




Comment on looking for a timer function I can use with using @objc
I tried doing let _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { myTimer in print("My Timer Fired") } and got property declaration does not bind any variables so tried     var gameTime = 0.0 var aTimer: Timer     func myTimer(tick: Double) { gameTime += 1 } and in my InitGame function I added     aTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in myTimer(tick: 1.0) }      and that worked for me.
Feb ’22
Comment on problem with code signing
I have subsequently found a bug in Unity build settings process. If I do not select automatic signing it requires a provisioning profile id. If you enter one and then decide to switch to automatic signing the provisioning app id is not changed to "Automatic" as it should be according to the message I received. I will update my Unity forum ticket. This problem is now solved.
Aug ’21