UIFontPickerViewController works fine in iOS but does not show up in Catalyst. No any errors in console. Just does not appear. Have anybody the same problem? Any suggestions?Thanks
SF Symbols 2 crashes on start. Just every time. Does anyone have this problem?
When I click the "Xcode 15 beta and Selected Platforms" button, in the download section, I get this Xcode_15_beta.xcdownloadmanifest file, but I don't get Xcode 15 itself. So what exactly I should do to install Xcode 15?
I have an app localized to three languages, English is the base language.
But the app description in Appstore doesn't mention English, only two others.
What's the cause and how to fix it?
I have a set of SwiftData objects, which include a thumbnail and also HD image data.
I also have SwiftUI List, presenting, some information, including thumbnail image.
The problem is, firstly, when I scroll, memory goes up and up, never seemingly releasing objects showed once.
Secondly, it seems, it loads in the memory the whole object, including HD data, not only thumbnail.
What can be the right way to work around here?
I'm trying to add Cloud Kit integration to SwiftData app (that is already in the App Store, btw).
When the app is installed on devices that are directly connected to Xcode, it works (a bit slow, but pretty well).
But when the app is distributed to Testflight internal testers, the synchronization doesn't happen at all.
So, is this situation normal and how can I test apps with iCloud integration properly?