I am facing a serious and urgent issue. I am trying to build my app for an update on the Store, but in Xcode, instead of archiving the expected Runner application, the archive is successfully created, yet it is not associated with the correct Runner. As a result, I am unable to upload and distribute the app to the Store after the build.
I have been stuck on this issue for two days, trying every possible solution, but I cannot identify what is wrong or causing the problem. Could someone please assist or guide me on how to resolve this? I would greatly appreciate any help.
Thank you in advance.
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Swift Packages
RSS for tagCreate reusable code, organize it in a lightweight way, and share it across Xcode projects and with other developers using Swift Packages.
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In Xcode 16, when I use File > New > Project to create a new iOS app project, Xcode automatically creates an asset catalog file called Assets.xcassets in the project.
However, if I later use File > New > File from Template, for example to add an asset catalog to an embedded Swift package within a project, Xcode suggests the default filename Media.xcassets for the file, instead of Assets.xcassets.
Why is the default name for this file different in each context?
Thank you for explaining this troubling consistency issue which causes me to lie awake at night.
My preferred way of setting up an app project no longer works in Xcode 16.
I like to have my apps massively modularized - a separate SPM module for every significant feature. I use a project grouped together with a package that contains all the feature modules. The project's app target imports a consolidated AppFeature from the package that is all the logic of the app.
In Xcode 15 and before, I had a process for creating this kind of setup (described below -- unfortunately the forums don't support collapsible sections). Where I used to be able to drag a directory from Finder into the Xcode files navigator (step 6 in my process), it now rejects the drag.
What I'm looking for is a way to have a single window open that has my Swift package and below that a separate folder for each executable target. Creating new modules in the package automatically creates new schemes in Xcode. Executable targets in the project can reference any module in the package. Source control treats the entire thing as one repository.
I've tried all the approaches I can think of to accomplish the same goal, but no luck. The projects I've already built work fine in Xcode 16 -- I just can't make a new one. Unfortunately I can't revert to Xcode 15 for this purpose since it apparently doesn't run on my work machine with macOS 15.
Here's my process that worked great till now:
In Terminal, create the project folder Foo:
$ mkdir Foo
$ cd Foo
Create the package:
$ swift package init
Creating library package: Foo
Creating Package.swift
Create a directory for the project:
$ mkdir App
In Xcode, create a new app project called Foo and put it in the App folder
Open the Foo project
Drag the top level Foo directory from Finder into the Xcode project and drop it immediately under the project name
Close the Xcode project
Create a file called Package.swift and place it in the App folder. Edit it to have an empty package content. This ensures Xcode won’t display that folder in the source navigator under the package header.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "",
products: [],
dependencies: [],
targets: []
Open the Xcode project. You should have top-level project name* Foo*. Under that will be the package, also named Foo. Then there will be the app target, also named Foo. You can rename the app target folder Foo to something like iOS if you want to have other targets for other platforms like macOS.
I'm building an iOS app using Xcode, and I frequently modify code within a package. To do this, I drag and drop a locally cloned version of the package into my project as a local package. However, when working across multiple branches of my app, I need different versions of the package as well. To achieve this, I use Git worktrees to create branch-specific copies of the package. Unfortunately, when I drag and drop these worktree copies into Xcode, the IDE doesn't seem to recognize them. Could you kindly guide me on resolving this?
Estará disponible la app Swift para iPhone 15?
Will the Swift app for iPhone 15 be available?
I have a build, but Distribution won't add it because it doesn't see encryption info in the Info.plist file, but that's hidden in Xcode. How do I find/update it?
We have a relatively big iOS-only project with around 80 build targets from swift packages (local features and external project dependencies) and Xcode 15.4 (originally, migrated to 16.0). Project compiles and runs great, but xcodebuild archive will fail 4 out of 5 tries with this:
ld: file cannot be open()ed, errno=2 path=/opt/builds/fLLyxmhG/0/myapp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/myapp (Development Flow)/BuildProductsPath/Debug-iphonesimulator/Account.o in '/opt/builds/fLLyxmhG/0/myapp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/myapp (Development Flow)/BuildProductsPath/Debug-iphonesimulator/Account.o'
Where Account.o is an end product of one of our feature packages linking to an .app itself.
