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Use TestFlight in App Store Connect to invite and manage beta testers for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. Discuss questions here and share app builds publicly via TestFlight under the Community topic.

TestFlight Documentation






Unable to install TestFlight build after app was removed from sale
I'm frantically trying to update five mobile applications that have been neglected for way too long, managed to get an update published for the first one just last month, but now I'm stuck trying to release an update for the second one. The only real difference in the overall process between these two is that the first was not "removed from sale" by Apple's automated systems, where the second one has been. My app update is built and uploaded to App Store Connect, it shows up under the "TestFlight" tab, and it shows in the TestFlight app on my iPad, but when I tap "Install" I get a message that reads "Could not install [app]. The requested app is not available or doesn't exist." The app in question works with proprietary hardware that I cannot send to Apple for the sake of their internal review process, but I cannot make a "tech demo" video showing the app working on my iPad because TestFlight refuses to install it... Please can somebody help me work out what I'm missing here?
Disk Write Exception
My test flight application crashed while doing a disk writing operation. I saw the following error in crash log 1073.76 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 705 seconds (1522.14 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 12.43 KB per second over 86400 seconds\ After a little bit of research I found from Apple documentation that System will throw an exception if disk writes from the app exceeds a certain limit in 24 hours window [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/reducing-disk-writes) But the threshold is not documented. But looking at the crash log we can reverse calculate this threshold as 12.43KB * 86400 ~ 1 GB Does this means that iOS application won't be able to write data more than this limit (1 GB) per day?
Aug ’21
My macOS TestFlight app keep deactivating its windows as if there's another invisible window in front
Has anyone else seen this happen with their macOS apps in TestFlight? The situation: When I launch my app that's been downloading via TestFlight.app, it often comes up with its main window deactivated. Also, when I have open more than one window and close one, the other window doesn't come to front either. In either case, activating the app or clicking into a window will activate it properly. It feels as if there's another window that's not visible but somehow keeps getting activated. I have this happen on two Macs running both Sonoma and Monterey. Also, if I take the very same build that I had uploaded to TestFlight and run it directly, it works correctly. So I suspect that TestFlight somehow messes with my app's windows. If you want to test this yourself: Get the app thru this link: https://findanyfile.app/TestFlight/ Then launch it. Often, the Find window will already come up without being active. Activate it, then open the Preferences window by typing cmd-comma. Then close the Prefs window with cmd-W. This should re-activate the Find window but will instead leave it deactivated, and none of the menu shortcuts (such as cmd-comma, cmd-N or cmd-Q) work. That's the bug. I wonder how I can debug this to find a work-around for this odd behavior. E.g, I'd like to see if there is indeed a semi-hidden window causing this. How would I do this? I could probably make a new TestFlight build that queries the app's windows array and logs it. But are there other ways to query an app's windows? I tried AppleScript, but since my app isn't scriptable, I only get an error -1728 for tell app "Find Any File" to get windows.
May ’24
visionOS and iOS archive builds
When I do an archive build of my app against visionOS, the archive listing in the Organizer show the archive entry as iOS. So I have one archive build for iOS with a certain build number and another archive build for visionOS with another build number (incremented by 1) They are both listed in The Organizer but they both have iOS info. I’ve submitted them both separately to TestFlight and I’m about to try to test it on visionOS. Shouldn’t the visionOS archive build that I submit to TestFlight indicate something about visionOS instead of iOS?
May ’24
Could not install <appname> error in TestFlight
Hello, I have encountered this error in all the applications I have listened to so far on my individual developer account and I cannot test it. I heard that different developer friends of mine are experiencing this problem, especially on individual accounts. All test users I added to my account also have this problem. They all have different phones and operating system versions. I tried a lot of solutions on different computers, Xcode versions, etc. But I couldn't find a solution. Could you please help with this?
May ’24
Reject: 2.1.0 Performance: App Completeness Bug description: Specifically, no action occurred after completing in-app purchase.
