Metal Performance Shaders

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Optimize graphics and compute performance with kernels that are fine-tuned for the unique characteristics of each Metal GPU family using Metal Performance Shaders.

Posts under Metal Performance Shaders tag

24 Posts
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Instruments showing incorrect values
Hello, I’m encountering an issue with the Instruments app while running a benchmark on an M2 Ultra Mac Studio. Despite being certain that GPU activities involving memory read and write operations are occurring, all related performance counters consistently return 0. Interestingly, this problem does not occur when using the same code on an M1 MacBook Air, where the counters behave as expected. What could be causing this discrepancy? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jan ’25
SwiftUI glitch with coloreffect shader & orientation change
Hi, I have the following swiftUI code: Image(uiImage: image) .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .colorEffect(ShaderLibrary.AlphaConvert()) and the following shader: [[ stitchable ]] half4 AlphaConvert(float2 position, half4 currentColor) { return half4(currentColor.r>0.5,currentColor.r<=0.5,0,(currentColor.r>0.5)); } I am loading a full-res image from my photo library (24MP)... The image initially displays fine, with portions of the image red, and the rest black (due to alpha blending)... However, after rotating the device, I get an image that is a combination of red&green... Note, that the green pixels from the shader have alpha 0, hence, should never be seen. Is there something special that needs to be done on orientation changes so that the shader works fine?
Dec ’24
Texture Definitions for MPSSVGF Denoise
I am trying to use the SVGF denoiser to denoise my ray traced shadows (and also other textures later). I do get a smoothed image, but with wonky denoising. I need the depth-normal textures and motion textures for the SVGF and assume that these are badly filled in my case. However, neither in the above linked documentation nor in the WWDC19 video I find how they should be defined. I am looking to answers to: Is depth in red or alpha channel for the depth-normal texture? Are the normals in screen space? Is depth linear? Is it distance or z coordinate in view space? Or even logarithmically scaled or something else? Are the motion vectors supposed to be in pixels per frame? What is the orientation of the axis? Is y up or down? Are there are other restrictions on the formats? Also the linked code did not help me (I have not found any SVGF so far; also all the code is in Objective-C++, not Swift, but that's a different topic). So how should I fill these textures. Can someone point me to the documentation where these kinds of questions are answered?
Dec ’24
How to use imageblock_slice
Is there a working example of imageblock_slice with implicit layout somewhere? I get a compilation error when i write this: imageblock_slilce color_slice = img_blk.slice(frag->color); Error: No matching member function for call to 'slice' candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'E' candidate function template not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 1 was provided Too few template arguments for class template 'imageblock_slice' It seems the syntax has changed since the Imageblocks presentation I tried supplying the struct type of the image block between <> but it still does not work.
Dec ’24
Tile Shaders performance when writing to tile texture vs. resolve texture
I am working on a custom resolve tile shader for a client. I see a big difference in performance depending on where we write to: 1- the resolve texture of the color attachment 2- a rw tile shader texture set via [renderEncoder setTileTexture: myResolvedTexture] Option 2 is more than twice as slow than option 1. Our compute shader writes to 4 UAVs so just using the resolve texture entry is not possible. Why such a difference as there is no more data being written? Can option 2 be as fast as option 1? I can demonstrate the issue in a modified version of the Multisample code sample.
Mixing a lot of shaders.
Project: I have some data wich could be transformed by shader, result may be kept in rgb channels of image. Great. But now to mix dozens of those results? Not one by one, image after image, but all at once. Something like „complicated average” color of particular pixel from all delivered images. Is it possible?
Dec ’24
Example Usage of sliceUpdateDataTensor
Where can I find an example of using this MPSGraph function? I'm trying to use it to paste an image into a larger canvas at certain coordinates. func sliceUpdateDataTensor( _ dataTensor: MPSGraphTensor, update updateTensor: MPSGraphTensor, starts: [NSNumber], ends: [NSNumber], strides: [NSNumber], startMask: UInt32, endMask: UInt32, squeezeMask: UInt32, name: String? ) -> MPSGraphTensor
Nov ’24
Metal Compute Overhead
Hello, We are experimenting with Metal to accelerate some peculiar numerical computation. Our workloads are relatively small, so the ability to avoid moving data to and from the GPU's memory is very appealing. However, we are observing higher overhead compared to CUDA, which negates the benefits of avoiding data transfer. In our tests using an empty kernel, CUDA completes in 0.001 ms (Intel i7 10700K, RTX 3080), while Metal's waitUntilCompleted takes 0.12 ms (M2 Max). As we do not have prior experience with Metal, we are wondering if we are using the APIs just fine and this timing is expected, or if there is a way to reduce it. Thank you in advance for any comment! test-metal.cpp
Nov ’24
Metal Inline Functions
Hi! How to define and call an inline function in Metal? Or simple function that will return some value. Case: inline uint index4D(constant _4D& shape, constant uint& n, constant uint& c, constant uint& h, constant uint& w) { return n * shape.C * shape.H * shape.W + c * shape.H * shape.W + h * shape.W + w; } When I call it in my kernel function I get No matching function for call error. Thx in advance.
