completely rewrite old code if there is a solution for this. Any ideas or hints are highly appreciated. Thank you! Markus
Oct ’24
Symbol Not Found Error in VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D with MacCatalyst on macOS 14.6.1 (Xcode 16)
We have updated our cross-platform applications to support iOS 18 and are in the final stages of releasing versions built with MacCatalyst. After merging the MacCatalyst changes with those for iOS 18, we are now required to build the app using Xcode 16. However, since transitioning to Xcode 16, the app builds successfully but crashes immediately on startup with the following error: dyld[45279]: Symbol not found: _$sSo22VNFaceLandmarkRegion2DC6VisionE16normalizedPointsSaySo7CGPointVGvg Referenced from: <211097A0-6612-3A9A-80B5-AE12915EBA2A> /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DM_iOS_Apps-gzpzdsacfldxxwclyngreqkbhtey/Build/Products/Debug-maccatalyst/ Expected in: <50DB755E-C83C-3FC7-A0BB-9C4DF9FEA374> /System/Library/Frameworks/Vision.framework/Versions/A/Vision This crash occurs only when building the app with Xcode 16 for MacCatalyst on macOS 14.6.1. On iOS and macOS 15, it functions as expected, and it also worked prior to the iOS 18 changes, which are independent of the Vision framework code, when building with Xcode 15. Here are the environment details where the error occurs: Xcode Version: Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) macOS Version: macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 And the setup where it works: Xcode Version: Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) macOS Version: macOS Sequoia 15.0 Additionally, attempting to implement a workaround using pointsInImage(imageSize:) resulted in a similar issue, where the symbol for this method is also missing. Is this a known issue? Are there any workarounds or fixes available? We have already submitted this issue as feedback (FB15164375), along with a demo project to illustrate the problem.
Oct ’24
macOS Sequoia – NSToolbar on Catalyst disappeared
Hello, I have a macOS Catalyst app that I now began updating and building against the iOS 18/macOS Sequoia SDKs. Most things appear to be working just fine as before, apart from my NSToolbar. At the root of my app I am presenting a UISplitViewController which gets a custom SidebarViewController and a UITabBarController as its viewControllers. Then at same point in the apps lifecycle the UITabBarController presents another ViewController modally. I then associate the controllers window with a custom NSToolbar like this: let toolbar = NSToolbar(identifier: "mainToolbar") toolbar.displayMode = .iconAndLabel toolbar.delegate = self toolbar.allowsUserCustomization = false titleBar.toolbarStyle = .automatic titleBar.titleVisibility = .hidden titleBar.toolbar = toolbar I also disable automatic NSToolbar hosting via: (returning .none). Now all of this worked fine on macOS Sonoma and previous versions but on Sequoia my custom toolbar refuses to show up. My suspicion is that is has something to do with the new tab and sidebar behaviour introduced with the new SDKs ( For now within my UITabBarController I was able to revert to the old look using: if #available(iOS 18.0, *) { mode = .tabSidebar sidebar.isHidden = true isTabBarHidden = true } This result in a look similar to the previous macOS version but my NSToolbar unfortunately remains hidden. Is there an easy fix for this? Since I am a solo developer I would prefer to spend my available resources currently on other features and adopt the new tab/sidebars a couple months down the line. Appreciate any help and hints, thanks! There used to be a toolbar here on the right side. ↑
Sep ’24
Passkey authorization succeeds on iOS, fails on macOS with Catalyst
I'm using the same code to authenticate using passkeys on iOS and macOS. On iOS (simulator, on-device, and deployed with TestFlight), I have no issues registering or authenticating with a passkey. On macOS using Catalyst, when I attempt to authenticate with a passkey (ASAuthorizationController#performRequests), I see the following error: Error Code=1004 "Application with identifier is not associated with domain" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Application with identifier is not associated with domain} I've double-checked my apple-app-site-association file is being served from the associated domain, and I've double-checked that the Apple CDN is also returning that same association file with webcredentials for my team/bundle. Any ideas why it would succeed in iOS environments but fail under macOS with Catalyst?
Sep ’24
How can I use the F8 play/pause key to control media playback in Catalyst?
I have a Catalyst app that plays audio via AVQueuePlayer, and I'd like to use the system play/pause key (F8 on my MacBook Pro keyboard) to play and pause it. It doesn't seem to work automatically, and if I hook up a UIKeyCommand using UIKeyInputF8, it works with Fn-F8, not F8 on its own. It does seem to work in Overcast's Mac app, but I think that's an iPad app for Mac, not Catalyst, so it's probably going through whatever system pathway that the Lock Screen controls would be using on iOS. How do I make this work on Catalyst?
Aug ’24