Hello. I received a rejection on a new application in the first release for some unknown reason: 2.1.0 Performance: App Completeness Bug description: Specifically, no action occurred after completing in-app purchase. and a screenshot of the paywall with products (prices). My products load from RevenueCat, and when tested in TestFlight, there are no issues. Please tell me what could be the problem?
May ’24
Finding TestFlight testers for my app
Hi, I am on version 2.2.11 of my app and I need some specific things tested. Honestly, I haven't had much luck with friends downloading and testing my app. I want people who will push the limits of the first flow of my app to hopefully produce edge cases which I can then fix. I don't mind paying. Any there any good services I can use to buy a batch of testers? Is this approach above-board as far as Apple is concerned? Thanks, Ryan
May ’24
Transporter reports Asset validation failed
Our release engineer encounters Asset validation failed error with various reasons (90240, 90270, 90242, 90259) on Transporter. If I upload same ipa file by Transporter on my dev machine, I can successfully upload. Both machine installs same version of Xcode and Transporter. My system is M1 macbook and his system is Intel macbook. Other than that, I don't see any differences. I have no idea why his machine does not work. Any thoughts? Thanks
May ’24
Invitation to the team - can't proceed with request
Hi, I'd received an invitation for test flight, but first, i need to join their development team. I'd received the email invitation for joining the team. Click "Accept Invitation", and prompt to log in. Success. But, I'd received "Cannot proceed with the request" message. Although, I'd try 2 different account tester. When, I click, "Contact Us". This page appeared. And I realize that, sometime, I didn't receive the invitation link although my teammate had sent it multiple times...
May ’24
Testflight builds expired all at once
Anyone is experiencing this issue? Today without any reason we can think of, all of our builds were expired on Testflight. Without knowing what happened, then we tried to add a new build, that it it seems to be in good shape on Testflight, even with the mark green meaning is ready to be tested. Even though, by trying to install the app on iOS using TF, we are getting a message saying "The requested app is not available"
Apr ’23
TestFlight: Expired & removed public testers still occupying the tester slot
3 months before I uploaded a build 1.0(1) and had 10000(not sure why it's showing 10001) public testers via public link. Now this build has expired and I've remove all these public testers, but seems these testers are still occupying the tester slots so that new testers are not able to join test for my new uploaded build 1.0(2), showing "beta is full" to them. I've been waiting for 2 days but those removed testers are still showing in the tester list as "deleted" status and not removed. I've tried upload new builds but it didn't work, what shall I do now?
May ’24
Some users can't be add to my appstore connect account
I'm adding many users to internal testing purpose. A few users did't received and welcome to apple developer program after signing in from invitation email. I've checked and didn't they on the user lists, so I can't added to internal tester group. We've tried so many times. I noticed that every users that had the same problem didn't see the trust this device page during the signing process. How should I fix this problem.
May ’24
Can't test the release build in TestFlight
Hi everyone, Our app has been removed from App Store (the status is "Removed from App Store"). So I have prepared new build and tested it in a debug mode. Works fine. I have uploaded the release build to the App Store Connect and submitted it for Review. After couple of hours I received the message that the release build doesn't work for the apple reviewers. When I want to install the app through TestFlight it says that the app doesn't exist (I an see it after I press "Install" button in TestFlight, I guess the reason is because the app has been removed from App Store). IPA file doesn't work as well. IS there any way I can test the release build (through TestFlight or installing IPA)? Thank you in advance
May ’24
Testflight install number is incorrect
A month ago, I released a new version for open testers on Testflight. After one week, I found that the number of installs was much lower than the previous version(10 vs 50+). So I check with our testers' latest version on their device. I count how many people updated the latest version by myself. The exact number was much higher than the number shown in the account (50 vs 10). Then I asked Apple support, he said one possible reason is the number of installs referenced is the number of new installs of the beta build. I searched the official definition of the number of installs, it means the number of installations on devices. And my previous version has very stable numbers except this new one. I am confused about this issue and what is the exact definition of the number of installs. I would appreciate it if someone can help me. Thanks!
Apr ’24