How to solve the problem of using Model3D to load a local model file in Unity project, clicking on NavigationLink multiple times to load the local model file, and receiving a prompt "assertion failure: 'stagingBuffer.buffer.isValid()' (createMetalBuffer:line 2971) Failed to create staging buffer for texture upload"?
Reality Composer Pro
RSS for tagPrototype and produce content for AR experiences using Reality Composer Pro.
Baffled by the new ExtractBits shader graph node only supporting String input. Is this a bug? Trying to extract an integer from a float value, but have no idea how to pass it into Extract Bits. Convert nodes don't support number to string.
Hello. I am a designer developing a Vision Pro app. I have Two Problem in my App Develop Process.
I am trying to import free 3D national heritage content from Korea into Reality Composer Pro and place it in the app's internal space. However, there is an issue where the textures are not being imported correctly.
in Reality Composer Pro
in Simulator
In Reality Composer Pro, the textures are displayed correctly, but when I run the app on the Simulator in Xcode, the textures appear white and are not displayed properly. The content I imported is an .obj file, and I applied all the textures in jpg format using Reality Converter and exported it as a .usdz file, but the same issue persists.
I checked to see if the problem only occurs on the Simulator, but the same issue occurs on the Vision Pro device as well. How can I resolve this problem?
The following error code appears in Xcode, and the simulator does not run. I think it might be due to the size of the object added to the scene, so I tried compressing it with Reality Converter, but the issue still persists. Is there any other way to resolve this?
[MTLDebugDevice newBufferWithBytesNoCopy:length:options:deallocator:]:700: failed assertion Buffer Validation
newBufferWith*:length 0x280cc000 must not exceed 256 MB.
When I run my visionOS App, RealityKitContent Report an error:
Tool terminated by signal 'Segmentation fault: 11'
And it points to a USDZ model I imported, but in the scene, my model can be displayed normally and there is no damage. Why does an error occur? How can I check and repair it?
Hello everyone
I am looking to build a simple app for displaying a spatial video using the quick look preview API. I have been following this video which is useful:,just%20like%20the%20Photos%20app.
I am new to building apps in Xcode, and I could do with some advice on how to build the rest of the project mentioned in the above video. I was wondering if there is source code or a project example available anywhere for an app the uses the Quick Look preview API?
I am struggling to figure out how to make a shader to animate each vertex of a model separately using noise. I watched a video on how to do this in Unity, but I think something must be different with how Reality Composer Pro handles the noise nodes?
For example, in this graph I just hooked up the noise node directly to the geometry modifier:
In my output you can see the plane is adjust per-vertex using the noise node. My goal would be to animate this like waves, but moving the noise.
So in this graph I use time with sin to adjust the UV of the noise. This seems to change the noise node to output a single value (I guess that makes sense, since I modify the UV, it results in a single value, at that UV in the noise map). So then, I take that as the Y value and put it back into the geometry modifier. But now it doesn't work per-vertex, it moves the whole model up and down (based on the single value coming out of the noise map).
How do I make this apply to each vertex of the noise map individually?
This is an example of the output I want in Unity, the plane is being adjusted per-vertex by a scrolling 2d noise node:
Hey there,
I'm wonder if any one knows how to make the shader graph which is shown in wwdc24 video. I tired couple things but couldn't get same result I could make it in Unity and Blender but not in RCP.
thank you.
On visionOS 2 beta 3, Reality Composer Pro will open a cached copy of a scene (for example an usdc file I just changed) on the first try. Closing it and re-opening it will open the correct version.
Am I doing something wrong?
I'm following WWDC for interactive 3D content in reality composer pro and apple's document
However, this simple code to declare a dummy Component and System has compile error
/Users/Workspaces/repository/Packages/RealityKitContent/Sources/RealityKitContent/RobotComponent.swift:18:24 Static property 'query' is not concurrency-safe because non-'Sendable' type 'EntityQuery' may have shared mutable state
// Define a query to return all entities with a MyComponent.
private static let query = EntityQuery(where: .has(MyComponent.self))
// Initializer is required. Use an empty implementation if there's no setup needed.
required init(scene: Scene) { }
// Iterate through all entities containing a MyComponent.
func update(context: SceneUpdateContext) {
for entity in context.entities(
matching: Self.query,
updatingSystemWhen: .rendering
) {
// Make per-update changes to each entity here.
