Display and manipulate PDF documents in your applications using PDFKit.

Posts under PDFKit tag

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How to append or Save a PDF Document in PDFKit incrementally
Hi - I am using PDFKit to create annotations (drawings), comments, and filling out forms of PDF Templates that are digitally signed. The signature permissions allow for form filling and annotations. How can I save the document incrementally or by appending the changes to the end of a PDF so that it doesn't invalidate the signature and its hash. I didn't see any flag options for this in the PDF write (toFile/URL) or dataRepresentation functions, but it seems noting has been added or changed since iOS 11.0. Is there a flag to allow this with PDFDocumentWriteOption or is there another method I should be using? Thank you.
Aug ’24
How do I correctly show a PDF document?
How do I correctly show a PDF document? iPad and Xcode 15.4 Within my GameViewController, I have: func presentScene(_ theScene: SKScene) { theScene.scaleMode = .resizeFill if let skView = self.view as? SKView { skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = true skView.showsFPS = true skView.showsNodeCount = true #if os(iOS) let theTransition = SKTransition.doorway(withDuration: 2.0) skView.presentScene(theScene, transition: theTransition) #elseif os(tvOS) skView.presentScene(theScene) #endif } } // presentScene I believe presentScene(theScene) goes to the sceneDidLoad() func of theScene which adds various SKSpriteNodes to the scene via a call to addChild(theNode). So far so good ... Until I have a SKScene wherein I wish to display a PDF. I use this snippet to display this PDF with this call within the SKScene's sceneDisLoad(): displayPDF("ABOUT_OLD_WEST_LOCOMOTIVE") func displayPDF(_ itsName:String) { let pdfView = PDFView() guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: itsName, ofType: "pdf") else { return } print("path") guard let pdfDocument = PDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: path)) else { return } print("pdfDocument") pdfView.displayMode = .singlePageContinuous pdfView.autoScales = true pdfView.displayDirection = .vertical pdfView.document = pdfDocument } // displayPDF The 2 print statements show, yet the SKScene does not display the PDF via pdfView.document = pdfDocument? Anyone have a clue what errors I have committed? Appreciate it.
Jul ’24
PDFKit Sizes increases
Hey there, I have a slight problem which is also known on the web, but I couldn't find any answers... My iOS App is working with documents like pdf and images. It is made to handle invoices and upload them to an external service. The app's job is to compress those pdfs and images. Sadly the PDFKit's PDFDocument increases its size just after importing it with pdfDocument = PDFDocument(url: url) and later exporting it to an pdf file again with data = pdf.dataRepresentation() without ever modifying it. It increases by server KB after each export. Do you have any alternatives to the renderer dataRepresentation() or a general PDFKit alternative Thanks
Jul ’24
Exact Extract of Text from PDF
The problem is that when I read out the text in a PDF with page.string or page.attributedString, the context of the lines is lost. Instead of TermA....23,45 TermB....2,13 in an index document TermA TermB 23,45 2,13 is issued. The context of the lines (and the sequence of the letters) is lost. Is there a way to read the text from a PDF line by line?
