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When Rotate screen, a scanning sheet does not respond to any touch interactions
I have implemented NFC card reading functionality using NFCTagReaderSession. After starting the NFC reader session in landscape mode at least once, if I switch back to portrait mode and attempt to start the NFC reader session again, the scanning sheet does not respond to any touch interactions. Regardless of whether the screen is rotated, I expect the user to be able to close the reading screen, but it remains open. Is there any workaround for this issue? Code: class ViewController: UIViewController, NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate { func tagReaderSessionDidBecomeActive(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession) { } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: any Error) { } func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) { } override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: any UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) { super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator) let session = NFCTagReaderSession(pollingOption: [.iso14443], delegate: self) session?.begin() } } PLATFORM AND VERSION iOS Device Information: Xcode 15.3 iPhone Xs (iOS 17.4) iPhone 8 (iOS 16.7.7) STEPS TO REPRODUCE Procedure and Results: 1.Launch the app. →The portrait mode is displayed. 2.Rotate from portrait to landscape. →The landscape screen shows the NFC reading interface. 3.Tap the cancel button on the NFC reading screen. →The landscape NFC reading screen closes. 4.Rotate back from landscape to portrait. →The portrait screen displays the NFC reading interface. 5.Tap the cancel button (cross icon) on the NFC reading screen. →The portrait NFC reading screen does not close.
May ’24
Toolbar does not animate in with Swift UI NavigationStack
Hello, fairly new to Swift, I come from a React Native background. One of the hardest things I'm finding is simply customising the screen headers in the navigation. I've managed to do it using a custom modifier that uses .toolbar and ToolbarItem as shown below: struct NavBar: ViewModifier { let title: String let showBackButton: Bool? @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss func body(content: Content) -> some View { return content .toolbar { if showBackButton == true { ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .navigationBarLeading) { Button(action: { dismiss() }) { Image("BackButton") }.padding(.top, 18) } } ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) { Text(title) .font(Font.custom("Knight Vision", size: 28)) .foregroundColor(.white).padding(.top, 20) } } .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) } } This is all fine and suits my needs however I'm finding that the toolbar does not slide in with the rest of the screen when navigating to as screen with it on. I would expect the title to slide in with the other items on the screen. Especially since the toolbar does animate out, it just does not animate in. Heres a video so you can see what I mean. Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a better way to do this? [linkText](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6M-glapBZz0 /)
May ’24
Full width UICollectionViewCells overlap during interface orientation rotations causing ugly animation
Preface Upon rotating the interface, the UICollectionViewCells overlap, generating an unpleasant animation that for sure can't be used in production. The code The code was executed on iPhone 6S (NN0W2TU/A A1688) with iOS 15.8.2. I could reproduce the issue on iPhone 15 Pro with iOS 17 on simulator as well. SelfConfiguringCell.swift: import UIKit protocol SelfConfiguringCell: UICollectionViewCell { static var reuseIdentifier: String { get } func configure(with image: String) } ISVImageScrollView.swift: Code here CarouselCell.swift: import UIKit import SnapKit class CarouselCell: UICollectionViewCell, SelfConfiguringCell, UIScrollViewDelegate { static var reuseIdentifier: String = "carousel.cell" internal var image: String = "placeholder" { didSet { self.imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: image)) self.scrollView.imageView = self.imageView } } let scrollView: ISVImageScrollView = { let scrollView = ISVImageScrollView() scrollView.minimumZoomScale = 1.0 scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 30.0 scrollView.zoomScale = 1.0 scrollView.contentOffset = .zero scrollView.bouncesZoom = true return scrollView }() var imageView: UIImageView = { let image = UIImage(named: "placeholder")! let imageView = UIImageView(image: image) return imageView }() func setImage(_ image: String) { self.image = image } func configure(with image: String) { self.setImage(image) self.scrollView.snp.makeConstraints { make in make.left.top.right.bottom.equalTo(contentView) } } override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) contentView.backgroundColor = UIColor.black scrollView.delegate = self scrollView.imageView = self.imageView