




Reply to TipKit: showing a popover tip on a SwiftUI toolbar button
Thanks, but it doesn't seem to be a workaround anymore. :( import TipKit struct ContentView: View { struct ExampleTip: Tip { var title: Text { Text("title") } var message: Text? { Text("message") } } var body: some View { Text("Hello world") // .popoverTip(NewSnippetTip()) //This works .toolbar(content: { ToolbarItemGroup(placement: ToolbarItemPlacement.bottomBar) { Button(action: {}) { Label("New Snippet", systemImage: "") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // WORKAROUND: Adding this line does NOT fix the issue. .popoverTip(ExampleTip()) } }) } }
Sep ’23
Reply to Xcode 12.0 B2 SwiftUI - Bottom toolbar after List in ContentView no longer displays.
You could als just use ToolbarItemGroup: struct ContentView: View {   var body: some View {     NavigationView {       List {         ForEach (1..<10) {           row in           Text("\(row) - Test").foregroundColor(Color.white).fontWeight(.bold)         }         .listRowBackground(Color.burgundy)       }             .navigationTitle(Text("List Background Color Test"))       .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline)       .toolbar {         ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomBar) {           HStack {             Button(action: {}, label: {               Text("One").foregroundColor(Color.white)             })             Spacer()             Button(action: {}, label: {               Text("Two").foregroundColor(Color.white)             })             Spacer()             Button(action: {}, label: {               Text("Three").foregroundColor(Color.white)             }).foregroundColor(.blue)           }         }       }           }               } }
Dec ’21
Reply to Shortcuts Action with File parameter as input conflicts with Sandbox
Hi there, yes I do receive the file from the input and I've also figured out how to access the file with the Sandbox enabled:     func handle(intent: ExamplePDFIntent, completion: @escaping (ExamplePDFIntentResponse) -> Void) {         if let files = intent.files, {             var outputFiles = [INFile]()             for file in files {                 if file.fileURL!.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { //do your work here file.fileURL!.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } else { //don't forget error handling } } } } So we have to use security scopes: Makes sense now that I know it :) Cheers
Oct ’21
Reply to Installing a command line tool from my sandboxed Mac app
Update: Developer ID signed apps can be activated by manually by the Developer Technical Support."Generally speaking, the Privileged File Operation entitlement is for apps destined for the Mac App Store, as there’s no other way to accomplish the tasks it enables there (unlike non-Mac App Store apps, which don’t have some of those restrictions).That said, we can enable it for this app to ensure a consistency in your codebase."
Jun ’20