I think your problem is that bcity is an Optional, so you can't use it in that way.
Can you show more code? How do you declare ads?
First, try this:
Text("Measurement: \(current.temperature.formatted(.measurement(width: .wide, usage: .weather, numberFormatStyle: .number)))")
Is there any way to do that without applying MFI lisence
I'm afraid not..
You won't be able to get the information and resources that you need, without joining the MFi Program.
The functions that you are having a problem with, all append an opening bracket, "(".
But nowhere in your code do you supply the closing bracket, ")".
So the expression that you build is invalid.
After you have completed the numeric input, if the expression contains an unmatched "(", you must then add the closing ")".
You will probably need to add some extra state, to allow this.
Where are you calling progressStart?
This works for me:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var progressIndicator: NSProgressIndicator!
override func viewDidLoad() {
progressIndicator.doubleValue = 0
DispatchQueue.main.async {
@IBAction func progressStart(_ sender: Any) {
for progress in 0..<100 {
// Update the progress value in a loop
progressIndicator.doubleValue = Double(progress)
(No need for startAnimation or stopAnimation, with a determinate progress indicator.)
As you have seen, Xcode 14.3.1 will not work with Sonoma.
You will need to use the Xcode 15 beta, which can be downloaded from the Apple Developer website.
Hard to say...
Simply writing import AVKit is enough to make it work for me.
That suggests there may be an issue with the setup of your Xcode?
Of course, my Xcode had to import tvOS first (as it is no longer included in the default install)...
...trying to create a new tvOS project initially prompted me with:
tvOS Not Installed
You will not be able to build or run your project
...but you checked that first, right?
XCode 14.3.1 (14E300c)
Theoretically, you could start again from scratch, but it would be much simpler to use the existing project.
Personal opinions may vary, but I find that I can use Xcode most effectively when I have lots of screen space.
Using my MacBook Pro 13" is fine for some "light" development work, but when the going gets serious, I always turn to my main machine, which uses a 3-monitor setup.
You may find a similar situation with a 14" MBP.
Basic development work on the laptop is okay, but one or more external monitors may be preferable.
You can size and distribute Xcode/Simulator/Documentation/Browser windows (among the screens) as you like, to create your preferred work environment.
Looks okay here...
Can you say anything more about the issue you are seeing?
Thank you. I don't get where I can manage this (disabling Ipad) in appstore connect. Could you tell me more about that ?
Typically, you would do this in Xcode, not App Store Connect.
Just create an app that targets iPhone only.
Yes, this is possible, and quite common.
Submit for iPhone only.
Later, you can add iPad.