contentView.addSubview(scrollView) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("Cannot init from storyboard") } func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? { return self.imageView } } ViewController: import UIKit class ViewController: UICollectionViewController { var currentPage: IndexPath? = nil let images = ["police", "shutters", "depot", "cakes", "sign"] init() { let compositionalLayout = UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { sectionIndex, environment in let absoluteW = environment.container.effectiveContentSize.width let absoluteH = environment.container.effectiveContentSize.height // Handle landscape if absoluteW > absoluteH { print("landscape") let itemSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize( widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(1) ) let item = NSCollectionLayoutItem(layoutSize: itemSize) let groupSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize( widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(1) ) let group = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.horizontal(layoutSize: groupSize, subitems: [item]) let section = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group) return section } else { // Handle portrait print("portrait") let itemSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize( widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1.0), heightDimension: .absolute(absoluteW * 9.0/16.0) ) let item = NSCollectionLayoutItem(layoutSize: itemSize) let groupSize = NSCollectionLayoutSize( widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1.0), heightDimension: .absolute(absoluteW * 9.0/16.0) ) let group = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.horizontal(layoutSize: groupSize, subitems: [item]) let section = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group) return section } } let config = UICollectionViewCompositionalLayoutConfiguration() config.interSectionSpacing = 0 config.scrollDirection = .horizontal compositionalLayout.configuration = config super.init(collectionViewLayout: compositionalLayout) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() collectionView.delegate = self collectionView.dataSource = self collectionView.isPagingEnabled = true // Register cell for reuse collectionView.register(CarouselCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: CarouselCell.reuseIdentifier) } override func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int { return 1 } override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return self.images.count } override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell { guard let reusableCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: CarouselCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? CarouselCell else { fatalError() } let index : Int = (indexPath.section * self.images.count) + indexPath.row reusableCell.configure(with: self.images[index]) return reusableCell } } Notes I found a similar unanswered question here. I'm sure something can be done about it because if I switch to SwiftUI with a TabView, that according to SwiftUI Introspect documentation for TabViewWithPageStyleType, is using UICollectionView under the hood, I'm not getting that ugly animation anymore. Though I can't switch to SwiftUI to use TabView because on interface rotation it loses the page index (well known bug, see here), which probably is even trickier to workaround.
May ’24
CreateML hyperparameters
Hi, I try to create some machine learning model for each stock in S&P500 index. When creating the model(Boosted tree model) I try to make it more successfully by doing hyper parameters using GridSearchCV. It takes so long to create one model so I don't want to think of creating all stocks models. I tried to work with CreateML and swift but it looks like it takes longer to run than sklearn on python. My question is how can I make the process faster? is there any hyper parameters on CreateML on swift (I couldn't find it at docs) and how can I run this code on my GPU? (should be much faster).
May ’24
StructureBuilder Trajectory issues during merging
In larger scenes, I need to record motion trajectories. RoomCaptureSession always starts from (0,0,0), and I use the last tracked point as the offset value to connect multiple trajectory points, just like StructureBuilder merging models But when StructureBuilder merged, it eliminated some of the models, which would make the trajectory points I saved lose accuracy, and I cannot know how much scene size was specifically eliminated between them Is there any way you can help me?
May ’24
Apple activity ring(sparkle)
Hello everyone My goal is to create Apple's activity ring sparkle effect. So I found Paul Hudson's Vortex library. There is already a sparkle effect, but I don't know how to modify it to achieve my goal. Because I'm pretty new to SwiftUI animations. Does anyone have any idea how I could do this? Vortex project: https://github.com/twostraws/Vortex
May ’24
A syntax error I'm not understanding...
