How to export 3D animation from Maya into Reality Converter?

Hi everyone,

Has anyone exported 3D animation from Maya into Reality Converter?

So i've tried obj but it does not contain animation sequence.
Fbx: it keeps saying that i'm Missing FBX Python SDK even though I've downloaded and installed all of the packages.

dae: it will not accept in the converter.

Anyone find a solution for this?
Thank you!
I’ve read a bunch of posts about this FBX * not installed issue. I’m unable to solve it myself, I’ve installed all the autodesk packages, restarted, reinstalled all the Xcode/Reality apps, updated to Big Sur and tried all the troubleshooting steps again. I’ve submitted a bug report, and we all should.

In my case, changing my workflow was the only option. Blender 2.9 has a native .usd export setting, so that’s my workaround.
How to export 3D animation from Maya into Reality Converter?