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>best way to get help here?Help others to help you: (change list at end)FAQ 1 If you see a warning that your comment requires moderation: Most (not all) outbound links are automatically banned, so if you see your question/comment suddenly marked as waiting on moderation, and you're forced to wait more than a day, break the link, like this:http://www.uptime.comA moderated comment also can be triggered by certain character strings, code, dates, multiple links, etc. As well, it appears that user level plays a role in what is and isn’t a trigger. Either break the offending string same as a link, or wait for your comment to be moderated.Appears that new users are subjected to tighter spam filters, so...FAQ 2 Note that not all forum features work as expected. Inline images/screenshots are a silent fail, as one example - you can add them...others can't see them. Use your words, or upload to iCloud via Photo Sharing and add the link to your post, or elsewhere and add the (borked) link, instead.FAQ 3 devForums are primarily dev-to-dev. Apple staffers (typically here on their own time, and we thank them for that) have the  logo next to their forum name. See below* Note that staff participation here seems to peak leading up to WWDC each year.FAQ 4 - Try to use the correct sub-forum so your question can stay on-topic and have a better chance of attracting the appropriate SME. Authored posts can be moved/edited/deleted (delete allowed only if no replies) via the 'Actions' link, upper right. Replies are moved etc. via the 'Actions' menu lower left of your comment. Examples of popular sub-forums/links: App Submission and Review ~ In-App Purchase ~ Xcode IDE and Editor ~ Getting Started ~ Enterprise DistributionCapabilities, Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles ~ Networking ~ App Store ~ SwiftTitles should be brief, on topic and not used to ask questions, etc.If you ask/talk about a tool, SDK, OS, beta etc. use the version...instead of 'latest', as an example. Don't make others guess.When posting lines of code...let the <> brackets in the editor = format for youDon't dump more than the first couple dozen lines of a crash report here unless asked. Some character strings can set off the spam filter, just like a banned link.Some topics/tools/downloads require a paid Developer Program account. If you don't have one, try to point that out from time to time.When asking for help with something, be sure to explain it - what you expected to happen, what actually happened, and how those two differed, preferably without writing a novel. TL;DR carries weight here.What’s at work with general/vague questions is what is known as the 'ladder of uncertainty'. The less information provided when asking a question, the higher you are up the ladder. The higher you are up the ladder, the more uncertain replies are to be, putting the burden on anyone attempting to help. If instead you assume more of the burden by adding detail to your question, you thereby decrease the uncertainty. So again, help others to help you.Check first...can save time waiting for replies to your questions Pls. search first, especially on any error string, especially when just starting out...odds are you're encountering common issues.Learn to examine the release notes for release and betas. These are available for all OSs and Xcode.When asking/talking about an error, show it - pls. copy/paste the full error and add it to your post - do not paraphrase. See this linked question as a good example we are all encouraged to follow: you have a question about working with a third party library, IDE, tutorial, book (they took your money, not devForums) etc. I suggest you ask on the third party's forums. Remember, most books and many tutorials are out of date...don't expect to use the devForums to fix them.Apple Developer Forums is a community for discussing developer-level issues with Apple’s SDKs and tools. It is not an official Apple support channel, even for developer issues, as well, it’s definitely not the right place to feedback/get answers about user-level issues.Your forum user name cannot be changed once chosen when first using the forums. Custom avatars are not enabled. A faded user icon indicates indicates they no longer exist/participate here.Remember, App Review isn't here, there are no pre-reviews and while opinions flow like water from a leaky bit bucket around here, that's pretty much all you can expect when asking 'how to succeed w/xyz during review?' - no one on devForums can promise what App Review will/won't approve/reject.Try to mark your thread closed should it be solved - this helps others to know if they've helped you and flags the solution for someone w/similar issues that may find your thread later. You can also mark helpful comments as well. You closed the thread when you mark it solved. That tells people you don't need more help with it. Don't do that unless it doesn't need further attention. If you have a new question, leave that thread/question closed and please start a new one. If there is something in the first thread you want to reference, copy the link and add it to your new thread/question.Avoid tagging onto someone else's thread with a new/different question, especially when that thread is closed/out dated. Start your own new/unique thread so you can better track and close if solved.Resist spamming the forum by topic-splitting and/or generating duplicate threads/comments. Edit your comment via the Actions menu, or simply reply to/bump your own thread if you have additional info or wish to make changes, etc.Code begging is discouraged. Feel free to scan Apple's Sample Code library.Individuals using betas are free to use the Feedback Assistant; Devs can use the 'Report Bugs' link, below right, being sure to add your report # to your thread/comment for reference. Remember, forum posts are not bug reports, so while devs are encouraged to raise and discuss issues they may find with Apple's release or beta products (via the appropriate beta sub-forum) in the forums, a bug report is the best way to let yourself be heard by Apple. This also goes for feature and enhancement requests - use the bug reporter 'Suggestions' for those as well.To view posts you've authored, participated in etc., use the 'Content' link above, then choose from the vertical list on the left. Tags added to your question/reply via the editor can be used to make it easier to find later. To find bookmarked threads, try here.Feel free to use the editor's spell checker via the toolbar, when proof-reading, before saving your question/reply and/or, as noted above, edit your comment via the Actions menu, or simply reply to/bump your own thread if you have additional info or wish to make changes, etc.Follow vs. Following...Toggling from 'follow' to 'following' enables following/tracking of that thread. Another way to bookmark/subscribe to a thread. If you use the 'Content' menu above right, you can choose 'Following' on the left to review marked threads.Toggling from 'following' to 'follow' stops following and removes that thread from the list.A new post with a link/reference to another forum you are already following, will trigger an email notice from a post in another unfollowed thread/topic regardless.Users can be followed similar to threads. Tap and hold on a user name, wait for the pop-up dialog and tap 'follow'; tap 'following' to stop.Be sure to set your user notification/ [ email preferences]…right-click on your name. >forum rules/guidelines?*Apple (see link below) has this to say about that:"This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Apple Developer Forums Participation Agreement."Usage Guidelines see: on points vs. levels:0 ~ L150 ~ L2100 ~ L3500 ~ L41k ~ L52k ~ L63k ~ L75k ~ L810K ~ L925K? ~ L10Recent edits: - 10.30.19: Corrected (L2~L3) points vs. levels- 4.25.19; Expanded duplicate thread admonition- FAQ 4, 4.10.19; Popular sub-forums w/links- Link audit, 4.8.19; obligatory housekeeping check to see if Apple re-arranged the furniture lately- Minor edit on filing bug reports/enhancements- Noted that using iCloud Photo Sharing is a way to add a link to an image without triggering forum moderation.- Added LoU- Added FAQ # scheme. Numbers included for quick incoming reference (non-ranked). - Updated notes on following threads/topics, other users.
Feb ’18