For some reason I am seeing and/or BBEdit crash overnight.
There are no reports in the Console. I set up a cron job for every 15 minutes to measure memory pressure and to see if BBEdit was open. Last night it was showing System-wide memory free percentage: 74% when the app closed. I have no cron jobs that close BBEdit.
Either one of these apps close overnight on a regular basis, but it's not every night.
I don't know how to troubleshoot this.
Anybody have any ideas?
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In my project I had made the following code block
I changed //ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarTrailing)
to ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarLeading)
because I got a compile error. Then I started having the effect of everytime I did a Clean then Rebuild I would get the following Error
/Users/barrywest/Desktop/Apple Development/AppleTutorials/APAJSONReader/APAJSONReader/View/SchemaMaintenance/SchemaDetail.swift:149:42 'navigationBarTrailing' is unavailable in macOS
once clicked it would hightlight the commeted out code. then the error would magically go away after clicking on the error
If you do not click the error it would stay, even if you ran the code it would
display but the simulator would run instead of getting an error
I then delete the comment, but I still get the ghost complile error with the same effect.
I continued to make changes, and now the I get a different older display on the simulator, as compared to my Preivew Display. The colors seem to have gotten saved in the Run Simulator, even after Clean Build, Recompile...
I still get the ghost error which has been removed and the new Executable still contains ghost code which shows incorrect colors.
I can have the simulator and preview view running at the same time with different View Colors...
I have closed the project and reopend the project with no Changes.
My guess is some kind of file corruption somewhere ...
import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct SchemaDetail: View {
@Environment(\.modelContext) var dbContext
var body: some View {
VStack {
switch schemaName {
case .leagues:
switch displayCategory {
case .full:
case .brief:
case .edit:
case .create:
.toolbar {
** //ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarTrailing)**
ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarLeading)
switch displayCategory {
case .full:
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "minus.magnifyingglass")
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
Button(action: {
// Preload from json Warning may be about using background thread ???
Task(priority: .background) {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "folder.fill.badge.gearshape")
case .brief:
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "plus.magnifyingglass")
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
case .create:
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.down.fill")
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
case .edit:
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.down.fill")
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
#Preview {
SchemaDetail(schemaName: LeagueCategory.sessions, displayCategory: DisplayCategory.brief)
I recall years ago that autoconfigure for email accounts worked in iOS Mail/macOS when MacOS X Server was a thing. The protocol is supported by Outlook and Thunderbird and some other apps as well. Using WireShark, I can see there's some network activity from when trying to get to the second step of adding a new email account. The most documentation I've been able to find online is making a mobileconfig file which works but is cumbersome in comparison to how it works with Outlook and Thunderbird. If there's any kind of documentation on autoconfigure for macOS/iOS, I'd like to see it so I can help with Virtualmin development team fix their implementation of autoconfigure/autodiscover to properly work with iOS/macOS.
Help anyone?
I have recently bought a new MacBook Pro (Sonoma) and after installed several software I realised that the folders that were on the Finder disappeared from the Mac and iCloud.
I read countless forums and tried different option as well as third-party software to see if they are still in it, but nothing.
I was a bit concerned that leaving the filed "only" on iCloud was too risky.
After some manoeuvres the folders, ONLY, reappeared in the Downloads folder (even if it was not their path).
Is there anyone can help me with this?
One of the folder was a music folder (I am a musician and dj) and there are my last 15 years, and I would like not to lose it.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I have an iPad app that users are running on their M1 / M2 MacBooks thanks to the "Designed for iPad" feature.
Some of them reported to me that the pressed keyboard keys were not recognized.
According to my source code, it seems that my custom views (that are set as firstResponder) do not get pressesBegan events.
While I could not reproduce this specific problem on my M1 Macbook, I found a strange problem that may be related.
My view also supports interaction with game controllers.
I found that the emulated controller (which is using the keyboard, when the controller emulation feature of the Designed for iPad app is set to On) has some problems.
The valueChangedHandler of the GCExtendedGamepad from the GCGameController is only fired if the app is compiled with the "Requires full screen" option set to On.
If Requires full screen is unchecked in XCode, the Emulated Controller is still present in the list of game controllers, but no button callbacks are triggered.
Note that a real game controller connected via USB will work correctly no matter how Requires full screen is set.
Could there be a focus bug of the keyboard not sending events when the app is not a full screen app (resizable on mac, and multitask on iPad)?
Or is there something I can change to avoid this problem?
I'm lost.
All attempts to script Safari in Xcode using NSAppleScript returns the following message.
error: {
NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = Safari;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Application isn\U2019t running.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Safari got an error: Application isn\U2019t running.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-600";
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {32, 3}";
Latest script attempt:
func getHTML() -> String {
let source = """
tell application "Safari"
get URL of tab 1 of window 1
end tell
var a = "hello"
var error: NSDictionary?
if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: source) {
if let scriptResult = scriptObject.executeAndReturnError(&error).stringValue
a = scriptResult
} else if (error != nil) {
print("error: ",error!)
return a
I have the same issue. It was reported to Apple in November, 2023. Anyone else see this as a huge issue?
