




Navigation Bar animation upon Tab change
Hi. Since Xcode 16 and/or iOS 18.0 (I upgraded at the same time), I have an strange effect in the lower (let's say) 20% section of the Navigation Bar when changing to another tab, and this independently if large titles are used or not. Mentioned section is brighter or darker than the rest of the Navigation Bar background, depending on which background tint is used. This effect lasts about 0.3 seconds, but is clearly visible, quite disturbing and new as of Xcode 16 and/or iOS 18.0. I use the code below in AppDelegate to get a gradient coloured Navigation Bar background. let appearance = UINavigationBarAppearance() UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance UINavigationBar.appearance().compactAppearance = appearance UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance UINavigationBar.appearance().compactScrollEdgeAppearance = appearance If I don't use above code., the background color is filled and without gradient. Subject effect doesn't show in this case. The effect basically looks like when changing tab, the new Navigation Bar background doesn't clear right away, and keeps the background from the previous Navigation Bar for 0.3 seconds before new one Navigation Bar background is rendered. I spent quite some time on changing every possible setting, in code as well as storyboard ... no success so far. Any ideas how to disable this undesired animation?
Oct ’24
Home Screen Quick Action - Shortcut from old implementation persists
Hi. I switched my app from the old (<2018) Home Screen static Quick Actions implementation to the new one using the Info.plist. Old implementation: let shortcut1 = UIApplicationShortcutItem( type: ShortcutType.doStuff1.rawValue, localizedTitle: "title", localizedSubtitle: nil, icon: UIApplicationShortcutIcon(systemImageName: "moon"), userInfo: nil) application.shortcutItems = [shortcut1] New implementation using Info.plist: Now ... the new shortcut items from the Info.plist appear correctly in the new app, however shortcut1 from the old version is also still there. The new code has no traces of the old code anymore! Why is that? How can I get rid of it without removing the app and reinstalling it (which would work)? Thanks,
Aug ’23
Force TestFlight notification to testers after expired build
Hi. I have an app which expired = more than 90 days without a new beta being uploaded to TestFlight. After these 90 days, many testers switched to the last (stable) App Store version since the installed beta became unusable. Now, after I released a new beta, I noticed that 90% of the testers didn't install it. Is it possible to force a TestFlight notification or send an automated email to the testers that a new beta version is available for download in TestFlight? Many thanks,
Aug ’23
Recover deleted Sandbox Tester?
Hi. Can I recover a deleted Sandbox Tester? I deleted (by mistake) a Sandbox Tester from the App Store Connect, Sandbox Tester section. I understand that this Sandbox Tester can still be used for the given app, despite it isn't listed anymore. Creating a new tester with the same amail address doesn't work. I get "This email address is not available for use as an Apple ID. You may already have an Apple ID associated with this address. Please try again or sign in using your existing Apple ID." Is there a possibility to get specific Sandbox Tester back in the list? Thanks,
Nov ’22
Unique ID across devices for Apple ID
Hi. There are several regarding UIDs, but none completely fulfils what I need. My app has no user account system. So I believe (please confirm ?!), that any in-app purchase will be lost if the user deletes the app, and the app developer didn't implement some kind of technique to restore the in-app purchase. What I am looking for: UID must be identical across devices with same AppleID logged in. UID must be retrievable after app is deleted for device. I thought about fetching the UserRecordID from CloudKit, but not everybody has iCloud. Ok, a fallback would be possible. Is there any mechanism foreseen to cover this situtaion? Thanks,
Nov ’22
Force AutoFill Save Password dialog programmatically
I setup Password AutoFill in my iOS 14 app. The app uses multiple tabs. Associated Domains are also set up. All works as expected. I have a Test button below the user/password TextFields, which the user can press to test just entered credentials. Now, the Save Password dialog shows only when I change to another tab. Is there any possibility to programmatically force the Save Password dialog to appear on the same tab where the user/password TextFields are located? I would like to present it to the user right after the Test button is pressed and credentials are verified to be correct.
Nov ’21
Ambiguous layout warnings after Xcode 13.0 upgrade
Hi. My 2 years old project shows ambiguous layout warnings after installing Xcode 13.0. The warnings are basically nuisance (layout shows correctly in the app). All the warnings refer to constraints of objects inside a tableview. The warnings start only after cell 16 downwards (distributed across 4 sections, S1: 2 cells, S2: 2 cells, S3: 1 cells, S4: 12 cells, ...). Hence my idea, if there is any limit to the number of cells Xcode 13.0 can handle? Previous Xcode didn't have any (!) issues regarding this portion of the layout. The screenshots just show an example of such a nuisance warning. Any ideas? Thanks.
Oct ’21
In-App Purchase doesn't use double click side button to confirm payment
Hi. I set up In-App Purchase for my app. I test on the hardware device (iPhone X) with a sandbox user. All seems to work fine, except that the the app doesn't use the double click feature on the side button to confirm the payment. Instead it presents a "Purchase" button on the payment sheet, and asks the sandbox users' password again (credentials were already entered previously). Is this normal? I must be sure the double click side button feature is properly used in the final released/appoved App Store version. Many thanks,
Sep ’20