




App Rejections
Our app is being rejected for ‘1.4.1 Physical Harm’ with the reason ‘We are still unable to locate links to medical sources in the app.’ Firstly, to clarify, we don’t offer any form of medical or health advice. The app is a diet tracker. We have a guide in the app where literally every paragraph and every page has links to books, research, etc. In the ‘About Us’ section, we include a list of qualified professionals we work with, including mini bios for each one. These professionals either author or review our content. Despite providing screenshots and evidence, we keep receiving the same feedback: ‘We are still unable to locate links to medical sources in the app.’ I’m not sure if it’s a good approach to appeal since we’ve never had this issue before and the app has been on the App Store for 12 years. We’d rather resolve this with the reviewer, but it’s hard not to think that there is bias. Any advice would be appreciated.
Jul ’24
StoreKit Xcode generated receipt has wrong date(s)?
When using a StoreKit Configuration file to test IAPs the purchaseDate in the generated receipt is in the future by +1 hour which happens to be my GMT+1 timezone. For example: Current date: (lldb) po [NSDate date] 2021-04-20 21:51:26 +0000 Purchase date: (lldb) po self.purchaseDate 2021-04-20 22:51:04 +0000 This looks to me like a bug in StoreKit testing unless if there is some timezone config I missed?
Apr ’21
App Approved but new IAPs are 'awaiting review"
Hi all,I was about to manually release an update when I realised that all (new) IAPs (auto-renewable) have not been reviewed and are still stuck in 'awaiting review'.I did some searchign and found that that a binnary needs to be associated with any new IAPs to trigger a review but I cannot find any UI to do that. Screenshots I found online show a section that doesn't exist in my dashboard.Anyone knows how it's done?Thank you
Mar ’20
Subscription never renews on Sandbox
Hi,We're experiencing an issue where the subscription never renews on Sandbox no matter what we try.There is always 1 in app purchase (the original purchase) in the purchase receipt. To confirm we didn't miss a renewal in the transaction observer we "restore purchases" and check the receipt again. Nothing changes, only the original in-app purchase can be found in the receipt.Only a brand new subscription purchase adds additional in-apps to the receipt - we never see any renewals.We have created new test accounts to confirm that the issue is not related to the auto-renew limit. How are auto-renewals meant to work on the Sandbox?Any ideas?Thank you
Mar ’20