App name questions for Publishing on Store


I'm trying to understand how Apple Verify App Display Name for publishing on Apple Store.

My team made an app with display name on Testflight, for the sake of the example let's say

the Testflight app is:

  • Display name: MyApp
  • bundleId: com.mycompany.mayapp

Now we want to publish to Apple Store with the same name, but different bundleId:

  • Display name: MyApp
  • bundleId: com.mynewcompany.myapp

It's giving the error that the App Display Name is already in use.

Apple Store display name conflict with Testlight one? Or the name on Apple Store is already reserved by someone else?

If we change the name by just one character like MyApp! can we have any problem during App Review?

Answered by robnotyou in 691810022

If you change the Bundle ID, then that is a new app.
If your new Bundle ID uses the same app name as the original Bundle ID app name, then that's a confilct.

If you change the Bundle ID and the app name, then there is no conflict.

Accepted Answer

If you change the Bundle ID, then that is a new app.
If your new Bundle ID uses the same app name as the original Bundle ID app name, then that's a confilct.

If you change the Bundle ID and the app name, then there is no conflict.

@robnotyou I know that changing bundleId results in a different App, I'm talking about if I can publish app with same name but different bundleId on Apple Store, even though I had the same name on Testflight.

The error that I'm seeing is because someone else has already taken our Display Name?

App name questions for Publishing on Store