




WWDC 2024 - 1 on 1 calls?
Hey 2 years ago I joined WWDC and had the pleasure to have 1 on 1 call with some1 from dev team from Apple to help me solve some at the time GPU rendering problems on Apple iPad. I wonder if u guys know if this year Apple will also let us book meetings like that to help solve dev problems?
May ’24
Cant release my applications. Undefined Developer.
Hello I jump on my mac every 3-4 months to release new version of my apps. Process usually is "ok" some cmake/compile issues as 99% of dev is done on windows but other than that its all good. But now I'm stuck. My app can run locally/start etc just fine, but clients are panicking because they can't run them. They have undefined developer warning. I don't understand this. Its notarised and been working for 2 years. What am I doing wrong ?! How can I test it ? I tried creating new user-profile on my mac, but there is no issue, app starts. Do I need to buy ANOTHER mac to test my apps before release ?! Can any1 help how to debug this issue? I'm lost, I used finder-compress & send it via slack to client to get him quickly going but that does not help either. - I though it was zip stripping down data or something. Anyway, very frustrated here, and lost. Can any1 help? hint? Is this good resource to check against? I've run spctl --assess --type execute myApp and I'm getting rejected (bundle format is ambiguous (could be app or framework)) But then why does it notarize/sign/etc with no errors ?! I'm so lost :- (((( Any help would be greatly appreciated I've attached app content > Ok I've tested my older releases, they all have the same issue but they all work on client system. I'm so lost :- (((
Jan ’24
Notarizing application for public release
Hey I need some... direction here. I have 2 developer "ids". Apple Development : ***@*** (ID) Apple Distribution : Company *** (ID) Now I can notarize my software using Apple Development, but I cant using Apple Distribution as it says "message": "The binary is not signed with a valid Developer ID certificate.",. What should I do to make this thing... ship-able & release-able? I'm using CMAKE, Clion, no xcode to do it automatically sadly... Can some1 hint me what ID should I use for public release? Regards Dariusz
Mar ’23
Xcode REZ - ressources - how to ?
Hello I'm making adobe plugin & converting xcode project to cmake for cross platform workflow. I'm stuck with generating Rez from filePiPL.r file. if I type rez I get the standard Usage: rez [-a] [-al word | longword] [-arch arch] [-c creator] [-d name[=value]] [-i path] [-isysroot path] [-F framework] [-m] [-noResolve [output | include]] [-o file] [-ov] [-p] [-rd] [-ro] [-s path] [-sc script] [-t type] [-u name] [-useDF] [file...]. Which as nice as it looks I have no idea what any of the commands mean. Googling rez mostly returns dictionaries or games on steam... Can some1 kind enough point me towards documentation or anything ? Regards Dariusz
Jun ’22
Xcode 13, something broke, nothing compiles, includes no longer find .h files?
Hey So I was developing on... xcode 12, or 11? Not sure. I don't do much dev on apple lately, but in past I was able to run my c++ projects cross platform on windows/linux (cmake) and xcode. On latest xcode 13.3.1 something weird changed and I cant figure out how to un-change it. In general it's down to my imports. I have import like #include "someFolder/lalala/folder/file.h" but on mac now apparently I have to... #include "../someFolder/lalala/folder/file.h" instead Which is a little problematic given... 1500+ .h/cpp files etc... How/why/how can I go back to old way of "pathing" my files? I noticed that if I click on file & look at Identity & type I can sorta "change" the location of file, to relative to parent/group/etc. But none of them "fixes the issue". Can any1 suggest anything?
Apr ’22
Xcode 13 Beta 3 & IOS ipad 15 beta 4, RealityKit crash
Hey Uhh I though by updating to latest version I will have... "stabler" time... anyway I jumped down from Xcode beta4 to beta3, I can compile the app. But when I run it on ipad, I get > xcode 13 beta 3 Ipad os 15 beta 4   Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/DB6BF949-41A0-4824-A01F-637B90443A4C/  Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/RealityFoundation.framework/RealityFoundation What do I dooo ? :- (
Aug ’21
RealityKit - ImageAnchor - tracking quality indicator?
Hey I'm playing with image anchor. I have noticed that once I look at image under "extreme" angles - or are far away(3m using A4 size anchor), the tracking can be lost... but before its lost, a crazy rotation/transform can be applied and leave model in "odd" state... Or once tracking loses quality, a "jitter" rotation can be applied to my model. Is there any way to query anchor "tracking-quality-state" so I may be able to "cut off" image tracking and fall back on world tracking instead ? Say if tracking drops below 90% quality, I can then move back to world/feature tracking. How can I query this status/quality? TIA
Jun ’21
RealityKit – Spherical/circular image - Anchor?
Hey So here is the situation There is a room, There is a 2.5m pilar in the centre. On the pillar I want to place a box, with each side having an image of anchor - the same? I want then to glue my 3d model to that cube centre/anchor locations. I'd like to be able to walk around the pillar in the room & always track the same position for my 3d objects. How can I do this? As far as I can tell each anchor I ever saw was 1 sided-flat image. What would be the way for a 4 way anchor? What would be my best bet? TIA Regards Dariusz
Jun ’21
RealityKit - PhysicalBasedMaterial - sheen control?