Nov ’24
Normally distributed MPSMatrixRandom number generation generates NaN
When generating large arrays of random numbers, NaNs show up. They also show up at the same indices when using the same seed, leading me to believe that this is a bug with MPSMatrixRandom's normally distributed Float32 random number distribution. Happens with both Philox and MTGP32. Is this intentional and how do I work around this? See the original post for a MWE in Swift and Julia:
Dec ’24
Generating procedural textures sample code error.
Screenshot: Specific error message: validateComputeFunctionArguments:1149: failed assertion `Compute Function(textureShader): Shader uses texture(texture[0]) as read-write, but hardware does not support read-write texture of this pixel format.' OS: visionOS 2.1 (22N5548c) simulator. Link:
Oct ’24
Issue of viewing MPSGraph compiled for iOS platform
We convert a .onnx file to mpsgraphpackage for iOS deploymentPlatform with command “Mpsgraphtool convert -deploymentPlatform iOS -minimumDeploymentTarget17.0.0 model.onnx -path .” When open output.mpsgraphpackage with Xcode16, there are only “generic” and “ Apple M2(MTLDevice)” options in the “Device” selection list. Cannot find any option for iOS device. How can we view mpsgraph compiled for iOS platform? We use Xcode16 on a MacBook Pro M2 with macOS 15.
Oct ’24
Many inputs to `MPSNNGraph::encodeBatchToCommandBuffer`
I understand we can use MPSImageBatch as input to [MPSNNGraph encodeBatchToCommandBuffer: ...] method. That being said, all inputs to the MPSNNGraph need to be encapsulated in a MPSImage(s). Suppose I have an machine learning application that trains/infers on thousands of input data where each input has 4 feature channels. Metal Performance Shaders is chosen as the primary AI backbone for real-time use. Due to the nature of encodeBatchToCommandBuffer method, I will have to create a MTLTexture first as a 2D texture array. The texture has pixel width of 1, height of 1 and pixel format being RGBA32f. The general set up will be: #define NumInputDims 4 MPSImageBatch * infBatch = @[]; const uint32_t totalFeatureSets = N; // Each slice is 4 (RGBA) channels. const uint32_t totalSlices = (totalFeatureSets * NumInputDims + 3) / 4; MTLTextureDescriptor * descriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat: MTLPixelFormatRGBA32Float width: 1 height: 1 mipmapped: NO]; descriptor.textureType = MTLTextureType2DArray descriptor.arrayLength = totalSlices; id<MTLTexture> texture = [mDevice newTextureWithDescriptor: descriptor]; // bytes per row is `4 * sizeof(float)` since we're doing one pixel of RGBA32F. [texture replaceRegion: MTLRegionMake3D(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, totalSlices) mipmapLevel: 0 withBytes: inputFeatureBuffers[0].data() bytesPerRow: 4 * sizeof(float)]; MPSImage * infQueryImage = [[MPSImage alloc] initWithTexture: texture featureChannels: NumInputDims]; infBatch = [infBatch arrayByAddingObject: infQueryImage]; The training/inference will be: MPSNNGraph * mInferenceGraph = /*some MPSNNGraph setup*/; MPSImageBatch * returnImage = [mInferenceGraph encodeBatchToCommandBuffer: commandBuffer sourceImages: @[infBatch] sourceStates: nil intermediateImages: nil destinationStates: nil]; // Commit and wait... // Read the return image for the inferred result. As you can see, the setup is really ad hoc - a lot of 1x1 pixels just for this sole purpose. Is there any better way I can achieve the same result while still on Metal Performance Shaders? I guess a further question will be: can MPS handle general machine learning cases other than CNN? I can see the APIs are revolved around convolution network, both from online documentations and header files. Any response will be helpful, thank you.
Oct ’24
Why is the speed of metal shading kernel so slow?
