




Can't log in to sandbox to test in-app purchase
I'm trying to test in-app purchase. I have logged out of my account on the phone. When I try to make the purchase, the dialog only asks for a password. It doesn't ask for an email/username. So I cannot log in with the sandbox account. I have also tried to log in in settings with the test user. It still shows the dialog asking for just password. If I enter the sanbox uers password, it says it's incorrect. How can I get the dialog to ask for email and password?
May ’20
Restoring in-app purchase no longer works
I have apps that have worked for years with non-consumable in-app purchases that users could restore. Now it no longer works.I call[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];In the store observer, it used to go here- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions { // never gets here for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions) { switch (transaction.transactionState) { case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored: // used to go here, no longer doesNow it goes here- (void)paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue { // goes here with [queue.transactions count] == 0I've downloaded the example code here and it has the same problem.
Nov ’19
How can I prove I own an app I made myself?
I'm having problems with app review. First they claimed I used some kind of code generator. This is not true, I coded it myself in Xcode and could prove it with the project. Then they claimed that I made the app for a client and that it needs to be submitted from the client's account. This is not true, I made it by myself for myself. There is no client, just me. Now they say I need to submit legal documentation proving I own the app. I'm not sure what I can provide. I just made the app myself and put it on the app store. It's been there for years. It's not like I signed a contract with myseld or anything that would result in a legal document. I just made the app. The thing is, this is the situation for all my apps which I now fear will be rejected for the same reason. Has anyone else had this problem? What possible legal document could I produce?
Oct ’19
How to track an appeal?
I had an app rejected for a reason I thought was incorrect. I replied with an explanation and resubmitted, but it was rejected again, so I clicked the link to appeal that went to the link below where I submitted a detailed appeal. did not receive any email confirmation or response from the appeal and can find now way to track the status of the appeal. However, I do now see in iTunes Connect that the app no loger displays the red bar at the top that used to say "There are one or more issues with the following platform(s):1 unresolved iOS issue". Does this mean the appeal was accepted? Is there a way to track the status of an appeal?
Mar ’18
What are UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities for iPad?
I had an app rejected with the following:Guideline 2.3 - Performance - Accurate MetadataWe were unable to install the app on iPad. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on an iPad .In the info.plist it is:<key>UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities</key><array><string>armv7</string></array>This is the same as all my other apps that have been approved. I can install it on an iPad.What should the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities be?
Mar ’18
How to update bundle identifier for WatchKit app?
I have an Xcode project that I use to generate multiple apps. In the past, I just updated the bundle identifier to create each app. Now I have added a WatchKit extension, and get this error:WatchKit Extension doesn't contain any WatchKit apps whose bundle identifiers match "com.myco.oldid.watchkitapp". Verify that the value of WKAppBundleIdentifier in your WatchKit Extension's Info.plist matches the value of CFBundleIdentifier in your WatchKit App's Info.plist.In the app's info.plist bundle identifier is com.myco.newidIn the WatchKit extension nfo.plist bundle identifier is com.myco.newid.watchkitextensionIn the WatchKit app nfo.plist bundle identifier is com.myco.newid.watchkitapp and companion app bundle identifier is com.myco.newidI see com.myco.oldid.watchkitapp nowhere. Where else does it need to be updated?
Jun ’15