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My TipKit views are showing in Previews, when I run on a Simulator, and on a physical device (running iOS 17 Beta), but if I archive and upload to TestFlight, I do not see them (on devices running iOS 17 Beta)... Anyone else encounter this? I am using the Xcode 15 GM (15A240d). I tried manually adding the framework into the target. I am worried that if I submit for Review it will not show on devices when released... Am I just supposed to trust that it will work via the App Store? 🫣
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I have created a custom TipViewStyle to have more control over the layout in the TipView. However, I've noticed that by doing so I lose the default "X" dismiss button. I do not see any way to access it from the Configuration. Is my only solution to add an Action to my Tip? Also, as an aside, has anyone figured out a way to add a shadow other than using the popoverTip? It seems to be clipped... struct Test: TipViewStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { HStack() { configuration.image?.scaledToFit() VStack(alignment: .leading) { configuration.title configuration.message } } } }
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Is it possible to apply a Blur() to a specific subset of a Text()? The best I can come up with is an HStack() { Text("A") Text("B").blur() Text("C") } considering Text + Text + Text does not work when .blur() changes "B" from a Text to a View. The issue with my HStack solution is that the individual Text elements will wrap text and not look fluid. Looks ok with short text. But looks bad when the text is longer.
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