Jan ’25
PDFKit deletes certificates on document load
Why does PDFKit delete signature widgets that have already been digitally signed? This should not happen. Is there an undocumented flag that needs to be set so that PDFKit doesn't remove them when loading or saving the PDF? It's difficult to tell if it is happening at PDFDocument(url: fileURL) or document.write(to: outputURL) If a document is signed and still allows annotations, form filling, comments, etc. we should be able to load the PDF into a PDFDocument and save it without losing the certs. Instead the certs are gone and only the signature annotation widgets are present. Here is a simple example of loading and then saving the PDF with out any changes and it shows that the data is actually being changed... ... import UIKit import PDFKit class ViewController: UIViewController { var pdfView: PDFView! @IBOutlet weak var myButton: UIButton! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() pdfView = PDFView(frame: self.view.bounds) pdfView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight] self.view.addSubview(pdfView) self.view.bringSubviewToFront(myButton) // Load and compare the PDF data if let originalData = loadPDF() { if let loadedData = getRawDataFromLoadedPDF() { let isDataEqual = comparePDFData(originalData, loadedData) print("Is original data equal to loaded data? \(isDataEqual)") } } } @IBAction func onSave(_ sender: Any) { if let savedData = savePDF() { if let originalData = loadPDF() { let isDataEqual = comparePDFData(originalData, savedData) print("Is original data equal to saved data? \(isDataEqual)") } } } func loadPDF() -> Data? { guard let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "document", withExtension: "pdf") else { print("Error: document.pdf not found in bundle.") return nil } do { let originalData = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL) if let document = PDFDocument(url: fileURL) { pdfView.document = document print("PDF loaded successfully.") return originalData } else { print("Error: Unable to load PDF document.") return nil } } catch { print("Error reading PDF data: \(error)") return nil } } func getRawDataFromLoadedPDF() -> Data? { guard let document = pdfView.document else { print("Error: No document is currently loaded in pdfView.") return nil } if let data = document.dataRepresentation() { return data } else { print("Error: Unable to get raw data from loaded PDF document.") return nil } } func comparePDFData(_ data1: Data, _ data2: Data) -> Bool { return data1 == data2 } func savePDF() -> Data? { guard let document = pdfView.document else { print("Error: No document is currently loaded in pdfView.") return nil } let fileManager = FileManager.default let urls = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask) guard let documentsURL = urls.first else { print("Error: Could not find the documents directory.") return nil } let outputURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent("document_out.pdf") if document.write(to: outputURL) { print("PDF saved successfully to \(outputURL.path)") do { let savedData = try Data(contentsOf: outputURL) return savedData } catch { print("Error reading saved PDF data: \(error)") return nil } } else { print("Error: Unable to save PDF document.") return nil } } }
Aug ’24
PDF Text Selection Crashes When Cursor Moves Over QR Code Only on iOS 18
We are experiencing a crash when selecting text in a PDF and moving the cursor over a QR code. This happens when the QR code at the end of the PDF file with no text following it. [Only on iOS 18] Steps to Reproduce: Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/aliakhtar49/ios18-pdf-crash/tree/main cd ios18-pdf-crash Run the application to load the provided PDF Select some text and move the cursor over the QR code several times Observe the crash. You can see the gif in the repo Expected Behavior: The application should not crash Actual Behavior: The application crashes: Environment: iOS version: 18.0 Device: iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max Additional Context: This issue occurs when the QR code is at the end of the PDF file with no text following it StackTrace `thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x19f3e6ec0) * frame #0: 0x000000019f3e6ec0 CoreGraphics`void PageLayout::ConvertTextRangesToStringRanges<std::__1::span<CFRange, 18446744073709551615ul>, std::__1::back_insert_iterator<std::__1::vector<CFRange, std::__1::allocator<CFRange>>>>(std::__1::span<CFRange, 18446744073709551615ul>&&, std::__1::back_insert_iterator<std::__1::vector<CFRange, std::__1::allocator<CFRange>>>&&) const + 664 frame #1: 0x000000019f424c5c CoreGraphics`CGPDFPageLayoutGetStringRangeIndexNearestPoint + 100 frame #2: 0x000000022b4c096c PDFKit`-[PDFPage characterIndexNearestPoint:] + 128 frame #3: 0x000000022b450950 PDFKit`-[PDFTextInputView _closestPositionToPoint:withinRange:] + 420 frame #4: 0x00000001a0bd02f0 UIKitCore`-[UITextSelectionInteraction _hasTextAlternativesAtLocation:] + 120 frame #5: 0x00000001a03e3834 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver _hasTextAlternativesForTouch:] + 256 frame #6: 0x000000019fa4e0f8 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver _endTrackingForTouch:] + 212 frame #7: 0x000000019fa4ca38 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver _trackTouch:] + 132 frame #8: 0x000000019fa4c94c UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver peekApplicationEvent:] + 220 frame #9: 0x000000019fa4c304 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboards peekApplicationEvent:] + 84 frame #10: 0x000000019fa35dc4 UIKitCore`__dispatchPreprocessedEventFromEventQueue + 4180 frame #11: 0x000000019fa3ef7c UIKitCore`__processEventQueue + 5696 frame #12: 0x000000019f936df4 UIKitCore`updateCycleEntry + 160 frame #13: 0x000000019f934d28 UIKitCore`_UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84 frame #14: 0x000000019f934978 UIKitCore`schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 172 frame #15: 0x000000019f93580c UIKitCore`runloopSourceCallback + 92 frame #16: 0x000000019d126f9c CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 28 frame #17: 0x000000019d126f30 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 176 frame #18: 0x000000019d124a08 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 244 frame #19: 0x000000019d123c14 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 856 frame #20: 0x000000019d123424 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 frame #21: 0x00000001e93211c4 GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 164 frame #22: 0x000000019fc6a130 UIKitCore`-[UIApplication _run] + 816 frame #23: 0x000000019fd1855c UIKitCore`UIApplicationMain + 340 frame #24: 0x0000000105e77c38 MyApp.debug.dylib`main at HSAppDelegate.swift:19:20 frame #25: 0x00000001c3058a74 dyld`start + 2724`
Aug ’24
Saving edited PDFs directly to application from QuickLook
I'm stuck on a problem where I need to be able to have the same editing capabilities as in .quickLookPreview and be able to save the edited file to the application with the "Done" button. So, in nutshell, I need to implement the same functionality many other applications provide including Apple's Files. However with .quickLookPreview I don't get the ability to save edited files directly to the application, and I've had no luck finding help from the internet (thus this question). Perhaps somebody has implemented this before and could give me a lead somewhere? PS. I'm trying to find a solution without any third party libraries
Jul ’24
TextKit2 to PDF WITHOUT Font embedding
I can render text from TextKit2 into a PDF everything is fine. But in this case the font is embedded into the PDF. I need the Pdf to contains only the paths / glyphs and not font. I can't find a solution yet. I don't want to create an image or using UIViews etc. It would be nice to get the bezier path of the text I have done this with TextKit1 but the glyphs are gone with TextKit2 Can anyone help me ? Thanks :)
Jun ’24
UIPrintPageRenderer hangs app after iPhone update
After updating iPhone from 17.4 to 17.5.1 UIPrintPageRenderer completely hangs app when getting NumberOfPages from Renderer. var render = new UIPrintPageRenderer(); if (webViewPages != null && reportIndex < webViewPages.Length) { render.AddPrintFormatter( webViewPages[reportIndex].ViewPrintFormatter, 0); } else { render.AddPrintFormatter( new UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter(reportContent), 0); } var printable = CoreGraphics.CGRectExtensions.Inset(page, 0, 0); render.SetValueForKey(NSValue.FromCGRect(page), new NSString("paperRect")); render.SetValueForKey(NSValue.FromCGRect(printable), new NSString("printableRect")); var pdfData = new NSMutableData(); UIGraphics.BeginPDFContext(pdfData, page, null); int pageNum = 0; for (pageNum = 0; pageNum < render.NumberOfPages; pageNum++) { UIGraphics.BeginPDFPage(); var bounds = UIGraphics.PDFContextBounds; render.DrawPage(pageNum, bounds); } UIGraphics.EndPDFContext();
Jun ’24
The application crashes when an image of a certain PDF (50 MB, 1 page) is drawn on the context page in background.
