Intelligently educate your users about the right features at the right time with TipKit

Posts under TipKit tag

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TipKit: Present popover tip after sheet gets dismissed
I have created a tip with a parameter (Bool) I have tried to set it to true in a sheet which is presented modally over the view which should present the popover tip. After the sheet gets dismissed the popover tip is never presented. If I restart the app, the popover tip appears. Is there any way to trigger the presentation of a popover tip manually? I have created a little demo app to demonstrate my problem: Setup TipKit on app start: import SwiftUI import TipKit @main struct TipKitDemoApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .task { try? Tips.configure() } } } } Simple tip: import Foundation import TipKit struct DemoTip: Tip { @Parameter static var enabled: Bool = false var title: Text { Text("Demo Tip") } var rules: [Rule] { [ #Rule(Self.$enabled) { $0 == true } ] } } Content view which includes the popover tip and displays the sheet where the tip can be enabled: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var presentDetail = false let demoTip = DemoTip() var body: some View { VStack { Image(systemName: "globe") .imageScale(.large) .foregroundStyle(.tint) Text("Hello, world!") .popoverTip(demoTip) Button("Present Details") { presentDetail.toggle() } } .padding() .sheet(isPresented: $presentDetail) { DetailView() } } } In the detail view the tip gets enabled, but if I dismiss this view, the tip only appears after I restart the app: import SwiftUI struct DetailView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss var body: some View { Button("Enable demo tip") { DemoTip.enabled = true } Button("Dismiss") { dismiss() } } }
May ’24
AppClip+TipKit: Tips status stuck at .pending and don't display
Hi - I use TipKit in my App and AppClip. TipKit is configured with the app group's datastore. The tips show in the App, but on the AppClip, with the same rules/state, the tips do not display. Is this expected? TipKit is not listed as one of the frameworks unavailable to AppClips. try? Tips.configure([ Tips.ConfigurationOption.displayFrequency(.hourly), Tips.ConfigurationOption.datastoreLocation(.groupContainer(identifier: BuildConfiguration.shared.userDefaultsSuite)) ])
Jan ’24
Using TipKit in a UIKit/SwiftUI hybrid application
Context: I maintain an app that has a UITabBarController at its root, and the tabs are UIHostingControllers to (mostly) SwiftUI views. I have a UINavigationController I present from that tab bar controller, and the rootViewController of that presented nav is a UIHostingController with SwiftUI views inside (not using NavigationView in there, but I am using .toolbar and NavigationLink). I'm trying to use TipKit in this presented SwiftUI view, and its led to a couple unexpected issues: When I dismiss a tip, the entire presented view controller hierarchy is dismissed (like calling window.rootViewController.dismiss()) somehow, configuring the tooltip inside of a ButtonStyle resolves this issue When I show a tip pointing at a Button inside of the .toolbar sometimes that tip is presented in the top left corner of the window, not pointing to the view properly when the tip is dismissed, that button then stops calling its action and does nothing Has anyone else experienced this/anything like it? Because of this (and other issues from the past) I get the sense that Apple is of the mind that you should either have a fully UIKit application, or a fully SwiftUI application, since issues with bridging between the two are not uncommon and solutions are unclear/undocumented. Curious what others think about this, and about maintaining UIKit/SwiftUI hybrid apps in general.
Jan ’24
TipView can't show
import SwiftUI import TipKit struct ChatRoomView: View { @StateObject private var socketManager = SocketIOManager() @State private var inputText: String = "" @StateObject var viewModel = SignInWithAppleViewModel() @Binding var isCall: Bool @State private var isSheet = false @State private var ShowView = false var learnlisttip = KeyTip() @Binding var showShareSheet: Bool @Binding var codeshar: String var body: some View { NavigationStack{ VStack { if let roomCode = socketManager.roomCode { ZStack{ VStack{ HStack{ Text("Room Key: \(roomCode)") .font(.title) .onAppear{ codeshar = roomCode self.isCall = true } Button(action:{ self.showShareSheet = true }, label:{ Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up.fill") .accessibilityLabel("Share") }) } .padding(20) TipView(learnlisttip, arrowEdge: .top) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) Spacer() } List(socketManager.messages, id: \.self) { message in Text(message) } TextField("input", text: $inputText) Button("send") { socketManager.sendMessage(roomCode: roomCode, message: inputText) inputText = "" } } .sheet(isPresented: $showShareSheet) { let shareContent = "Open SpatialCall, Join this Room, Key is: \(codeshar)" ActivityView(activityItems: [shareContent]) } } else { HStack{ Button(action:{ withAnimation{ socketManager.createRoom() } }, label: { VStack{ Image(systemName: "") .symbolRenderingMode(.multicolor) .symbolEffect(.appear, isActive: !ShowView) .font(.largeTitle) Text("Add Room") .font(.title3) } }) .buttonStyle(.borderless) .buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle) .padding(.horizontal, 30) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) .scaleEffect(1.5) .padding(60) Button(action:{ withAnimation{ self.isSheet = true } }, label: { VStack{ Image(systemName: "phone.badge.checkmark") .symbolRenderingMode(.multicolor) .symbolEffect(.appear, isActive:!ShowView) .font(.largeTitle) Text("Join Room") .font(.title3) } }) .buttonStyle(.borderless) .buttonBorderShape(.roundedRectangle) .padding(.horizontal, 30) .glassBackgroundEffect() .offset(z: 20) .scaleEffect(1.5) .padding(70) } } } .onAppear { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) { withAnimation { self.ShowView = true } } } .sheet(isPresented: $isSheet){ VStack{ Text("Join Room") .font(.largeTitle) Text("You need to get the key to the room.") TextField("Key", text: $inputText) .padding(30) .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) Button(action:{ socketManager.joinRoom(roomCode: inputText) self.isSheet = false }, label: { Text("Join Room") .font(.title3) }) .padding(50) } .padding() } .sheet(isPresented: $socketManager.showRoomNotFoundAlert) { Text("The room does not exist. Please check whether the Key you entered is correct.") .font(.title) .frame(width: 500) .padding() Button(action:{ self.socketManager.showRoomNotFoundAlert = false }, label: { Text("OK") .font(.title3) }) .padding() } } } } In the above code (this is a visionOS project), when I click Share, it can't display Sheet normally, and TipView can't be displayed either. Why?
