Xcode 15.3 , custom fonts gone.

Starting from Xcode 15.3, previously set custom fonts can no longer be found in XIB files. Sometimes they reappear after deleting and setting the font again, but after a while, they disappear again. Can Xcode please be more stable and considerate of the user experience we developers are trying to create? I'm really frustrated.

Does it occur for any custom font ? Which fonts ?

Could you show the problem through detailed example (and possibly screen shots) ?

For me, every 5 minutes or so, the custom fonts just go away. When I try to change the font of my buttons to a custom font, they don't appear in the drop down menu. Additionally, for the labels that already have the custom font, I can't even see the font correctly (attached picture). I keep restarting my computer / XCode, however, this issue keeps happening.

Also in SwiftUI, custom fonts are not working anymore

Same problem. Started in Xcode 15.3 and still not fixed in Xcode 15.4. I tried reinstall xcode, clean derived data e.t.c. and still nothing. Does anyone have a solution? It seems that the problem is not common, which means there must be some workaround.

XCode 15.4, custom fonts not showing in storyboard.

Confim bug still present in 15.4 (15F31d).

I am having the same issue. Is there anywork around on this ? Mine works fine but when I ship to appstore/testflight, it's a total mess

I have the same problem in Version 15.4 (15F31d).

I can add "Fonts provided by application" at "Custom iOS Target Properties" in "Info" tab of the project. But values never get stored. Also XCode creates two Info.plist references for a single file. Weird. You can repeat this behavior with simple "Hello world" project.

It happened with me as well on Xcode 15.4. I tried all the solutions listed above plus other solutions mentioned on developer forum. At the end the best workaround to solve this issue was to add fonts using @IBInspectable

Check my answer here : https://stackoverflow.com/a/78921502/17610775

This is still a problem in Xcode 16.2 - in that custom fonts do not appear in the list. I had them briefly working when I upgraded macOS but they didn't work from the next day. The fonts appear in FontBook, they validate in FontBook, I've added the TTFs to Xcode, I've listed the fonts in info.plist (with .ttf extensions), the Copy Bundle Resources list the files. However, but it's Storyboard that doesn't list them.

Why is Apple trying to add "AI" features when stuff like this is listed as a "known issue" release after release?

We really need custom fonts to work please. Would be greatly appreciated.

Xcode 15.3 , custom fonts gone.