Tipkit Tips keep popping up after invalidation

I'm using UIKit and setting up TipKit with the suggested defaults

try? Tips.configure([


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {


Every time I swipe out of the app the tips start reappearing again - even the ones that have been invalidated. Has this happened for anyone else and does anyone else have a solution?

Here's an example of one of my tips

struct createTabTipHomePage: Tip {
        var title = styleTipTitle("Title")
        var message = styleTipMessage("Message")
        var asset: Image {
            Image(systemName: "plus.square")

        var rules: [Rule] {
                #Rule(TipActions.$homeTrandingScrolledToCreateTrigger) {
                    $0 == true

        var options: [TipOption] {

        func showAction() {

  • I have the same issue here. Xcode 15.0.1, iOS 17.0.3

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The solution for me was to not make the Tip struct private. Now it's remembering its state.

@LogicalLight's solution with setting an ID also solved it. Then you can have the struct private.


I've tried these same steps and can't get the tip from popping up each new app launch.

I just tried this:

struct createTabTipHomePage: Tip {
    let id = "MyViewName.createTabTipHomePage"

And now the tip will remember its state properly. And yet my other tips don't need this, so I don't know what's going on.

The solution for me was to not make the Tip struct private. Now it's remembering its state.

@LogicalLight's solution with setting an ID also solved it. Then you can have the struct private.

Thanks all. For future readers - the solution was to manually assign each tip with an id like @LogicalLight mentioned. If I had to guess I'd say the assigned tip Id doesn't stay the same between launches.

The Tip protocol documentation reads:

/// The tip's unique identifier.
/// If you don't provide a value, the system assigns the name of the type that conforms to the `Tip` protocol during initialization.
var id: String { get }