Same issue here — @bondad have you found a solution?
Thought I was the only one!
It's clearly a bug on Apple side. For now, you will just have to revert to Xcode 16.1.
Apple has made Xcode 16.2 beta 3 the "Latest Release" on Xcode Cloud so a lot of builds are failing. @DTS Engineer this needs to be fixed
If your builds are failing, just revert to Xcode 16.1 in your workflow ✅
Found the solution (at least for live activities!)
Make sure to conform your AppIntent to LiveActivityIntent and perform() will be called.
Found the solution! Make sure to conform your AppIntent to LiveActivityIntent and perform() will be called.
Still present in beta 6.
Is the issue still ongoing for anyone else?
Are they signed into the same Apple ID that you invite? I had this problem today and just added my personal Apple ID to the team
Before the public release, Apple will allow you to submit apps using Xcode 16 so there is no need to downgrade.
You can also submit a feature request here:
Good luck!
It's difficult to comment without knowing your app, but you can submit an appeal to App Review if you believe this is an error. Sometimes they may just need some extra information or clarification
Ensure your the build is uploaded using the 'TestFlight & App Store' distribution method.
App Review should have provided you with some detailed rejection notes. Do you put the screenshots into a device frame? Most rejections are usually around these if you have followed everything else in the guidelines.
Unfortunately not, the build must be re-uploaded with the correct distribution method (TestFlight & App Store).
An alternative would be to use Xcode Cloud if you have this set up.
There is no submit button for External Testing. Once you add a build to the external group, it will be submitted.
Is your build showing as 'Waiting For Review'?
Make sure to have also filled out the Test Information