I'm defining a typealias for a set, and then creating an extension for the new typealias. When I do this, I'm getting an odd syntax error. Any/all guidance appreciated. typealias IntSet = Set<Int> extension IntSet { func aFunction() -> Set<String> { let array: [String] = self.map { "\($0)" } return Set(array) } } At the return line, I get the following syntax error: Cannot convert return expression of type 'Set<Int>' to return type 'Set<String>' Even if I replace the return line with the following, I get the same compile error return Set("array")
May ’24
Returning to previously opened app
Hi everyone, I’m just starting with swift and Xcode and have a basic question. I have the following code I found online for an app that generates math addition questions. I would like to run this Math app on my iPhone just before I open the apps I use most often (let’s say mail, WhatsApp, calendar and notes) ask me a maths question and if I answer correctly, carryon with the app originally intended to be opened. I can do the opening of the Math app before the apps I use more often with shortcuts. I would like to modify the code bellow so that if I answer correctly it “closes” itself and returns to the originally intended app. With that intention I included the “exit(0)”, but I get an error. Thanks for your help in advance! Best, Tom struct ContentView: View { @State private var correctAnswer = 0 @State private var choiceArray : [Int] = [0, 1, 2, 3] @State private var firstNumber = 0 @State private var secondNumber = 0 @State private var difficulty = 1000 var body: some View { VStack { Text("(firstNumber) + (secondNumber)") .font(.largeTitle) .bold() HStack { ForEach(0..<2) {index in Button { answerIsCorrect(answer: choiceArray[index]) generateAnswers() } label: { AnswerButton(number: choiceArray[index]) } } } HStack { ForEach(2..<4) {index in Button { answerIsCorrect(answer: choiceArray[index]) generateAnswers() } label: { AnswerButton(number: choiceArray[index]) } } } } func answerIsCorrect(answer: Int){ if answer == correctAnswer {exit(0)} } } func generateAnswers(){ firstNumber = Int.random(in: 0...(difficulty/2)) secondNumber = Int.random(in: 0...(difficulty/2)) var answerList = Int correctAnswer = firstNumber + secondNumber for _ in 0...2 { answerList.append(Int.random(in: 0...difficulty)) } answerList.append(correctAnswer) choiceArray = answerList.shuffled() } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } }
May ’24
Test Finder right-click feature in a desktop app using Swift
I'd like to know how to test behavior in Swift on Desktop that needs to interact with external elements, in my case the Finder. My goal is simple: add an option in the right-click menu of the Finder that will open my application with the selected entry or entries (file or folder) from the Finder. I have thus set the elements NSMenuItem, NSMessage, NSPortName, NSRequiredContext (NSApplicationIdentifier: com.apple.finder) etc. I also created a class FinderService with a function performService having this declaration: func performService(_ pboard: NSPasteboard, userData: String, error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer&lt;NSString&gt;) { NSLog("performService called!") } And I instantiated my class like this: NSApplication.shared.servicesProvider = FinderService(). However, when I build and launch the application nothing happens, well my application runs fine and the instantiation of the class seems to be correctly called. But when I open my Finder, my action is not displayed in the right-click context menu. And in the logs of my application, no error appears. How can I test this?
May ’24
SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader Bug
For calling swift api of a class to cpp , we need to include SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader to cpp file and then we can access swift class api in cpp . Signature of swift class with public apis will be added to the SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader. We find an odd behaviour here . Signature of classes will be added to SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader in alphabetical order (swift class name alphabetically lower will be added first to generated header). If we have a swift class which is referenced by another swift class Api , then referenced class's name should be alphabetically lower that referee class , otherwise we will get a build error :- "Unknown class name". public class A { public func funca () { print ("class A") } } public class B { public func funcb () { print ("class B") } public func funcb2 (pA:A) { pA.funca() } public func funcb3 (pC:C) { pC.funcc() } } public class C { public func funcc () { print ("class C") } } Cpp class where we include bridging header after turning on swift cpp interop : class Test1 { public: static void testfunc (); }; #include "Test1.hpp" #include "cppswiftinterop-Swift.h" void Test1::testfunc() { } Here , we have three swift classes , Class A,B,C. And since we are including SwiftInterfaceGeneratedHeader in cpp , signature of these class will be added to the generated header . In this project , we are referencing Class A and Class C from Class B . And since A is alphabetically lower that B , it works fine (because signature of A in Generated header will be added before it is referenced by B). But since C is alphabetically above than B , it will through build error (Unknown type name 'C') , because Signature of C in Generated header will be added after it is referenced by class B). If i rename Class C to Class AA then , it works fine. Is this a bug in swift cpp interop?