I'm using XCode beta3 and project target visionos 2
For all the AVP devs out there, what cloud service are you using to load content in your app that has extremely low latency? I tried using CloudKit and it did not work well at all. Latency was super bad :/
Firebase looks like the most promising at this point??
Wish Apple would create an ultra low latency cloud service for streaming high quality content such as USDZ files and scenes made in Reality Composer Pro.
Given that one can add custom components and expose them via RCP, how do I go about implementing my components / system in a way where when I make a parameter change that gets applied to the entitiy in the RCP viewport?
CrashLog panicString
I have an Entity exported from Blender, after loaded from RealityView, the "Body" and "Mesh" Entity have no ModelComponent, but they have Material Bindings reference, how can I update their materials?
I have read this thread to send notification to play animations in RCP.
If I now want to pause and come back later or stop and reset the timeline, is there a way to do so?
The object capture feature in Reality Composer App is only available in iOS and iPadOS at the moment, would this feature be available for visionOS in near future?
Reality Composer App Store
I am trying to follow the documentation with the beta version of visionOS with the new realitykit LowLevelMesh construct ( that draws a triangle. Although the code indicates different colors for each of the 3 vertex points, the triangle renders in white.
I believe that the missing link may be a shadergraph material, but because I will be drawing millions of triangles, with colors defined at the nodes and interpolated over the area of the triangles, I want to make sure it is efficient, either with shadergraph materials or perhaps metal.
I have, with an earlier version of the app I'm working on, successfully used a shadergraph material with MeshDescriptor.primatives as polygons for tetrahedrons. However, that is inefficient for more than 1,000 tetrahedrons (and crashes) so I'm trying to use the new LowLevelMesh instead (with each tetrahedron split into 4 triangles). However, I can't get very far using the example code from the documentation (that results in the white triangles), even trying to use the default shadergraph (GridMaterial) without getting quite a few error messages. I try to fix the errors with the suggested fixes and then get new ones (whack-a-mole) until it's seems to be all broken....
So in addition to my general question of shadergraph vs metal for a LowLevelMesh, a concrete example of using a shadergraph material with LowLevelMesh would be most appreciated! Thanks.
Hey, I need help achieving realistic fog and clouds for immersive spaces. Making 3D planes with transparent fog/cloud textures work, but they create issues when there are a lot of them overlapping each other. Also I can't get a good result with particles either.
Thanks in advance!
I used other software to export usdz files, hoping to further adjust the PBR and other parameters in the model in Reality Composer Pro. Because usdz is a whole, I cannot use the mouse to select a specific model in usdz on the interface. I have to find the models I want to modify one by one in the list on the left.
This method of operation is too inefficient. Is there a better way?
Or is there a way to disassemble the usdz file into numerous sub-models and texture material files, so that I can select it with the mouse on the interface in Reality Composer Pro and then modify the PBR, which would be much more efficient.
Based on info online I'm under the impression we can add spatial audio to USDZ files using Reality Composer Pro, however I've been unable to hear this audio outside of the preview audio in the scene inspector. Attached is a screenshot with how I've laid out the scene.
I see the 3D object fine on mobile and Vision Pro, but can't get audio to loop. I have ensured the audio file is in the scene linked as the resource for the spatial audio node. Am I off on setting this up, it's broken or this simply isn't a feature to save back to USDZ? In the following link they note their USDZ could "play an audio track while viewing the model", but the model isn't there anymore.
Can someone confirm where I might be off please?
For years, the preliminary behaviours provided a way to trigger an action sequence (now called timeline) when the user came close to an object.
I could not find the same in the new RealityComposerPro.