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Delve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.






Assisstive technology for Hemianopia
Hi, I wanted to ask if Apple have or are planning on developing assistive technology for people with Hemianopia (No left or right field of vision that affects both eyes)? I suffered a stroke back in 2019 which left me with this condition. It means it has caused me to lose my driving license and ultimately my independence. with Apple being at the forefront of developing exciting new technology, i.e. Apple watch for health monitoring. I believe technology to help the tens of thousands of people each year who suffer from a stroke and left with Hemianopia would be greatly welcomed, allowing people to get back the lives they had before they lost their independence. I am speaking for myself, but ultimately I'm speaking for all the people around the world who are suffering from this debilitating condition which has no cure as of yet. Apple are big on health and this would be the ultimate device for so many. I truly hope you can help? kind regards, James McMaster
Mar ’24
Missing library libSystem.B.dylib
Hello, I am developing a tool in python or nodejs to intercept flows between two applications (MITM). I want to use the FRIDA library, but when I use it I get the following error: Error: module not found at "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib". Indeed, the library is not present in the folder. I tried to get help directly from FRIDA but I couldn't find any help and on the current forum I did see some posts talking about this problem but I couldn't solve it. Do you have an idea of how to solve this problem. Thank you. Ps: I'm new to the APPLE ecosystem (Mac mini - Apple M1)
Mar ’24
Rotating or normalizing CMAcceleration data
I'm trying to use CMAcceleration data in my app to detect when the user is doing certain kinds of activities. The problem I'm having is that the acceleration data for the same user motions is different depending on how they are holding their phone. I don't care about the orientation of the phone, I just care about the overall motion of the person holding it. I've researched and tried a whole bunch of ways to correct the data for phone orientation, such as rotating the acceleration using the CMAttitude rotation matrix, removing the effect of gravity with a series of calculations, and doing both of these in both orders. I can't seem to come up with something that works. I think there has to be some solution since iOS can do things like step counting which I assume doesn't depend on the orientation of the phone. Thanks, Frank
Mar ’24
CMPedometer not counting floors
I'm not getting any values from the floorsAscended or floorsDescended properties of CMPedometerData. I tested it by walking up and down a flight of stairs twice while monitoring for pedometer updates for 60 seconds. I also queried for the pedometer data separately at the end of the time period in case there were any updates I missed. I'm using an iPhone 13 pro for my tests and I did check to make sure CMPedometer.isFloorCountingAvailable() is true, and I am getting other kinds of pedometer data such as distance, pace, and steps. Is there something else I need to do in order to enable floor counting? Thanks, Frank
Mar ’24
parallax on iPadPro
Is apple still deciding what we can view, disabling parallax on websites (safari) or is there a workaround? I am a graphic designer and web developer with an iPad Pro. iPadPro uses "desktop" css not tablet (due to its larger size), so it looks like the desktop website but the beautiful features of parallax are missing. Not helpful with troubleshooting and editing websites on iPadPro after hours. Anyone know a way to force parallax to work?
Mar ’24
Search Files on Network Drive doesn't work
I'm having issues using Finder Search (and spotlight search) for files on the network drive. Till the new update of OS Sonoma finder search was working, I think its a bug but today I uploaded to the latest version (14.4) but the issue remains. The issue is simple, when I search files/folders/anything on a network drive I find nothing. For example I have folders named with numbers "21053" "10992"; if I put the exact name on the search bar it doesn't show anything. I don't know what to do, please help me.
Mar ’24
CMMotionActivityManager.startActivityUpdates() is not working
I cannot get CMMotionActivityManager.startActivityUpdates() to work. I have given my app permission to use core motion and also put the required description key into my Info.plist file. I am expecting my user to walk. I call startActivityUpdates() and then stand up and start walking. I typically get about 3 callbacks within a couple of seconds, all of which have "false" set for all of the activity flags, even "unknown". Then after that I get nothing. I can't figure out what I could possibly be doing wrong here. The code is really simple. I looked at doezens of examples and my code is doing the exact same things.
Mar ’24
Open firewall to allow port 8001
I recently purchased a MacBook Pro with M3 chip running Sonoma 14.3.1 (to replace a MacBook Pro that used an Intel chip and ran Ventura 13.6.1.) I need to open Port 2001 to use socket.io for an app I am developing. On the older Mac, I simply entered : sudo ufw allow 8001 Now the Mac apparently uses pfctl as a firewall, but the documentation on how to open a port is not at all clear. Can you help.
Mar ’24
domToImage JS library not working well on iPhone and Mac
I have a problem with the JS library 'dom-to-image', This JavaScript library converts a div to an image, but it's not working well on iPhone and Mac devices. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, and other times I need to download the image multiple times for it to work. I understand that Mac/iPhone devices have different rendering logic, but is there a way to check what the problem is and how to fix it? I tried dom-to-image-more and some delay but still not working. Thank you!
Mar ’24
iPad app with NFC and camera - No compatible hardware
I'm working on an app (actually in Test Flight) that has camera and NFC support. So in iPhone is obviously working as expected, but when testers want to try the camera "aspect" of the app on iPads they can't even download the app it says "No compatible hardware" in Test Flight. What I need to do in this case, I already have a UI/UX solution when theres no NFC support or it's disabled (Android can detect this) but here I have no clue if I'm missing something. Thanks in advance
Mar ’24
UI Sound FX package for Vision Pro?
Hi, I noticed that several of the top Vision Pro apps such as Disney+ and Max have similar if not identical SFX for basic navigation like Select and Back. I was wondering if Apple has provided an audio SFX library as a resource, or if the similarity is coincidental. I'm not familiar with Apple providing anything like this in the past, but figured on a totally new platform where they might be trying to establish a paradigm, it was worth looking into!
Mar ’24
display resolution
I have a Samsung wide screen monitor that worked with 2017 MacBook Air with intel running latest OS on beta that's available - Monterrey 12.7.4 - until I download software to share with a government entity. After removing that share screen software, I can no longer get a resolution about 1920x1080, which results in my monitor display looking stretched. I've reinstalled OS three times, set to monitor to defaults two times, and still nothing. How do I add resolution size about 1920-x1080?
Mar ’24
mac pro 5.1 mojave rx 580 crash at sleep
Hello everybody, thanks for any feedback. I updated my cMP 4,1-5,1 from High Sierra to Mojave after installing the Saphire Nitro+ RX580. Since Mojave was installed (over H Sierra), my mac keeps crashing and restarting at sleep. I get mainly 2 kinds of reports -which I do not understand- one about kernel attack and one about bluetooth. Any help / directions is greatly aprecciated!
Mar ’24
Core Haptics Engine Player Destruction with Corrupted AHAP Files
Hello, I've encountered a concerning issue while working with Core Haptics which I believe warrants attention from the community and Apples engineering team. When attempting to play a haptic pattern using the ChHapticEngine.playPattern method with a corrupted AHAP file path, I've observed unexpected behavior. Specifically, the player is immediately destroyed, triggering the notifyWhenPlayersFinished callback with nil error before executing the catch block(catch block is eventually executed), Furthermore, this behavior introduces ambiguity regarding the successful playback of haptic patterns, as corrupted files can produce false positives in error notifications. Current workaround is simple, AHAP files are JSON formated files at the end of the day, so just try to decode data or create Foundation object from given JSON data. and if this fails then data must not be in expected format(or decoding strategy is off), that way you can guarantee the validity of an AHAP file before passing it to your player. Michaud Reyna, Senior iOS Engineer
Feb ’24