Hey I'm trying to understand the pbm materials, for the moment I have this test >      var myMaterial = PhysicallyBasedMaterial()     myMaterial.baseColor.tint = UIColor(white: 1.25, alpha: 1.0)     //myMaterial.blending = .transparent(opacity: .init(floatLiteral: 0.01)) /* glass material work! */     myMaterial.clearcoat.scale = .init(floatLiteral: 0.8)     myMaterial.clearcoatRoughness.scale = .init(floatLiteral: 0.0)     myMaterial.faceCulling = .none     myMaterial.metallic = .init(floatLiteral: 0.9)     myMaterial.roughness = .init(floatLiteral: 0.5)     let sheenColor = UIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)     myMaterial.sheen = .init(tint: sheenColor)     myMaterial.specular = .init(floatLiteral: 10.0) As soon as I assign sheen, the entire material changes and I have only "sheen" control. I cant control sheen opacity, or how rough/etc it is. Its like another material on top of PBM... what do I do with it ? TIA
Jun ’21
RealityKit – Import USD mesh and get material names
Hey How can I get a name of material that is assigned to my USD mesh? for mat in importedModel.model!.materials { print(mat) print(mat as? SimpleMaterial) } I'm getting mostly nil when trying to recast it. I want to re-configure all my materials upon import. But I can't do it without knowing what material is what. Given that 15.0 got nice PBR ones, what would be the correct way to do it?
Jun ’21
RealityKit, collision mesh - exact mesh option - no convex/box/approximation
Hello I'm in need of a precise raycast intersection function. Currently the native ones that realitykit/etc provide are : generateConvex generateBox generateSphere generateCapsule But I would like to get... "exact" as in, just take the mesh as is and use it for raycast intersection & give me exact point on mesh. Not approximation. I know its something that a "game" would NOT want. But for my application I need exact intersection point. Ideally I would like to either do view.raycast() or hitTest() but give it a list of meshes I want to raycast against so it does specific test for specific meshes only. If this can not be provided by native library, then I need to Get vertex/indices data of a mesh to rebuild my own mesh structure - pain Get exact camera matrix/etc to create my own ray/cast/intersection test. - more pain I have to reimplement my own raycast test from 0 essentially. Would it be possible to add to SDK a shape of exact mesh? I don't want it to generate anything, just take the mesh ash is. I tried doing convexMesh on my model, after 5 min generation time I gave up and stopped the process. So yea... high poly count, say USD with 30 000 objects and up to 40 mil polygons... lets think "BIG" here, like automotive cad data set that was lightly optimised. Regards Dariusz
Jun ’21
RealityKit, placing object - remove placement rotation?
Hai! When I place an object in scene, the object is always parallel(I think) to the rotation of device(ipad). How can I disable that rotation and have it align with world axis? I'm trying to place an object/anchor in scene but every time I do it has a rotation. I can not find where the rotation is set as printing our matrices gives me 0,0,0 on rotation so I'm a little lost : let point = CGPoint(x: frame.midX, y: frame.midY); if let result = raycast(from: point, allowing: .estimatedPlane, alignment: .any).first { mLastObject = name var transform = simd_float4x4() transform.toIdentity() transform.columns.3 = result.worldTransform.columns.3 let resultAnchor = AnchorEntity(world: transform) // world ping let shadow = AnchorEntity(plane: AnchoringComponent.Target.Alignment.horizontal) // shadow ping resultAnchor.addChild(shadow) scene.anchors.append(resultAnchor) print("result : \(resultAnchor.transform)") print("result2 : \(resultAnchor.orientation)") print("shadow : \(shadow.transform)") print("shadow2 : \(shadow.orientation)") Perhaps, while I'm at it, how can I align object rotation to another object rotation? so they both face the same direction/axis/etc Regards Dariusz Just to clarify, the shadow object has wrong rotation, and thus any of its children/geometry objects are rotated. Setting orientation to 0,etcetc does not work.
Jun ’21
RealityKit, unable to rotate Entity/ AnchorEntity object!
Hey I'm out of ideas... here is my code: let radians = val * Float.pi / 180 /// object.mEntity = usd Entity.loadModel() object.mEntity.orientation += simd_quatf(angle: radians, axis: SIMD3<Float>(1,0,0) object.mEntity.transform.rotation += simd_quatf(angle: radians, axis: SIMD3<Float>(1,0,0) object.anchorParent.transform.rotation+= simd_quatf(angle: radians, axis: SIMD3<Float>(1,0,0) the object is a struct that holds my Entity + anchor it was attached to. I have few anchors in general, like the "initial click" position anchor, then shadow anchor on top of it, and then model entity after that. So that I can move the model with shadow/etc. In any case, I cant rotate it, I always get "weird" rotation as output. Have a look at video >
Jun ’21