Custom styles for popovertips

Hi. We want to implement TipKit, and specifically popovertips, in our app but it does not seem to be a way to customize these as you can with TipView and custom TipViewStyles. I noticed the documentation references MiniTipStyle but it only contains the standard minitipStyle. Is there a way to fully customize popovertips or is it coming in a future update?

Best regards Johannes

I was wondering the same thing, and it seems that improvements are coming in later versions.

Unfortunately popover tips cannot be fully customized like inline tips in the current version of TipKit. We're working on making this possible in future TipKit updates.

Thank you @FrankSchlegel and @melsam , glad to hear that it is on the horizon.

For anyone facing the same problem, I noticed that this was only a problem in SwiftUI. If we present the PopoverTip using TipUIPopoverViewController in UIKit and change the viewStyle, it works as expected. However to change the whole popover background color, including the arrow. you have to change the popoverPresentationControllers backgroundColor. We mix UIKit and SwiftUI in our project so this should be fine in our case. For example:

let controller = TipUIPopoverViewController(myCustomTip, sourceItem: myNewFeatureButton)
controller.viewStyle = MyCustomTipStyle()
controller.popoverPresentationController?.backgroundColor = .red
present(controller, animated: true)
Custom styles for popovertips