Hi, I have the following swiftUI code:
Image(uiImage: image)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
and the following shader:
[[ stitchable ]] half4 AlphaConvert(float2 position, half4 currentColor) {
return half4(currentColor.r>0.5,currentColor.r<=0.5,0,(currentColor.r>0.5));
I am loading a full-res image from my photo library (24MP)... The image initially displays fine, with portions of the image red, and the rest black (due to alpha blending)... However, after rotating the device, I get an image that is a combination of red&green... Note, that the green pixels from the shader have alpha 0, hence, should never be seen. Is there something special that needs to be done on orientation changes so that the shader works fine?