Hi Team, I am using CGPDFPage and CGContext to convert the PDF to an image. It is working fine in all circumstances but fails in one circumstance where the size of the PDF is above 50 MB and when the application is made to be on background and again opened. It is also occurring only on physical devices; emulators are working fine. We are using the following code for this conversation: fileStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); CGDataProvider provider = new CGDataProvider(memoryStream.ToArray()); CGPDFDocument cGPDFDocument = null; image = null; cGPDFDocument = new CGPDFDocument(provider); using(CGPDFPage pdfPage = cGPDFDocument?.GetPage(1)) { if (pdfPage != null) { CGRect rect = pdfPage.GetBoxRect(CGPDFBox.Media); if (pdfPage.RotationAngle == 90 || pdfPage.RotationAngle == 270) { rect = new CGRect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Height, rect.Width); } nfloat factor = (nfloat)0.5; CGRect bounds = new CGRect(rect.X * factor, rect.Y * factor, rect.Width * factor, rect.Height * factor); UIGraphics.BeginImageContext(bounds.Size); CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext(); context.SetFillColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); context.FillRect(bounds); context.TranslateCTM(0, bounds.Height); context.ScaleCTM(factor, -factor); context.ConcatCTM(pdfPage.GetDrawingTransform(CGPDFBox.Crop, rect, 0, true)); context.SetRenderingIntent(CGColorRenderingIntent.Default); context.InterpolationQuality = CGInterpolationQuality.Default; context.DrawPDFPage(pdfPage); image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphics.EndImageContext(); imageView.Image = image; parentView.AddSubview(imageView); } } We have added a simple application created on Xamarin.iOS platform that replicates this issue in Assets we have added the PDF with this issue https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/PdfToImageSample-556012354 We have recorded this for the reference, https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/ze/CrashBGImgRec-1376481150 This issue is constantly occurring on the "context.DrawPDFPage(pdfPage);" line in my application. On the provided sample, this issue is occurring consistently when the break point is placed on the "context.DrawPDFPage(pdfPage);" line. It also occurs randomly without placing the breakpoint. We are invoking this function on DidEnterBackground override method of AppDelegate Do we need to set any to properly retrieve the image from CGPDFPage and add them into context?
Aug ’24
Files App Share Context with Security scoped resource fails
I'm creating an App that can accepted PDFs from a shared context. I am using iOS, Swift, and UIKit with IOS 17.1+ The logic is: get the context see who is sending in (this is always unknown) see if I can open in place (in case I want to save later) send the URL off to open the (PDF) document and load it into PDFKit's pdfView.document I have no trouble loading PDF docs with the file picker. And everything works as expected for shares from apps like Messages, email, etc... (in which case URLContexts.first.options.openInPlace == False) The problem is with opening (sharing) a PDF that is sent from the Files App. (openInPlace == True) If the PDF is in the App's Document Folder, I need the Security scoped resource, to access the URL from the File's App so that I can copy the PDF's data to the PDFViewer.document. I get Security scoped resource access granted each time I get the File App's context URL. But, when I call fileCoordinator.coordinate and try to access a file outside of the App's document folder using the newUrl, I get an error. FYI - The newUrl (byAccessor) and context url (readingItemAt) paths are always same for the Files App URL share context. I can, however, copy the file to a new location in my apps directory and then open it from there and load in the data. But I really do not want to do that. . . . . . Questions: Am I missing something in my pList or are there other parameters specific to sharing a file from the Files App? I'd appreciate if someone shed some light on this? . . . . . Here are the parts of my code related to this with some print statements... . . . . . SceneDelegate func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) { // nothing to see here, move along guard let urlContext = URLContexts.first else { print("No URLContext found") return } // let's get the URL (it will be a PDF) let url = urlContext.url let openInPlace = urlContext.options.openInPlace let bundleID = urlContext.options.sourceApplication print("Triggered with URL: \(url)") print("Can Open In Place?: \(openInPlace)") print("For Bundle ID: \(bundleID ?? "None")") // get my Root ViewController from window if let rootViewController = self.window?.rootViewController { // currently using just the