May ’24
Question regarding fullScreenCover
Hello everyone, I have a problem in a project I am currently working on. Some background information regarding the problem is that I am creating some buttons in a foreach loop in another script that retrieve information from a server. These buttons are displayed in a grid with a width of 2 entries. The element that the buttons belong to also contain a fullScreenCover functionality, but the full screen cover functionality is only being called for the top four entries in the grid but the button works on all of the entries. Here is the partial code: Button(action:{ let _ = print("Button was clicked",self.title) isDetailPresented.toggle() let _ = print("Button was clicked",self.isDetailPresented) }) { VStack { ... } .foregroundColor(Color.black) .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $isDetailPresented, onDismiss: { //some function is being called here let _ = print("Moving on") }, content: { let _ = print("I have moved on") //a view to be opened }) I already checked that the boolean changes on all entries but I can't figure out why the content is not being displayed for the entries below the 4 top ones. Any help would be appreciated.
May ’24
Custom keyboard extension modified to allow full access back to App being killed
Hello, technical friends, I am developing a custom keyboard extension, currently encountered a technical difficulty, almost asked AI and Google have not solved my problem. 

 Problem description: 
 When my App was first installed, I opened Settings from the App, enabled full access, and crashed when I returned to the App. Run the App for the second time, open the Settings from the App, update the full access permission, and automatically re-run the App after returning to the App, and then the third, fourth, and NTH times will not crash. 

 Seems like ios will kill host apps for custom keyboard extensions after full access is updated? I want my App installed for the first time to update full access to return App without crashing, but don't know how to fix this problem. I look forward to the technical experts working in Apple development to help me provide relevant technical methods and ideas so that I can solve this problem. Thank you very much! When tracing debugging in xcode, after the App forces exit, the console prompts: Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 9 When I was monitoring CPU and memory usage, it was very low and I didn't see anything unusual.
May ’24
Trouble parsing JSON data, codable structs
Im making an API call using notions API to access and retrieve data from my Notion page and I'm successfully making the url request and accessing the page, however I seem to be struggling with returning the actual data that I have in that page and parsing the JSON data as right now, my console only outputs the makeup of my notion page rather than the formatted and parsed data. I made a codable struct meant to replicate the structure of a notion page based off their documentation then I'm passing that struct to my JSON parsing function but my data still is not being parsed and returned. heres what I have. import Foundation struct Page: Codable, Hashable { //Codable struct for notion "Page" for defining content aswell as object representation in a codable struct of all the basic components that make up a notion page per notion's documentation let created_time: String let created_by: String let last_edited_time: String let object: String let cover: String let emoji: String let icon: String struct properties: Codable, Hashable { let title: String let dueDate: String let status: String } struct dueDate: Codable, Hashable { let id: String let type: String let date: String let start: String let end: String? //optionals added to "end" and "time_zone" as these values are set to null in the documentation let time_zone: String? } struct Title: Codable,Hashable { let id: String let type: String let title: [String] } struct annotations: Codable, Hashable { let bold: Bool let italic: Bool let strikethrough: Bool let underline: Bool let code: Bool let color: String } let English: String let Korean: String let Pronounciation: String let in_trash: Bool let public_url: String? let annotations: Bool } let