Sounds like the backend is acting up. Be patient and try again later.
Wait until the release has completed, then take that app off sale in all countries.
The store doesn't have a 'revert' lever, so you'll need to push another properly updated app, and go thru review again, even if that is a build that has already seen the store.
Just means what it says - something on the backend caused a pause between you & patient and try again.
Still no joy, use the contact us link below to ping support and ask them to take a look.
Inside or outside the US?'s just been a few days, and if it was going to happen hop/skip it would be done by now. Telling you ASAP is just a way to get you off a support call so they can move on to the next case.
Outside, keep in mind on average it takes 2 weeks, but there are tons of people been waiting so long they've apparently given up.
Otherwise, there isn't anything anyone can do here in devForums other than to suggest being patient.
Good luck.
Expect to be able to provide proof-of-rights to use any trademark related materials that are not yours, during review.
Also expect pushback for those clients to purchase their own dev accounts. One reason is that you risk being viewed as effectively reselling your account. Apple expects the account principal to be directly involved with all apps under their identity.
First thing, always, when opening a legacy project with a new version Xcode is to use the Product menu to clean the build folder.
Otherwise be sure that locations/paths involved aren't permission locked, and that you have several tens free space on your drive so that Xcode can do it's work without having to start over.
This is very common occurance with betas, for years, as they often lack release-level power management features.
If things like this hamper your personal/daily use, in the future, it may be best to avoid betas, only using them on devices where function and/or data loss is otherwise inconsequential.
Thanks for helping test.
60 GB?
No. More like 28.3 GB.
How are you looking at the size while it's unpacking/installing? Finder? Launchpad? Free space reduction? Some 3rd party util?
How much free space on that drive?
I've seen it take quite a while to do it's thing, tho.
User-centric questions/complaints for release OSs are perhaps better suited for Apple's public community forums rather than risk off-topic here in devForums, thanks and good luck.
You must always use In-App Purchases. Correct. An IAP is an IAP, regardless of tier.
Access to any product in that context is only allowed via Apple's IAP'ing process.
Ref. 3.1.1 in the ASRGs. -
My app does not use any third-party login services. Be sure to explain that when making an appeal via the Resolution Center.
should we not write the price? Correct. You need to -not- show/talk about specific prices in the screenshots at all. Same with descriptions, etc.
Let the store be responsible for how and when specific pricing is displayed to the user.
I suspect you've worked them out, but for future ref.:
C - Class
E - Enumeration
M - (Instance) Method
P - (Instance) Property
Pr - Protocol
S - Structure
T - Type (Alias)
V - (Global) Variable
= = =
Box with lines - Chapter/section top
Paper w/earmarked corner - Article
Box with 4 dots - Framework/API topic top
► ...use/tap to toggle/expand content
Right click on a document while viewing, then choose 'Developer Document Help' for tips on navigating, but don't expect icon explanations there.
why do I have to work this out? Maybe they figure if you're in that deep, you're smart enuf to suss the visuals on your own ;) Seems like a mouseOver tooltip candidate, at the least.
Might be a good enhancement request via the feedback/bug link below. Be sure to add your report #(s) to your thread for reference.
BTW, I believe Apple is still using Oxygen to generate those documents.
An .ipa is just a .zip - change the suffix, unpack the app and see if any if the contents reveal your algos...once a compiled binary is generated, there is no human readable source code, and the amount of work just to attempt knowing your IP is not worth even trying, I think.
As always, tho, the only way to prohibit others having what you have is to not put it out in the wild.
Payments reflect months start/end based on Apple's current fiscal calendar, which can be found here. -
Example, new fiscal year just started, and Period 1 October 2020 runs from 9.27.20 to 10.31.20
Period 4, January 2021, runs from 12.27.20 to 1.30.21.
For 2020, I believe January ran from 12.29.19 to 2.1.20