On demand resources

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On-demand resources are app contents that are hosted on the App Store and are separate from the related app bundle that you download.

Posts under On demand resources tag

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Xcode editor fails to generate Swift Asset Symbol Extension if on demand resources is used
I started using on-demand resources for some data assets. After that, the Swift Asset Symbol Extension feature began to fail in the Xcode editor. Even though the app builds and runs fine, the Xcode editor shows errors, indicating that there is no extension variable for my color and image assets. I submitted feedback and updated it after each new Xcode release. However, I have not received any responses, and the problem persists. The Xcode versions I tested: 15.3, 15.4, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3 Steps to reproduce this error: Create a new app project (SwiftUI, Swift). Create a new color asset named "myBackground." In ContentView, add a background modifier to a view: .background(Color.myBackground). Auto-completion will work, and there are no issues. Create a new data asset named "myData." Add the "On Demand Resource" tag to "myData" with the tag "some_tag." Create a new color asset named "myOtherBackground" and make its color different from "myBackground." In ContentView, try to replace the background with Color.myOtherBackground. It will not be listed in auto-completion and will show the error "Type 'Color' has no member 'myOtherBackground.'" However, it will still compile and show "myOtherBackground" in the preview, simulator, or on the device. You will start to see the failed "Project Build Preparation" report in the Reports Navigator in Xcode. According to the report, the "GenerateAssetSymbols" command fails. Error message: GenerateAssetSymbols /Users/***/Projects/***/***/Assets.xcassets (in target '***' from project '***') cd /Users/***/Projects/*** /Applications/Xcode_15.3.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/actool --output-format human-readable-text --notices --warnings --export-dependency-info /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/assetcatalog_dependencies --output-partial-info-plist /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/assetcatalog_generated_info.plist --app-icon AppIcon --accent-color tint --compress-pngs --enable-on-demand-resources YES --development-region en --target-device iphone --minimum-deployment-target 15.0 --platform iphonesimulator --asset-pack-output-specifications /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/AssetPackOutputSpecifications.plist --compile /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/workoutai.app /Users/***/Projects/***/***/Assets.xcassets --bundle-identifier *** --generate-swift-asset-symbols /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/DerivedSources/GeneratedAssetSymbols.swift --generate-objc-asset-symbols /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/DerivedSources/GeneratedAssetSymbols.h --generate-asset-symbol-index /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/DerivedSources/GeneratedAssetSymbols-Index.plist /* com.apple.actool.errors */ : error: Could not create a NSArray from '/Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-***/Index.noindex/Build/Intermediates.noindex/***.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.build/AssetPackOutputSpecifications.plist'. : error: Not enough arguments provided; where is the input document to operate on? Command GenerateAssetSymbols failed with a nonzero exit code
Code=4099 "Connection invalidated to streaming unzip service."
Hello, I am new to be using on-demand resources in my project, it’s a wonderful idea and concept I have to say! Kudos to whoever invented this! I am facing one problem that I couldn't solve so far: whenever I switch between the TestFlight / App Store / local Xcode builds I receive this error message: Code=4099 "Connection invalidated to streaming unzip service." Does anyone know what this means and how I can resolve it? I saw this other thread where it was recommended to delete & reinstall the app, but that is not always feasible because then all user data from the app is lost as well: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/707070 Thanks a lot for any hints!
Dec ’24
On-demand resources asset packs invalidated on app update
Hello, I have an issue using on-demand resources. It happens that on every update the asset packs are always reported to be not present, even if the resources tagged on every asset pack do not change. This is very annoying since we rarely change the on demand resources on the asset packs, but our users still have to redownload them each time. I have inconsistent behavior debugging on Xcode directly on a device, so I am only able to consistently reproduce the issue uploading two builds on TestFlight. I have prepared a test project that I have tested on TestFlight and always reproduce the issue: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oEH_ZBFjGIDTCrxe7Lu8XsFErFurg6HS/view?usp=sharing STEPS TO REPRODUCE Archive the "TestODR iOS" target Upload it on TestFlight Download it on a test iOS device and launch it Tap on "Download" button to get the on-demand resouces (it starts the download of two on-demand packs) Wait the download until you see "packAvailable = 1" on both packs Bump both the build and version numbers of the target Archive the "TestODR iOS" with the versions bumped Upload the new archive on TestFlight When it becoums available on TestFlight tap on "Update" button and launch it after the update When the app is launched you will see "packAvailable = 0" for both packs. Expected behaviour: After the update we expect to see packAvailable = 1 since no asset have changed between the two versions. Thanks, Francesco
