Core Location

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Obtain the geographic location and orientation of a device using Core Location.

Core Location Documentation

Posts under Core Location tag

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We are implementing indoor positioning and proximity sensing in our iOS app using iBeacons. We have placed multiple beacons to detect the proximity of one point of interest(POI). We are using the startRangingBeacons method in the CLLocationManager class and implementing corresponding delegates to receive the ranging information. With all required foreground and background permissions granted, when a user walks from one POI to another, beacon ranging is working as expected and we are continuously receiving the sightings in the app. We have observed that, if user stops walking for a few minutes at a POI and then device automatically pauses the scan. Hence, we will not receive any beacon signals. When there is a movement, it performs beacon ranging again for a minute or so, then stops again for longer time even when user is walking. The interval between the pausing and resuming the service is not a constant. We have also observed that sometimes it takes more than 15 minutes to resume the service once the system pauses the ranging automatically. Is it an expected behavior? How long does it usually take for beacon ranging services to resume after the user starts moving? Is there any way we can reduce this delay between the pause and resume of ranging beacons? Appreciate your support
by Mijesh.
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I'm trying to develop a watchOS app with location. I've got the proper privacy settings in the info.plist, similar code works on other devices. (also simulators). But on watchOS simulators everything is grayed out. Privacy & Location -> Location Services App shows up correctly, but everything is grayed out. I've tried: Different simulators (with/without paired iPhone) Different app configurations (Watch-Only app, Watch App with new companion) Toggling Supports Running Without iOS App Installation. It's always grayed out! This is with watchOS 10 simulators across any model, and Xcode 15.2 Any help would be appreciated.
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I found something when I use CLLocationManagerDelegate on VisionOS. When I called func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { switch manager.authorizationStatus { case .notDetermined, .denied: locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() default: locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() guard let center = locationManager.location?.coordinate else { return } isFollowing = false mapCamera = .region(.init(center: center, span: .init(latitudeDelta: 0.005, longitudeDelta: 0.005))) addItems() } } Although I choose allow auth, locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization wasn't called.
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Hi All, I need user continues location event if app in background and terminated (Not-running) mode below is the code I'm using to get the location but still I'm not get the location continuously import BackgroundTasks import UIKit class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var significatLocationManager: CLLocationManager? func startSignificationLocation() { self.significatLocationManager = CLLocationManager() self.significatLocationManager?.delegate = self self.significatLocationManager?.activityType = .fitness self.significatLocationManager?.distanceFilter = 10 self.significatLocationManager?.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters self.significatLocationManager?.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true self.significatLocationManager?.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = false self.significatLocationManager?.startUpdatingLocation() self.significatLocationManager?.startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges() self.significatLocationManager?.requestAlwaysAuthorization() } func stopAllRegionMonitoring(locationManager:CLLocationManager?){ for delRegion in (locationManager?.monitoredRegions ?? []){locationManager?.stopMonitoring(for: delRegion)} } } extension AppDelegate: CLLocationManagerDelegate { func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { self.myLocation = locations.last //call update My Location API if (self.myLocation?.horizontalAccuracy ?? 0.0) <= (self.liveLocationTrackingRegionRadius + 15.0 ){ self.createRegion(location: self.myLocation) } else { manager.stopUpdatingLocation() manager.startUpdatingLocation() } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) {} func locationManagerDidPauseLocationUpdates(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { manager.startUpdatingLocation() } func locationManagerDidResumeLocationUpdates(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { manager.startUpdatingLocation() } } extension AppDelegate { func createRegion(location:CLLocation?, type:LocationRegionMonitoringTyep = .LiveLocationTracking) { if self.significatLocationManager == nil { self.startSignificationLocation() } guard let location = location else { return } guard CLLocationManager.isMonitoringAvailable(for: CLCircularRegion.self) else{ return } var identifier:String = "Live_Location_Tracking-" + "\(location.coordinate.latitude)" + "-" + "\(location.coordinate.longitude)" if (self.significatLocationManager?.monitoredRegions.count ?? 0) > 10 { self.stopAllRegionMonitoring(locationManager: self.significatLocationManager) } var region : CLCircularRegion? region = CLCircularRegion(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: location.coordinate.latitude,longitude: location.coordinate.longitude),radius: 10.0 ,identifier: identifier) region?.notifyOnExit = true self.significatLocationManager?.startUpdatingLocation() if let reg = region { self.significatLocationManager?.startMonitoring(for: reg) } } func stopAllRegionMonitoring(locationManager:CLLocationManager?){ let WOMRequestId:String? = UserDefaultManager.shared.womEmergencyDetails?.data?.request?.id for delRegion in (locationManager?.monitoredRegions ?? []){ if let reqId = WOMRequestId { if delRegion.identifier.contains(reqId) { locationManager?.stopMonitoring(for: delRegion) } } else { locationManager?.stopMonitoring(for: delRegion) } } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) { if region.identifier.contains(AppConstants.WatchOverMe) { AppDelegate.shared?.isWOMReachDestination(location: manager.location, region: region) } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) { self.myLocation = manager.location