5G LTE Modem

Hi Team,

I have an Acer Connect D5 Dongle (A very small 5G USB-C Modem). When I plug in to Mac Mac (Sonoma 14.5b) The Dongle is perfectly show in system profiler and IORegistryExplorer like an old Sierra WWAN or Novatel Merlin.

But I have an issue in Network pane of System Pref; the modem do not appear in network.

Any idea to help me ? Thanks !


bDeviceClass = 0xef, which means "Miscellaneous".

This isn't a standard communications device so the in-box drivers on macOS don't know what to do with it. It needs a driver from the vendor, Acer. Acer's web site does not claim macOS compatibility for this device, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

Incidentally, this isn't an appropriate question for this forum, which is for questions relating to developing software for Apple platforms. End user support forums are elsewhere.