This error is not tied to this concrete package/product (which should be compiling almost last relative to build graph) and could appear mid-build in between our service layer packages.
It seems (and is approved by Xcode timeline for .app archive log) that module dependency is compiled later than module itself and linker just cant find its dependency object files. The scheme is:
Module A (dependency itself)
Module B (needs module A)
And with build order expected (???) to be A (first) -> B we're getting the B -> A.
Error appears only when archiving for Debug configuration, archiving the same end-target with Release configuration results in stable passes 10 out of 10 tries. Setting identical parameters in Build Settings tab for both configurations of a target is not giving any effect.
Our current fix is choosing Manual order in scheme Build order setting. Everything works as expected, but i guess it's not optimal 🤧
Sadly can't provide test project, but anything else — welcome.
Syntax highlighting & code autocompletion is broken for Swift Packages wrapping an underlying binary target. Jump to defenition for module import shows the whole module interface and project builds & archives just fine, but any known workarounds to resurrect syntax assistant won't work without any errors/warnings.
Replacing the .binaryTarget() with plain .target() with source code in package dependency brings all assistant features back.
Steps to reproduce (project attached):
Create a local Swift Package
Add a dependency with binary target (for example — AppsFlyerFramework https://github.com/AppsFlyerSDK/AppsFlyerFramework)
Try to use dependency product with binary dependency
Attempted steps to fix:
Full DD clean
Full project clean
~15 min to index
Xcode 16.0 & Sonoma 14.6.1, problem persists with Xcode16.2 & Sequoia.
Radar #16035437
I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with a recent experience involving your services. I have discovered that I have been charged twice for the same product or service, which I find unacceptable. Additionally, I have not received the necessary support to resolve this issue, and the product or service in question does not function as it should.
The treatment I have received has been neglectful and far below the standards I expect from a company that prides itself on providing quality service. This situation has not only shaken my confidence in your services but has also caused significant frustration as a customer.
I demand an immediate resolution to this issue, including a refund for the duplicate charge and assurance that the purchased product or service will work as promised. If I do not receive a satisfactory response, I will be forced to take further action to protect my rights as a consumer.
I look forward to your prompt response to resolve this matter.
I recently switched my app from flutter which was using sqlite3 database. I would like to migrate my existing users to SwiftData.
The issue is I do not know where to start in finding the database for the current users, reading the data and inserting into the SwiftData schema.
I tried searching but not clear on how to proceed. Any help pointing in the right direction would be great. Thanks.
How to do content transition when one image is a system symbol and the other is in assets catalouge?
I have a save button:
Button(action: {
}) {
Label("Save", systemImage: wasSaved ? "checkmark" : "square.and.arrow.down")
Now, I created a new custom icon and added it into the assets catalogue: "custom.square.and.arrow.down.badge.checkmark" for when the wasSaved state is true. The issue I am facing is that to use it I need to use the method of Label with image:, while to use the non custom symbol, I need to use systemImage:.
So how is it possible to transition between the two?
Xcode crash report
I have a library for my iOS Apps. It uses among other things the Combine framework, Core Location and OSLog. I manage the library using the Swift Package Manager (SPM) and usually build via XCode, which works fine. However for CI I would like to build everything from the terminal. So I do call 'swift build' on the terminal. This produces errors such as:
'PassthroughSubject' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
'os_log(:dso:log::_:)' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
'eraseToAnyPublisher()' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
'authorizedWhenInUse' is unavailable in macOS
'AnyPublisher' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
'showsBackgroundLocationIndicator' is unavailable in macOS
These are all from the used frameworks. However, I do not care on which version of macOS, for example, PassthroughSubject is only available at, since the library is iOS only. Too make sure of that I added "platforms: [.iOS(.v14)]" to my Package.swift and thought this would be sufficient, so the project does not get build for macOS.
Can anyone please tell me or give me a hint on what I am getting wrong here?
