




Adding indexes more difficult with updated cloudkit console
Can the cloudkit console team please look into managing indexes with their updated cloudkit console tool? Working with Record indexes used to be straightforward but it has now become cumbersome and unintuitive. For example, why does the tool force you to fill in some name field if adding a queryable index for recordName? Why can't you create several index types at once for a given field? It is possible to manage schemas in some other ways but for small changes the console used to be handy. It's now become a pain. Thanks!
Jul ’24
CloudKit JS database subscription
Hi, it is possible to accept an invitation to a zone in a shared db using cloudkit js, but can you subscribe to receive change notifications? It doesn't look like you can create a database subscription (and zone or query types don't seem appropriate for shared databases). Does that mean you can't get notified and you have to keep polling the cloudkit container for changes? If so, why such a limitation? Thanks
May ’24
Restart sync when using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer
It's 2024, and it still seems like the only sure way to cleanly restart cloud sync on an app using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer is to uninstall and reinstall the app. No need to describe how bad that solution is... Am I missing something? Is there a better way to safely trigger such a restart of the sync (even if it means losing unsaved data and overwriting with what's in the cloud - which is what a reinstall does anyway)?
May ’24
Redeeming offer code when family sharing is off in Subscription settings
Hi, a user with family sharing enabled on their account doesn't seem to be able to redeem offer codes for subscriptions that don't support family sharing. Is that expected? Does subscription family sharing need to be enabled in App Store connect for this to work? It isn't straightforward to test because once family sharing is enabled on a subscription it cannot be disabled. Interaction flow: click redeem offer in the app enter the code and tap redeem (often have to tap redeem multiple times - buggy - but reported by other users already so not the issue here) authentication takes place to confirm the purchase the user is then redirected to payment methods only family sharing payment methods are shown (not the user's personal ones) and nothing can be done beyond that. The only working option is the back navigation link so essentially the user is facing a dead-end Setup: app installed iPhone running IOS 15.6.1 subscription configured in App Store connect and known to be working fine for other users valid offer codes available for that subscription subscription family sharing is turned off in App Store connect the iPhone has family sharing enabled Thanks!
Aug ’22
Changing relationship delete rule & CloudKit
Hi, any side effect to be aware of when changing a core data relationship delete rule from Null to Cascade? I NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to handle CloudKit sync in case that's relevant. It doesn't look like any migration is required, and the cloudkit schema doesn't change so it seems there's nothing to do on the cloudkit-side either. However I'd prefer to double check to avoid making false assumptions. I wasn't able to find any documentation on that particular point so if someone can shade some light on how things work under the hood that would be appreciated. Thanks!
Jun ’22
CloudKit JS PWA
Hi, has anyone seen an example of Progressive Web App (PWA) using cloudkit js? I am exploring that avenue for multiplatform support of an existing SwiftUI app using CoreData and CloudKit. I see that this cloudkit.js demo uses vercel so perhaps something based on next.js would be a natural progression here, but I don't really have a preference for one of the many frameworks out there (pwabuilder, angular, react, vue, next, and the list goes on and on) Thanks
Apr ’22
xip: error: The archive “Xcode_13_Release_Candidate.xip” is damaged and can’t be expanded.
Running the latest Mac OS beta. I have downloaded the image twice but same result. The error from the command line is: xip: error: The archive “Xcode_13_Release_Candidate.xip” is damaged and can’t be expanded. The error when using the Archive Utility is about not enough space but I have more than 100GB available. Restarting the Mac doesn't help.
Sep ’21
NLTagger tagHypotheses always returns a single entry
Hi, I noticed that the NLTagger is always returning a dictionary with a single entry when using tagHypotheses. However for some words I was expecting to see several entries with different probability. Shouldn't that be the case? Is there something to set to alter this behaviour outside of setting maximumCount to a value greater than 1? For example, we know that "drive" can be a verb or a noun. But tagHypotheses() will only return the most likely based on context in the sentence (either verb or noun) and completely ignore the other one when returning the results dictionary. Interestingly if you submit "drive" as the only item in the string linked to the tagger, it will say it is a verb. However, if you submit "drive, roam" then tagHypotheses will say that both are nouns (and no probability for either of them being a verb)... Thanks! --------- Code used for testing ------- tagger.enumerateTags(             in: text.startIndex..<text.endIndex,              unit: .word,              scheme: .lexicalClass,              options: [.omitWhitespace, .omitPunctuation, .omitOther, .joinNames]         ) { (tag, range) -> Bool in             let (hypotheses, range) = tagger.tagHypotheses(                 at: range.lowerBound,                  unit: .word,                  scheme: .lexicalClass,                  maximumCount: 5             )             print(hypotheses.count, String(text[range]))
Jul ’21