Dec ’24
Clarification regarding App Bundle size limits
Hello, There is a table in the On Demand Resources Size Limits documentation that states the size of the thinned App Bundle should be: < 2GB for iOS < 18 < 4 GB for iOS 18+ However we have products on App Store that are already currently close to 4 GB without using ODR. The "Estimated file sizes for Build" in App Store Connect shows download sizes of about 3.5 GB. From the table it seems prior to iOS 18 you were allowed 2 GB + 2 GB initial install and prefetched if you are using ODR 2 GB if you are not using ODR However, since our available apps on the store are already close to 4GB pre iOS 18, we are a bit confused why our products worked and what are the limits. Can an app have 4GB large + 2GB ODR initial install/prefetch on iOS 17 ? Thanks, Dan
Oct ’24
On Demand Resources Not Working in Release Build for Real Device
I have implemented On Demand Resources (ODR) in my iOS app using Swift. The ODR feature works correctly when running the app directly from Xcode 15.3. However, when I archive the app and install the release build on a real device, the ODR feature fails to function as expected. I followed up this doc. https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/On_Demand_Resources_Guide/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015083-CH2-SW1 I have read that adding specific entitlements for ODR might be necessary, but I'm unsure how to properly configure this.
Jul ’24
how to include secrets file
Hi. My app hits an API. I have the API key stored in a config.plist file. Of course, I don't want to include this file in version control. So I omitted it. I have a workflow that when I push to my main branch, it pushes the newest version to internal testers on test flight. The problem is, the deployed code cannot find the config file, which makes sense. My approach to this problem has been to use resource tags Targets > Resource Tags And I declared that this app should download this resource. I can't figure out how to categorize it as other than download on demand . I would like it to be downloaded immediately with the app. Am I even on the right track here?
Jun ’24
[ODR] Install & Prefetched Tags not working
Hello there, I'm currently trying to use the ODR system, according to that guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/On_Demand_Resources_Guide/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015083-CH2-SW1. I followed the guide trough, however my install tags and prefetch tags, seems to not be installed when the app is installed as describe by the documentation. I did add them to the list of install and prefetched tags in the project, nothing seems to be working so far. I tried installing the app directly from Testflight but got to the same result. The request system for the ODR tags work as expected, so far the only way to make my install nor prefetch tags works was to actually call the "beginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler" directly with the wanted tags, I also try to use the "conditionnallyBeginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler" which give me resourcesAvailable is false for the install & prefetch tags. Any help will be more than welcome. Thanks, Jérémy
Aug ’24
On-demand resources suddenly stopped working?
So yesterday I noticed that some of images in my app stopped appearing. All of them were placed in the on-demand resources, that is I've assigned tags to them. Up until yesterday they were working correctly but since then whenever I try to load the assets I get the error message saying: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Connection invalidated to streaming unzip service." My code for loading the asset is pretty straightforward and it was working perfectly fine before: let resourceRequest = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: ["vinyl"]) defer { resourceRequest.endAccessingResources() } do { if await !resourceRequest.conditionallyBeginAccessingResources() { try await resourceRequest.beginAccessingResources() } } catch { assertionFailure("Vinyl image was not available, error: \(error)") } I'm obviously using it in asynchronous context, but the old method which used completion handler gives me the same error. Has anyone encountered this issue as well? I just updated my devices to iOS 15.5, maybe that update broke on-demand resources? Tested on Xcode 13.4, iOS 15.5
Dec ’24
Prefetched tags (On demand resources)
Hello. I'm trying to make the ODR experience as seamless as possible while reducing the app bundle size same time. According to the documentation, the files associated with the tags placed in the prefetch tag order section should start downloading immediately after installing the app, but my observations show that the resources behave like it's associated with on demand tag. Assuming: I expected that at least few first resources in order will be ready after 10-15 sec after installing and accessing these resources through conditionallyBeginAccessingResource() will return success almost immediately, but it's not. Anyone faced this behaviour? Does this technology is still actual for 2022?
Aug ’24