




App built with Xcode 13 RC rejected for using pre-release software ?
Submitted a build for iOS 15 and app was rejected with the following message. Is there something special we need to do when submitting early for iOS 15 using Xcode 13 RC? Could it be that I selected "Release immediately?" I expected that to actually release immediately on the 20th?? Your app or its metadata contains references to a pre-release version of Apple software, products, or hardware. Apps with compatibility references to a pre-GM version of an Apple operating system SDK or pre-released Apple products or hardware are not in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Specifically, section 2.3 states: "Apple may provide You with pre-release versions of the Apple Software or related services that constitute Apple Confidential Information and are subject to the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement." Next Steps Please remove all references to pre-release versions of Apple software, products, and hardware from your app and its metadata.
Sep ’21
Siri related App Store submission warning
Getting the following warning on submission: ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - Localized title for custom intent: '---' not found for locale: ... We get a similar warning for Localized description: : Invalid Siri Support - Localized description for custom intent: '---' not found for locale: ... Binary is accepted but would like to stop the warning. This is an intent used for the dynamic configuration of widgets. It is its own Siri extension target which contains the intent definition file. The intent definition is localized correctly (the intent presents one user facing string on the back of the widget that appears correctly in different locales). In the widget case, the title and description are never visible to the user. That's more for other uses of intents, like Shortcuts. "Account" is the user-facing string and it localizes correctly. I assume the title and description strings the warning mentions are the ones listed in the intent definition file (which are also localized). Thanks for any help!
Sep ’21
iOS 15 beta 4 CloudKit Auth Error
I'm seeing auth failures when attempting CloudKit operations: "Account Temporarily Unavailable" (36/1028); "Account temporarily unavailable due to bad or missing auth token" I see this for Modify zone operations, Modify records, and zone changes too. Everything. Only started happening after updating to iOS 15 beta 4 and Xcode 13 beta 4. Account status is "available".
Jul ’21