That's interesting! I'll have a think about why that might be.
Is userLocationButton on a Storyboard? Can you try using my code, without userLocationButton first, and see how that works?
Cancelling may cause you further problems, when you try again? Give it time... lots of time... the purpose of my post was to make people aware of that!
This trickle-feed of information makes it very difficult to answer your question.
Well, that is certainly a different Bundle ID to the one in your first post! Is "Mathventure" the name of your app?
Agree with @Claude31. You must first select "Interface: Storyboard", then you can select "Language: Objective-C"
Well, we can definitely say that the fix is not working!
Any progress on this, @charan2987?
Have you made any progress with this, @NeroTgi?
Have you made any progress, @norapuntigam?
Did you try Network Link Conditioner, @heyjoe1984?
Hmm... it's much worse again, this weekend.
Try removing all the extra blank lines.
Much better!