




Multiple root level objects Error [USDZ/Reality Composer Pro]
Hey everyone, I'm running into this issue of my USDZ model not showing up in Reality Composer Pro, exported from Blender as a USD and converted in Reality Converter. See Attached image: It's strange, because the USDz model appears fine in Previews. But once it is brought inside RCP, I receive this pop up, and does not appear. Not sure how to resolve this multiple root level issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction or any feedback, all is much appreciated! Thank you!
Dec ’23
Where do you create the mesh for Geometry modifiers?
Hey everyone, In the WWDC23 - Explore Materials in Reality Composer Pro Starting at 14:17 the instructor uses a "Disk Model" to modify the base surface mesh, however, how the video does not show or explain how that was created. Was this done in Blender/another 3D software tool, or can this be done within Reality Composer Pro using the primitive shapes? All suggestions are really appreciated! Thank you!
Jun ’23
How to export 3D animation from Maya into Reality Converter?
Hi everyone, Has anyone exported 3D animation from Maya into Reality Converter? So i've tried obj but it does not contain animation sequence. Fbx: it keeps saying that i'm Missing FBX Python SDK even though I've downloaded and installed all of the packages. dae: it will not accept in the converter. Anyone find a solution for this? Thank you!
Feb ’21
[Solved] Not Syncing Project from Reality Composer
Hi everyone, So im trying to send a prototype Scene from RealityComposer on my macpro to my iphone 12. When i hit "Send to" it recognizes my iphone & everything works, until I hit accept from my iphone. Then on RealityComposer on my mac says: Failed to connect to "my iPhone". Anyone else ran into this issue? Thank you! Edit: Here's how I solved it! Duplicated the scene, saved it as a new project. Deleted all old scenes. Finally was able to transfer the fresh new file!
Feb ’21