I'm trying to create a target application that depends on multiple targets that all use the same Swift package that has xcframework binaryTarget. Each component can be successfully assembled individually, but when I try to create a core application that depends on these components, I get an error message on Prepare build stage:
Multiple commands produce '/Users/<USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<PROJECT_ID>/Build/Products/Debug/Frameworks/<FW_NAME>.framework/Versions/A'
Target '<COMPONENT1>' has copy command from '/Users/<USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<PROJECT_ID>/SourcePackages/artifacts/.../<FW_NAME>/<FW_NAME>.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/<FW_NAME>.framework' to '/Users/<USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<PROJECT_ID>/Build/Products/Debug/Frameworks/<FW_NAME>.framework'
Target '<COMPONENT2>' has copy command from '/Users/<USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<PROJECT_ID>/SourcePackages/artifacts/.../<FW_NAME>/<FW_NAME>.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/<FW_NAME>.framework' to '/Users/<USER>/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<PROJECT_ID>/Build/Products/Debug/Frameworks/<FW_NAME>.framework'
– where <FW_NAME> is a name of the xcframework which is the binaryTarget in the Swift package.
Could someone please explain to me if it is even possible to use xcframeworks packaged in Swift packages in such cases, and if so, how to do it correctly?
When i create a intance of swift String :
Let str = String ("Hello")
As swift String are immutable, and when we mutate the value of these like:
str = "Hello world ......." // 200 characters
Swift should internally allocate new memory and copy the content to that buffer for update .
But when i checked the addresses of original and modified str, both are same?
Can you help me understand how this allocation and mutation working internally in swift String?
When user enters in a textfield, is the input of textfield gets stored in a String ?
If yes, then String in swift being immutable, as user keeps on typing does new memory for storing that text gets allocated with each key stroke ?
And when we read users input by using delegate method textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) from textfield.text, we get users input in a String. Is it same storage as used by textfield for storing the user input on key stroke or is it some other storage with copy of the user's input in it?
Or is UItextfield using a diffrent data structure (buffer) for storing the user input and when we do textfield.text, it gives a copy of data stored in original buffer?
The app gets stuck after login on an iOS 18 device. It works in Xcode, but the simulator shows the following console error: IntegrationApp(769,0x1f0094c00) malloc: xzm: failed to initialize deferred reclamation buffer (46).
Hi everyone,
I’m planning to develop a cross-platform PDF viewer app for iOS and macOS that will read PDFs from local storage and cloud services (Google Drive, iCloud, WorkDrive, etc.). The app should be read-only and display both the PDF content and its metadata (author, title, creation date, etc.).
Key Features:
View PDFs: Local and remote (cloud storage integration).
Display metadata: Title, author, page count, etc.
Cloud integration: Google Drive, iCloud, Zoho WorkDrive, etc.
Read-only mode: No editing features, just viewing.
Xcode Template: Should I use the Document App or Generic App template for this?
PDF Metadata: Any built-in libraries for extracting PDF metadata in a read-only app?
Performance: Any advice or documentation on handling large PDFs or cloud fetching efficiently?
Thanks in advance for any advice or resources!
The problem is that when building the application with Debug mode on Xcode 16.1, the dSYM files fail to upload to Crashlytics.
It worked in latest Xcode 15 version.
The workaround is to disable Debug Dylib Support in the target's Build Settings. However, this causes SwiftUI previews to stop working.
Reproducing the issue
Set ENABLE_DEBUG_DYLIB=YES for build options
Build the application in Xcode 16.1
Firebase SDK Version
Xcode Version
Installation Method
Swift Package Manager
Firebase Version 11.5.0
Relevant Log Output
warning: (arm64) /Users/dustin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyAppName-cicejndcecececfe/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyAppName.app/ MyAppName empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info.
The warning seems like is from XCode/lldb compiler rather than Crashlytics (https://lldb.llvm.org/cpp_reference/SymbolFileDWARF_8cpp_source.html line655).
This is probably something on Apple side, Crashlytics only consumes dSYM which is generated from Xcode. (ref:https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/14054#issuecomment-2477235548)
This is related to:
Firebase Issue
In below Swift code , is there any possiblities of failure of Unmanaged.passRetain and Unmanaged.takeRetain calls ?
// can below call fail (constructor returns nil due to OS or language error) and do i need to do explicit error handling here?
let str = TWSwiftString(pnew)
// Increasing RC by 1
// can below call fail (assuming str is valid) and do i need to do explicit error handling for the same ?
let ptr:UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = Unmanaged.passRetained(str).toOpaque()
// decrease RC by 1
// can below call fail (assuming ptr is valid) ? and do i need to do explicit error handling