url = URL(string: "https://api.notion.com/v1/pages/8efc0ca3d9cc44fbb1f34383b794b817") let apiKey = "secret_Olc3LXnpDW6gI8o0Eu11lQr2krU4b870ryjFPJGCZs4" let session = URLSession.shared func makeRequest() { if let url = url { var request = URLRequest(url: url) let header = "Bearer " + apiKey //authorization header declaration request.addValue(header, forHTTPHeaderField: "authorization") //append apikey request.addValue("2022-06-28",forHTTPHeaderField: "Notion-Version") //specify version per notions requirments let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in if let httpError = error { print("could not establish HTTP connection:\(httpError)") } else { if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse { if httpResponse.statusCode == 200 { } else { print("invalid api key:\(httpResponse.statusCode)") } } } if let unwrapData = data { //safely unwrapping the data value using if let if let makeString = String(data: unwrapData, encoding: .utf8) { print(makeString) } else { print("no data is being returned:") } do { let decoder = JSONDecoder() //JSONDecoder method to decode api data, let codeUnwrappedData = try decoder.decode(Page.self,from: unwrapData) //Page. specifies its a struct, from: passes the data parmeter that contains the api data to be decoded //PASS STRUCTURESDATABASE STRUCT print("data:\(codeUnwrappedData)") } catch { print("could not parse json data") } if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse { if httpResponse.statusCode == 200 { print(String(data: unwrapData, encoding: .utf8)!) } else { print("unsuccessful http response:\(httpResponse)") } } } } task.resume() } }
May ’24
How to specify the mimeType when using a ShareLink?
When I try to share a image of a component using the ImageRenderer, the type is not .png while sharing the image created using ShareLink (The type is .jpeg for some reasons...) My code looks like this: ShareLink( "Share", item: ( ImageRenderer( content: shareView.frame( width: 420, height: 520 ) ).uiImage?.pngData() )!, preview: SharePreview( "Share Preview", image: ( ImageRenderer( content: shareView.frame( width: 420, height: 520 ) ).uiImage?.pngData() )! ) ) Also the image shared is always in low resolution, if anyone knows what to do in this case let me know! Any helps will be appreciated!
May ’24
SwiftData enum No exact matches in call to instance method 'setValue' error
I'm getting an "No exact matches in call to instance method 'setValue'" error for a property that has a enum as a value. How do I fix this? Any help would be appreciated. enum FluidUnit: CaseIterable, Identifiable { case ounce, liter var id: Self { self } var title: String { switch self { case .ounce: return "ounce" case .liter: return "liters" } } } @Model class Drink: Identifiable, Hashable { let id: UUID = UUID() let name: String = "" var shortName: String = "" var amount: Double = 0.0 let unitOfMeasure: FluidUnit = FluidUnit.ounce let date: Date = Date() var image: String = "water" var favorite: Bool = false init(name: String, amount: Double, unitOfMeasure: FluidUnit, image: String, favorite: Bool = false, shortName: String = "") { self.id = UUID() self.name = name self.amount = amount self.unitOfMeasure = unitOfMeasure self.date = Date() self.image = image self.favorite = favorite self.shortName = shortName } static func == (lhs: Drink, rhs: Drink) -> Bool { lhs.id == rhs.id } func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } }
May ’24
Add child of entity to a RealityKitView
[visionOS Question] I’m using the hierarchy of an entity loaded from a RealityKit Pro project to drive the content of a NavigationSplitView. I’d like to render any of the child entities in a RealityKitView in the detail pane when a user selects the child entity name from the list in the NavigationSplitView. I haven’t been able to render the entity in the detail view yet. I have tried updating the position/scaling to no avail. I also tried adding an AnchorEntity and set the child entity parent to it. I’m starting to suspect that the way to do it is to create a scene for each individual child entity in the RealityKit Pro project. I’d prefer to avoid this approach as I want a data-driven approach. Is there a way to implement my idea in RealityKit in code?
May ’24