




iphone installed app icon is same as app store which is wrong
I am proceeding with my development of version 2 of an app and have an icon on the app store that looks like a 'default' in that it is a set of circles with lines through it. This icon appears as the icon for the installed app on my iphone. The xcode images.xcassets appicon has the correct icon. Do I have to remove my app store entry in order to correct the icon there and if I do can I reuse the name I have when I recreate the entry?
Sep ’21
Xcode 12.5.1 SpriteKit SkScene tile set images not showing
When I start my project the tile added to my SKScene using the editor do not appear until after I have clicked on the tiles that was selected in the scene setup. Anyone any ideas why> Also should these tiles be in the list shown to the left of the scene as those sprites (not part of the tileset) I dragged into the scene are. I have attached screen shots of at start and after clicking the tiles.
Jan ’22
xcode12 spritekit image shown as red X
I am trying to get a simple animated sprite image in a very basic game using SpriteKit and Xcode 12. I am creating an skspritenode with image named and setting its position form the touch point and adding it as a child but a red X image is shown on the simulator of iPhone 8 Plus. I have attached screenshots. Can someone help me with this?
Jan ’22
my segue transition goes upward instead of sideways and does not completely cover screen
In my app using storyboard and spritekit developed in Xcode 12.5.1 uses segue connected button to bring up another storyboard which presents a scene and show a sprite. The segue sequence triggered by the use pressing the Play button and running the segue shows an upward transition and the scene with the sprite that when clicked animates that sprite. My problem is I was getting two events that are causing me issues. The first is that I was expecting a sidewards transition for the Show segue. and second that the scene only covers 2 thirds on the screen not all of it. Screenshots of. Xcode showing main storyboard and segue connections, simulator app Settings, app Game initial view and app Game with sprite animated. Anyone any hints for me for explanation of the first event and how to resolve the second which is spoiling my development time?
Feb ’22
Not getting value change using
I am attempting to detect changes of a UISlider value using the observer option but I am not getting any output. Selected parts of code here class MainViewController: UIViewController {     @IBOutlet weak var speedSlider: UISlider!     var speedSliderObserver:  NSKeyValueObservation?     override func viewDidLoad() {   super.viewDidLoad()         setSettings()     }     func setSettings() {         speedSliderObserver = speedSlider.observe(.value, options: [.old, .new]) { object, change in             print("speedSlider from: (change.oldValue!), to: (change.newValue!)")         } } Am I using observe correctly or is there some other way?
Feb ’22
looking for a timer function I can use with using @objc
I am migrating a c# app to Xcode swift and have been looking for a swift equivalent to c# Time.time which is the time in seconds since app became active. I have seen the Timer class but all examples I have seen depend on using #selector and @objc. How do I get the Timer class to use a completion function? Or Is there another way of getting the app run time in seconds?
Feb ’22
why does intellisense insert a ? in this asignment
I have the following code let moveDirections = ["East": CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 0.0), "North": CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 1.0),           "South": CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -1.0), "West": CGPoint(x: -1.0, y: 0.0), ] let direction = "South"         let cdx = moveDirections[direction]?.x Why does it insert the ? Surely the moveDirections variable contents is not optional.
Feb ’22
imovie shared video lost the titles
I am trying to complete my work on a preview for my App but have not been successful in getting a complete export from iMovie using the share file option. The video did appear a few minutes after the project data file but it does not contain the titles I had added and they still exist in the iMovie project. Is there a 'fix' for this and if not can someone suggest an alternative tool I can use to do this for item.
Mar ’22
view controller unreachable. tried segue and instantiate
I am trying to complete my App for upload but cannot do the Archive which I believe is because of the warning I have for one of my view controllers. I am using a segue for a button in my main view controller to transfer to my game view controller and that works ok in testing but I do not seem to be able to remove this warning. I have tried using Clean and replacing the segue with code to instantiate the view controller and present it and that works in testing but still the warning persists. I have attached some screen shots. Can someone please give me a hint as to how I can get rid of this warning.
Mar ’22