Hi, I am recently writing metal shader language to parallelize the algorithms to accelerate the speed of it. I created a simple example to show the acceleration result of it. Since Rust is used in our algorithm, so I used metal-rs as the wrapper to execute the MSL kernels from rust side. In this example, I am calculating the result of two arrays, and kernel looks like: kernel void two_array_addition_2( constant uint* a [[buffer(0)]], constant uint* b [[buffer(1)]], device uint* c [[buffer(2)]], uint idx [[thread_position_in_grid]] ) { c[idx] = a[idx] + b[idx]; } in the, you can see a function called execute_kernel() , this function has all it needs to execute the kernel in MSL (such as commandEncoder, piplelineState, etc). use core::mem; use metal::{Buffer, MTLSize}; use objc::rc::autoreleasepool; use std::time::Instant; use two_array_addition::abstractions::state::MetalState; fn execute_kernel( name: &str, state: &MetalState, input_a: &Buffer, input_b: &Buffer, output_c: &Buffer, ) -> Vec<u32> { // assert!(input_a.len() == input_b.len() && input_a.len() == output_c.len()); // let len = input_a.len() as u64; let len = input_a.length() as u64 / mem::size_of::<u32>() as u64; // 1. Init the MetalState // - we inited it // 2. Set up Pipeline State let pipeline = state.setup_pipeline(name).unwrap(); // 3. Allocate the buffers for A, B, and C // - we allocated outside of this function let mut result: &[u32] = &[]; autoreleasepool(|| { // 4. Create the command buffer & command encoder let (command_buffer, command_encoder) = state.setup_command( &pipeline, Some(&[(0, input_a), (1, input_b), (2, output_c)]), ); // 5. command encoder dispatch the threadgroup size and num of threads per threadgroup let threadgroup_count = MTLSize::new((len + 256 - 1) / 256, 1, 1); let thread_per_threadgroup = MTLSize::new(256, 1, 1); // let grid_size = MTLSize::new(len, 1, 1); // let threadgroup_count = MTLSize::new(pipeline.max_total_threads_per_threadgroup(), 1, 1); command_encoder.dispatch_thread_groups(threadgroup_count, thread_per_threadgroup); command_encoder.end_encoding(); command_buffer.commit(); command_buffer.wait_until_completed(); // 6. Copy the result back to the host let start = Instant::now(); result = MetalState::retrieve_contents::<u32>(output_c); let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("Duration for copying result back to host: {:?}", duration); }); result.to_vec() } The performance of the result is kinda interesting to me. This is the result: $ cargo run -r This is expected to run for a while... please wait... Generating input arrays... Generating input arrays... Generating output array... Generating expected output... Duration for allocating buffers: 2.015258s Executing 1st kernel (1)... Duration for copying result back to host: 5.75µs Executing 1st kernel (2)... Duration for copying result back to host: 542ns Executing 2nd kernel (1)... Duration for copying result back to host: 1µs Executing 2nd kernel (2)... Duration for copying result back to host: 458ns Duration expected: 183.406167ms Duration for 1st kernel (1): 1.894994875s Duration for 1st kernel (2): 537.318208ms Duration for 2nd kernel (1): 501.33275ms Duration for 2nd kernel (2): 497.339916ms You have successfully run the kernels! The speed is slower when executing in the MSL kernel, while I reckon of the dataset is quite big ($2^{29}$) The first kernel execution takes more time to launch. Is there any way to optimize the MSL in this case? And in most case, when you design the algorithm into parallelism, what would be the concerns? The machine I am using is M1 Pro with 14-core GPU and 16 GB memory. Does anyone have idea / explanation for why these happen? Thank you
Sep ’24
To use ARSCNView to capture a 3D model of a scene and obtain the mesh information, how can I retrieve the texture information for the mesh?
arScnView = ARSCNView(frame:, options: nil) arScnView.delegate = self arScnView.automaticallyUpdatesLighting = true arScnView.allowsCameraControl = true addSubview(arScnView) arSession = arScnView.session arSession.delegate = self config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() config.sceneReconstruction = .meshWithClassification config.environmentTexturing = .automatic func session(_ session: ARSession, didAdd anchors: [ARAnchor]) { anchors.forEach({ anchor in if let meshAnchor = anchor as? ARMeshAnchor { let node = meshAnchor.toSCNNode() self.arScnView.scene.rootNode.addChildNode(node) } if let environmentProbeAnchor = anchor as? AREnvironmentProbeAnchor { // Can I retrieve the texture map corresponding to ARMeshAnchor from Environment Probe Anchor? // Or how can I retrieve the texture map corresponding to ARMeshAnchor? } }) } How can I scan a 3D scene and save it as USDZ? I want to achieve the following scenario?
Sep ’24
Metal Performance Shader color issue with yCbCr buffer
I'm making an app that reads a ProRes file, processes each frame through metal to resize and scale it, then outputs a new ProRes file. In the future the app will support other codecs but for now just ProRes. I'm reading the ProRes 422 buffers in the kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr16 pixel format. This is what's recommended by Apple in this video When the MTLTexture is run through a metal performance shader, the colorspace seems to force RGB or is just not allowing yCbCr textures as the output is all green/purple. If you look at the render code, you will see there's a commented out block of code to just blit copy the outputTexture, if you perform the copy instead of the scaling through MPS, the output colorspace is fine. So it appears the issue is from Metal Performance Shaders. Side note - I noticed that when using this format, it brings in the YpCbCr texture as a single plane. I thought it's preferred to handle this as two separate planes? That said, if I have two separate planes, that makes my app more complicated as I would need to scale both planes or merge it to RGB. But I'm going for the most performance possible. A sample project can be found here: Inside the supporting files, there is a test movie. For ease, I would move this to somewhere easily accessible (i.e Desktop). Load and run the example project. Click 'Select Video' Select that video you placed on your desktop It will now output a new video next to the selected one, named "" The new video should just be scaled at 50%, but the colorspace is all wrong. Below is a photo of before and after the metal performance shader.
Aug ’24