How to update bundle identifier for WatchKit app?

I have an Xcode project that I use to generate multiple apps. In the past, I just updated the bundle identifier to create each app. Now I have added a WatchKit extension, and get this error:

WatchKit Extension doesn't contain any WatchKit apps whose bundle identifiers match "com.myco.oldid.watchkitapp". Verify that the value of WKAppBundleIdentifier in your WatchKit Extension's Info.plist matches the value of CFBundleIdentifier in your WatchKit App's Info.plist.

In the app's info.plist bundle identifier is com.myco.newid

In the WatchKit extension nfo.plist bundle identifier is com.myco.newid.watchkitextension

In the WatchKit app nfo.plist bundle identifier is com.myco.newid.watchkitapp and companion app bundle identifier is com.myco.newid

I see com.myco.oldid.watchkitapp nowhere. Where else does it need to be updated?

Answered by in 12815022

In the WatchKit Extension info.plist is an entry NSExtension. Exand it and you'll find a key WKAppBundleIdentifier which is a reference to the bundle identifier of the WatchApp


Accepted Answer

In the WatchKit Extension info.plist is an entry NSExtension. Exand it and you'll find a key WKAppBundleIdentifier which is a reference to the bundle identifier of the WatchApp


Thanks for the fast answer. That fixed it.


I have found an issue while istaliing my app in xcode beta 7.3

arget : iPhone App

App ID : com.a.b

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitapp

App ID : com.tcs.vipps.watchkitapp

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

2. WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitextension

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitextension

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitextension

2. WKAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

After Building the app for paired iphone(ios 9.0) with iwatch(Watch OS 2.0) getting following error

error: Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.


I have found an issue while istaliing my app in xcode beta 7.3

arget : iPhone App

App ID : com.a.b

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitapp

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitapp

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

2. WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitextension

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitextension

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitextension

2. WKAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

After Building the app for paired iphone(ios 9.0) with iwatch(Watch OS 2.0) getting following error

error: Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.


I have found an issue while istaliing my app in xcode beta 7.3

arget : iPhone App

App ID : com.a.b

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitapp

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitapp

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

2. WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b

Target : watchkitextension

App ID : com.a.b.watchkitextension

1. Bundle identifier : com.a.b.watchkitextension

2. WKAppBundleIdentifier : com.a.b.watchkitapp

After Building the app for paired iphone(ios 9.0) with iwatch(Watch OS 2.0) getting following error

error: Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier.

thanks dirk!
How to update bundle identifier for WatchKit app?