view if let targetViewController = rootViewController as? ViewController { targetViewController.prepareToLoadSharedPDFDocument(at: url) } // I might use a UINavigationController in the future else if let navigationController = rootViewController as? UINavigationController, let targetViewController = navigationController.viewControllers.first as? ViewController { targetViewController.prepareToLoadSharedPDFDocument(at: url) } } } . . . . ViewController function I broke out the if statement for accessingScope just to make it easier for me the debug and play around with the code in accessingScope == True func loadPDF(fromUrl url: URL) { // If using the File Picker / don't use this // If going through a Share.... we pass the URL and have three outcomes (1, 2a, 2b) // 1. Security scoped resource access NOT needed if from a Share Like Messages or EMail // 2. Security scoped resource access granted/needed from 'Files' App // a. success if in the App's doc directory // b. fail if NOT in the App's doc directory // Set the securty scope variable var accessingScope = false // Log the URLs for debugging print("URL String: \(url.absoluteString)") print("URL Path: \(url.path())") // Check if the URL requires security scoped resource access if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { accessingScope = true print("Security scoped resource access granted.") } else { print("Security scoped resource access denied or not needed.") } // Stop accessing the scope once everything is compeleted defer { if accessingScope { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() print("Security scoped resource access stopped.") } } // Make sure the file is still there (it should be in this case) guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) else { print("File does not exist at URL: \(url)") return } // Let's see if we can open it in place if accessingScope { let fileCoordinator = NSFileCoordinator() var error: NSError? fileCoordinator.coordinate(readingItemAt: url, options: [], error: &error) { (newUrl) in DispatchQueue.main.async { print(url.path()) print(newUrl.path()) if let document = PDFDocument(url: newUrl) { self.pdfView.document = document self.documentFileName = newUrl.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent self.fileLoadLocation = newUrl.path() self.updateGUI(pdfLoaded: true) self.setPDFScale(to: self.VM.pdfPageScale, asNewPDF: true) } else { print("Could not load PDF directly from url: \(newUrl)") } } } if let error = error { PRINT("File coordination error: \(error)") } } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { if let document = PDFDocument(url: url) { self.pdfView.document = document self.documentFileName = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent self.fileLoadLocation = url.path() self.updateGUI(pdfLoaded: true) self.setPDFScale(to: self.VM.pdfPageScale, asNewPDF: true) } else { PRINT("Could not load PDF from url: \(url)") } } } } . . . . Other relevant pList settings I've added are: Supports opening documents in place - YES Document types - PDFs (com.adobe.pdf) UIDocumentBrowserRecentDocumentContentTypes - com.adobe.pdf Application supports iTunes file sharing - YES And iCloud is one for Entitlements with iCloud Container Identifiers Ubiquity Container Identifiers . . . . Thank you in advance!. B
Jun ’24
PDFKIT, Static Text, on MacOS
Hi community: I'm trying to create a form PDF form a script in swift on Mac First approach was trying to add a simple and static text not collapsible. But I tried multiple options. And all ends on something that is not a static text. The best approach was to create a textfield not editable with widget PDFKit, but when you go to the preview app on Mac and pass the the mouse over the field, it is highlighted in blue ... Thanks for the support.
Apr ’24
Rotate PDF Annotation
I'm working with PDFKit and trying to rotate PDFAnnotation from a PDFView: Here is my code for a normal case(no rotated): class ImageAnnotation: PDFAnnotation { var image: UIImage? init(image: UIImage?, bounds: CGRect) { self.image = image super.init(bounds: bounds, forType: .stamp, withProperties: nil) } override func draw(with box: PDFDisplayBox, in context: CGContext) { guard let cgImage = self.image?.cgImage else { return } context.draw(cgImage, in: bound) } } And here is the way I used to rotate PDFAnnotation: init(image: UIImage?, bounds: CGRect) { self.image = image super.init(bounds: bounds.applying(CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: -CGFloat.pi/12)), forType: .stamp, withProperties: nil) } override func draw(with box: PDFDisplayBox, in context: CGContext) { guard let cgImage = self.image?.cgImage else { return } context.rotate(by: CGFloat.pi/12) context.draw(cgImage, in: bounds) } But it doesn't work as expected. Can you help me? Thank you.
Apr ’24