Jan ’24
TipKit Tip popover only shows one time.
try Tips.resetDatastore() try Tips.configure( [ // Reset which tips have been shown and what parameters have been tracked, useful during testing and for this sample project .datastoreLocation(.applicationDefault), // When should the tips be presented? If you use .immediate, they'll all be presented whenever a screen with a tip appears. // You can adjust this on per tip level as well .displayFrequency(.immediate) ] ) struct UserTip: Tip { static let hoverEvent: Event = Event(id: "hoverEvent") @Parameter var isHovering: Bool = false static var tipCountKey = "UserTipCount" var title: Text var message: Text? var image: Image? var tipShownLimit: Int var options: [Option] { // Show this tip 5 times. [ Tips.MaxDisplayCount(5), Tips.IgnoresDisplayFrequency(true) ] } var rules: [Rule] { #Rule($isHovering) { $0 == true } } } struct ShowPopoverTip: View { @State private var tip = UserTip( title: Text("the title"), message: Text("the message here"), image: Image(systemName: "volleyball.fill"), tipShownLimit: 10 ) var body: some View { Button(action: { }) { Text("Hover over me") } .popoverTip(tip) .onAppear { } .onHover { hovering in if hovering { tip.isHovering = true print("tip.status: \(tip.status)") print("tip.isHovering: \(tip.isHovering)") print("tip.shouldDisplay: \(tip.shouldDisplay)") }else{ tip.isHovering = false print("tip.isHovering: \(tip.isHovering)") } } } } The popover only works once, even though I have set it to Tips.MaxDisplayCount(5) Either the Tip is getting invalidated or popovers only show once. debug output: tip.isHovering: true tip.shouldDisplay: false tip.isHovering: false tip.status: pending tip.isHovering: true tip.shouldDisplay: false tip.isHovering: false btw, if I remove the Tips.resetDatastore(), it still shows once each time I launch the app.
Jan ’24
TipKit Rule won't compile
static let hoverEvent: Event = Event(id: "hoverEvent") /// Parameters-Rules @Parameter static var isHovering: Bool = false static var tipCountKey = "UserTipCount" var title: Text var message: Text? var image: Image? var tipShownLimit: Int @ObservedObject var buttonState: ButtonState var rules: [Rule] { #Rule(Self.hoverEvent) { $0.donations.count < tipShownLimit } } } error: Event Rules require a count comparison. If I replace tipShownLimit like this: var rules: [Rule] { #Rule(Self.hoverEvent) { $0.donations.count < 3 } } it compiles fine. the error is: Event Rules require a count comparison.
Jan ’24
Reset specific tip
If I have some tips in an onboarding flow and want to allow my user to restart the onboarding experience, how can I reset specific tips? I know there is Tips.resetDatastore() but I may not want to reset every tip, just some subset of them.
Jan ’24
arrowEdge of popoverTip not working anymore on iOS 17.1
In iOS 17.1 (and 17.2 beta), the arrowEdge parameter of the SwiftUI popoverTip doesn't work anymore. This code button .popoverTip(tip, arrowEdge: .bottom) looks like this on iOS 17.0 and like this on 17.1 and up. I checked permittedArrowDirections of the corresponding UIPopoverPresentationController (via the Memory Graph): It's .down on iOS 17.0 and .any (the default) on 17.1. It seems the parameter of popoverTip is not properly propagated to the popover controller anymore.
Jul ’24
Custom styles for popovertips
Hi. We want to implement TipKit, and specifically popovertips, in our app but it does not seem to be a way to customize these as you can with TipView and custom TipViewStyles. I noticed the documentation references MiniTipStyle but it only contains the standard minitipStyle. Is there a way to fully customize popovertips or is it coming in a future update? Best regards Johannes
Nov ’23
TipKit: showing a popover tip on a SwiftUI toolbar button
Hi folks, there's currently a known issue in TipKit due to which it won't show popover tips on buttons that are inside a SwiftUI ToolbarItem. For example, if you try this code, the popover tip will not appear: ToolbarItem { Button(action: {...}) { Label("Tap here", systemImage: "gear") } .popoverTip(sampleTip) } There's an easy workaround for this issue. Just apply a style to the button. It can be any style. Some examples are bordered, borderless, plain and borderedProminent. Here's a fixed version of the above code: ToolbarItem { Button(action: {...}) { Label("Tap here", systemImage: "gear") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // Adding this line fixes the issue. .popoverTip(sampleTip) } Hope this helps anyone running into this issue.
Sep ’24
More control of TipKit arrow locations
Hello! Based on the lack of forum posts, I think I'm one of the first people to really be diving into TipKit. :) I'm trying to use a tip to coax users toward a button in the toolbar of a NavigationView. The docs say to put the TipView "close to the content", but the best I can do for the NavigationView toolbar is to put it in one of the views inside the Navigation View itself. I'm using a TipView with an arrowEdge: .top parameter, which results in this: I'd love to be able to move the arrow tip under the plus button. Is that possible in this early beta stage? Do I need to restructure my view hierarchy somehow?
Jul ’24