xcode12 spritekit image shown as red X

I am trying to get a simple animated sprite image in a very basic game using SpriteKit and Xcode 12. I am creating an skspritenode with image named and setting its position form the touch point and adding it as a child but a red X image is shown on the simulator of iPhone 8 Plus. I have attached screenshots. Can someone help me with this?

Your mouse image is called "Idle_0.png".
Your code says let mouse = SKSpriteNote(imageNamed: "idle_0.png"

The clue is that the error message says Error loading image resource: "idle_0.png"

Fix the capitalizition error, and you should be good to go.

Did that fix it for you, @MrMajorThorburn?

xcode12 spritekit image shown as red X