All of sudden I started getting an App Store Connect Operation Error this afternoon (02/27/2020).Had successfully uploaded several times earlier today. The error reported in the dialog is:"An error occurred while trying to call the requested method validateMetadata. (1272)."Anyone else getting this error or familiar with what this means?
And by "forever", I mean, it is going on two weeks now and several of the builds are still stuck in "Processing".
The only clue I have is that the builds that get stuck in this processing state are builds that include a specific third-party framework that is, unfortunately, required for the product.
When I upload a build without the framework, it goes through processing quickly and is ready for testing within minutes usually.
If I upload a build with this framework, it never gets past the "Processing" state.
I went through a week of speaking with Apple App Store developer support about this issue, and believe it or not, they had no answers and suggested I post on the forums. Like, for real, that is what they said.
So this is my shot in the dark, that somewhere, someone has had an issue with eternal "processing" situations and figured out how to resolve the issue.
Note: This is a tvOS app and not an iOS app.
I have been testing out an existing app with the new Apple TV 4K (2nd generation) - the one with the new remote - and there seems to be a new behavior implemented with this new remote.
If you have focusable content (let's say a custom list) in a UIScrollView, and the user presses and holds one of the up/down/left/right buttons around the touch-pad, the focus engine will start by moving focus in the direction of the arrow button being held down - one-by-one, as expected, however, after a certain amount of time, the focus is removed and the view simply starts slowly scrolling and no more focus events are called.
Is there a way to prevent this behavior from happening, and simply have arrow buttons move focus (even after being held down)?
How do I know that the UIScrollView has entered into this special state of auto-scrolling while the arrow button is held down? None of the UIScrollViewDelegate methods seem to cover this use-case.
I have tried disabling the panGestureRecognizer associated with the UIScrollView but that doesn't work.
I am not sure how to implement this new type of UIScrollView - I was never expecting focus to be removed without the next item receiving focus.
When showing HLS Live streams using tvOS 15+ video player - it seems as though the player is automatically insterting the stream startTime / endTime and displaying this on the SubTitle metadata line.
However, the times are completely wrong - and I can't figure out how to set the correct times using either AVAsset object or anywhere in the AVMetadataItem or disable the player from automatically adding the times (which would be an ok workaround as I could add the proper times to the subTitle metadata string myself.)
Any clues?
Looking for info on the best way to convert a MTLTexture to SKTexture.
I am migrating a project where a SpriteKit scene is rendered in an SKView - and relies heavily on SKView.texture(from: SKNode) API
I am trying to migrate to an SKRenderer based SpriteKit scene - and wondering the best way to grab an SKTexture from an SKNode when rendered in a MTKView instead of SKView?