Hello apple developers I ama using macOS 15 beta 2 with M1 chip and I have 2 major issues first after update system data started using 74 gb of storage and my cpu newer gets down its always over 25%
I utilize Microsoft MSSQL ( on my M3 MacBook Pro. I have been running this Docker image with platform emulation set to linux/amd64 without issue for several months. After upgrading to Sonoma 14.5, I have been facing poor performance with Rosetta emulation on my Mac. Things that worked prior to the update no longer work. Cross post of: MSSQL Docker Github issue.
Any support is appreciated. Thank you!
Hello Developer Community,
I hope you all are doing well. We need your help to find out about one issue in Mac application deployment outside the App Store. As required notarization, if we want to release the product outside the App Store. We have built the application in ElectronJS and signed it with Developer ID Installer. The next step is notarization, where we get the issue. It says, "Team is not yet configured for notarization." We raised the problem with the Apple team 6 months ago and are still getting the same response from them: "Our engineering team is working on it." without having a timeline. I want to confirm if someone has had the same issue, how long it can take to resolve this, or if you have any solutions. Your support means a lot to us. Thanks.
Dhiren Patel
Almost everyone I know absolutely HATES the macmail V10 update in big sur. So many conveniences and ease of operation that were available in 10.11.16 are gone.
The icons are greyed out, the column layout is abysmal, the search engine does not function, way too many additional steps are now required to do the same job the V3 did with ease..
The standard question I hear is WHY would apple change what worked perfectly for so many and make a great mail system user unfriendly? There is an old adage that I keep hearing repeated "If it ain't broke - don't fix it"!
The question I keep hearing is can anyone figure out a way to remove V10 from big sure and revert the mail system back to V3? There should be either an option or a way to revert the mail system back to what is loved by so many, without affecting the integrity of the security changes needed in big sur to make it safer.
正在开发一款的mac端的软件 原来都是好用的 现在公证出现问题 使用的新的公证工具提交文件成功,显示公证结果invalid 但是没说原因啊
Successfully received submission info
createdDate: 2024-05-17T08:09:46.857Z
id: bdf60a5f-efd8-4561-a0ec-6b17143f0b75
status: Invalid
Successfully received submission info
createdDate: 2024-05-17T08:07:59.309Z
id: 7979b9fa-904f-4a20-bbd4-b51f299e83ad
status: Invalid
Please can you tell me if this 'warning' was given because of a Translocation Error?
Howard Oakley, the developer of Mints, will not talk to me about this. The image has not been tampered with in any way.
Your advice will be most welcome.
HID omnikey smart card reader not working on my computer , Mac M3 mcbook air ,any suggestions please ?
[Q] What type of profiles are officially reported by the ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_PROFILE_ADD and ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_PROFILE_REMOVE events?
It looks like to be only Configuration Profiles. Which would make sense as the properties of es_profile_t match closely the payload keys of a configuration profile file.
Also only addition and removal of configuration profiles are reported when playing with configuration profiles and provisioning profiles.
I am unsure what happened, but almost all my documents are missing from multiple folders on my Mac and cloud. I have reviewed all the diagnostics posted on the Apple websites and Q and A to recover it. Everything I have tried.
When I can find some of those documents listed (some being Excel spreadsheets) in their app and try to open them, it says that the file has been deleted or is currently not accessible. All of these documents were saved on my desktop, and I searched the computer far and wide, downloaded recovery apps to find them, and found nothing. I am not even sure how they disappeared. I tried updating my Mac to the newest software. As I read, they may appear after that, but there is still nothing.
I've been getting this log.txt pop up on my documents and I don't know what it's about. I looked online and it saying its debugging my system but my macbook is new that i dont know why it would be doing so. Everytime i try and move it to trash and restart my laptop, it just pops back up. Why is it doing this?
I have been trying to get an Intel application, downloaded from the internet, to run on my M1 MacBook. Unfortunately I keep getting the error: "The application "cMv_v0.8_MacOS" can't be opened". Rosetta is installed and working as I am able to open other Intel applications such as Google Earth Pro. I took the following steps to download the application:
Downloaded a zipfile from:
Unzipped the MacOS download which showed the application
Moved the application to my application folder in Finder
Does anyone know why this application won't run on my MacBook?
Hi Team,
I have an Acer Connect D5 Dongle (A very small 5G USB-C Modem).
When I plug in to Mac Mac (Sonoma 14.5b) The Dongle is perfectly show in system profiler and IORegistryExplorer like an old Sierra WWAN or Novatel Merlin.
But I have an issue in Network pane of System Pref; the modem do not appear in network.
Any idea to help me ? Thanks !
My Macbook Air mid-2013 model running MacOS Big Sur 11.7.10 has its system preference broken. The padlock to make changes doesn't do anything when clicked and so does every other tab or setting. Now, I can get into panels like Sound or Accessibilities, but everything that I SHOULD be able to do within them just... doesn't work. Nothing happens when I click on them. It's like they're just images.