manager.stopMonitoring(for: region) self.significatLocationManager?.stopMonitoring(for: region) manager.startUpdatingLocation() self.significatLocationManager?.startUpdatingLocation() self.createRegion(location: self.myLocation) //update M yLocation API if region.identifier.contains( AppConstants.WatchOverMe ) { TabBarController.isWOMReachDestinationAlertShown = false } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, monitoringDidFailFor region: CLRegion?, withError error: Error) { self.myLocation = manager.location self.createRegion(location: self.myLocation) } } extension AppDelegate { func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) { self.scheduleBackgroundTask() } func application(_ application: UIApplication, performFetchWithCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) { completionHandler(.newData) } func registerBGTask(){ BGTaskScheduler.shared.register(forTaskWithIdentifier: self.getBGTaskIdentifier(), using: nil) { task in self.handleBackgroundTask(task: task as! BGAppRefreshTask) } } func handleBackgroundTask(task: BGAppRefreshTask) { task.setTaskCompleted(success: true) } func scheduleBackgroundTask() { let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: self.getBGTaskIdentifier() ) request.earliestBeginDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 10) // 30 second do { try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request) } catch { print("Unable to schedule background task: (error)") } } func getBGTaskIdentifier()->String { let bundleId:String = AppInfoManager.shared.bundleId + ".locationBackgroundTask" return bundleId } func startLocationTrackingTimer() { self.stopLocationTrackingTimer() self.locationTrackingTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0,target: self, selector: #selector(self.updateUserLocation),userInfo: nil,repeats: true) RunLoop.current.add(self.locationTrackingTimer!, forMode: .common) } func stopLocationTrackingTimer() { self.locationTrackingTimer?.invalidate() self.locationTrackingTimer = nil } @objc func updateUserLocation() { if self.isSocketActive { self.updateMyLocationAPI(fromRoam: false) } else { self.updateUserCurrentLocation() } } }
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Which mode uses the least battery? The docs don't say much at all about the modes. default airborne automotiveNavigation fitness otherNavigation Some background is that they all result in location updates every 1s, I would gladly trade battery performance for less frequent updates.
by Wallman94.
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I activate the conditions as follows Unexpected operation found. Details are below Conditions and configurations used in the testing "Background Modes" Capability with "Location updates" checked on added the info.plist keys: NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription, NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription with description invoking startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges using core location API invoking didUpdateLocations using core location API Using Background fetch (15 minutes) I just press the Home button without any gesture. A few hours after the app was stopped, didfinishlaunch, didenterBackground, background fetch, and didUpdateLocation code did not run, but the app started running again in the background from the point it was stopped. The wake-up time is random, and the app will freeze again within a few seconds of running again.(I took logs in all delegate functions related to the app life cycle in the AppDelegate file, but nothing was executed when the app was relaunched.) Is the above behavior normal? If it's normal, who wakes up the app? How do I prevent my app from restarting unexpectedly?
by h_susan.
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Hello, I have successfully used the getCoordinates() function provided by Apple Documentation to convert an address to coordinates. I created my own struct for a Pin that includes name, latitude, and longitude as properties. I am able to add Markers to my map using these three properties. My problem is that I'd like to use these Markers to pull up further information, such as lookaround views. To use these API call functions, I need to provide an MKMapItem as an argument to the mapItem parameter. MKLookAroundSceneRequest(mapItem: MKMapItem) I'm having trouble using the MKMapItem documentation to understand how to make my own MKMapItems. If I try using the autocomplete in XCode, I can get this: MKMapItem(placemark: MKPlacemark(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude))) Is it possible to add a name when instantiating a new MKMapItem? From the documentation, it seems like name is a property of MKPlacemark, but I can't get this to work. Should I alter the getCoordinates() function to return the entire placemark instead of just the coordinates? Any guidance would be much appreciated! Thanks!
by ieung.
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Hi, The ARkit is a great tool, I have my small app doing things, and it's fun! but I wanted to try to migrate from ARWorldConfiguration to ARGeoTrackingConfiguration - and then we can see that this configuration is limited to a couples of USA only cites. But I can't manage to figure Why and if, in the near future, this will be expanded world wide ?
by MattFor.
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I have used this example to create the following code: import Foundation import CoreLocation let monitorName = "BeaconMonitor" let testBeaconId = UUID(uuidString: "EDFA3FFA-D80A-4C23-9104-11B5B0B8E8F3")! @MainActor public class ObservableMonitorModel: ObservableObject { private let manager: CLLocationManager public var monitor: CLMonitor? init() { self.manager = CLLocationManager() self.manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() self.manager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() } func startMonitoringConditions() { Task { monitor = await CLMonitor(monitorName) await monitor!.add(getBeaconIdentityCondition(), identifier: "Beacon") for identifier in await monitor!.identifiers { guard let lastEvent = await monitor!.record(for: identifier)?.lastEvent else { continue } print(identifier, lastEvent.state) } for try await event in await monitor!.events { print("Event", event.identifier, event) } } } } func getBeaconIdentityCondition() -> CLMonitor.BeaconIdentityCondition { CLMonitor.BeaconIdentityCondition(uuid: testBeaconId) } Unfortunately, running this on my iPhone only prints "Beacon CLMonitoringState". I don't see anything from the for try await block starting with "Event". Any ideas where I've gone wrong?
