That does give SwiftUI precedence. You are going to have to namespace one or the other of them, you can't refer to them both as "Image". My suggestion has the SwiftUI one as "Image", and your one as "CrossPlatform.Image". Isn't that what you were asking for?
Close the thread by marking the correct answer.
Thanks, that seems to be it, I imported "Intents", but when I also imported "IntentsUI", the extra methods showed up! Do you see that @yankat73?
You are welcome!
Great! @Astghik remember to mark this response as the correct answer to the question.
What is the Mac?
These questions relate to the post-transfer state, so it may be best to ask them as a new question, then other people (who may only scan the question title) can also benefit.
Thanks @meaton, so NEHotspot... is marked as available in Catalyst, but it doesn't actually work. That's worth knowing!
@ Will Wang, did that fix it for you?
Yep. That's how you reserve the name, before the app is published.
From what you have said, you have taken the Display Name yourself, using your original Bundle ID.
You have caused your own conflict.
@Srikanth_Thangavel, did that fix it for you?
@Infinite_Loop, did that fix it for you?
And which line causes the error?
What Int array? Please share your code!