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I activate the conditions as follows Unexpected operation found. Details are below Conditions and configurations used in the testing "Background Modes" Capability with "Location updates" checked on added the info.plist keys: NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription, NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription with description invoking startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges using core location API invoking didUpdateLocations using core location API Using Background fetch (15 minutes) I swipe the app to switch from foreground to background mode, and stop the app without deleting it in the switcher. A few hours after the app was stopped, didfinishlaunch, didenterBackground, background fetch, and didUpdateLocation code did not run, but the app started running again in the background from the point it was stopped. The wake-up time is random, and the app will freeze again within a few seconds of running again.(I took logs in all delegate functions related to the app life cycle in the AppDelegate file, but nothing was executed when the app was relaunched.) Is the above behavior normal? If it's normal, who wakes up the app? How do I prevent my app from restarting unexpectedly?
by h_susan.
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Hi everyone, I've run into an issue with push notifications in our app, specifically those related to the location push service extension. In the Push Notifications Console, there's a high number of notifications marked as “Discarded - Disabled” under Location Notifications. I'm trying to figure out what's causing this. We are seeing thousands of “Discarded - Disabled” for location but the other push types are being discarded in much smaller numbers (in the tens). Here's what I need help with: What do the different 'Discarded' categories mean in push notifications? Which are normal and which are red flags? Why are so many Location Notifications being discarded as 'Disabled'? Is this a common device setting issue? Any tips on reducing these discarded notifications, especially for location-based services? Would really appreciate your insights or any pointers towards relevant resources! Thanks! LC
by l_carp.
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When I run CLMonitor in the simulator, event state remains at default. Although when running the same project on device, state does correctly change between satisfied and unsatisfied. In the simulator I did allow location updates when in use as I did on device. This occurs with the Apple sample code, Monitoring location changes with Core Location associated with the WWDC 2023 session Meet Core Location Monitor. Am I misusing simulator and/or CLMonitor?
by vehicle.
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@MainActor perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { // ... switch locationManager.authorizationStatus { case .denied, .restricted: throw UserLocationError.permissionDenied case .notDetermined: await locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() // to ask permission default: break } // ... } Here is my code. When the authorizationStatus is .notDetermined, it invokes requestWhenInUseAuthorization() method on the main thread, but throws UserLocationError.permissionDenied immediately, eventhough I didn't deny the permission. It's really weird and unexpected that it throws UserLocationError.permissionDenied when the status is not .denied or .restricted Even it invokes requestWhenInUseAuthorization(), there's no alert for asking permission If there's any solution, please let me know
by x_0o0.
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This is my setup: Granted always allow permission. I have location added in UIBackgroundModes, but I did NOT set allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to true Note: I have this allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true set in my earlier version of app, which worked but we noticed it drained battery much faster, hence we removed all the settings that could affect battery. The location model is setup with 20 regions, when boundary crossing happen, app sends a local notification. This works fine when app is in foreground/background. If app is killed, the app receives notification for boundary crossing only once. Failed case for region monitoring: Setup region monitoring Kill the app cross the boundary, app sends a local notification. wait for 1 hour leave the device in same state (notification is not opened, app is still killed state) cross the boundary again expect a notification, but app did not register any event related to region monitoring. The console logs did not print anything in this second case. public class LocationViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject { private let maxMonitoredRegions = 20 private var anyCancellable: AnyCancellable? private let locationManager: CLLocationManager @Published public var authorizationStatus: CLAuthorizationStatus @Published public var isMonitoringAvailable: Bool @Published public var monitoredRegions: [Region] @Published public var recentLocation: CLLocation? public var newlyEnteredRegionSignal = PassthroughSubject<CLRegion, Never>() public var recentLocationSignal = PassthroughSubject<CLLocation, Never>() public var authorizationStatusPublisher: Published<CLAuthorizationStatus>.Publisher { $authorizationStatus } public var isLocationEnabled: Bool { locationManager.authorizationStatus == .authorizedWhenInUse || locationManager.authorizationStatus == .authorizedAlways } public override init() { locationManager = CLLocationManager() authorizationStatus = locationManager.authorizationStatus isMonitoringAvailable = CLLocationManager.isMonitoringAvailable(for: CLCircularRegion.self) monitoredRegions = [] super.init() locationManager.delegate = self monitoredRegions.append(contentsOf: getMonitoredRegions()) requestLocation() } public func requestLocation() { locationManager.requestLocation() } public func startRegionMonitoring(regions: [CLRegion]) { guard isMonitoringAvailable else { return } stopRegionMonitoring() if regions.isEmpty { return } if regions.count <= 20 { for region in regions { locationManager.startMonitoring(for: region) } } else { for region in regions[0...maxMonitoredRegions-1] { locationManager.startMonitoring(for: region) } } } public func stopRegionMonitoring() { guard isMonitoringAvailable else { return } if monitoredRegions.isEmpty { return } for region in monitoredRegions { let monitoredRegion = LocationUtils.convertRegionToCLRegion(region) locationManager.stopMonitoring(for: monitoredRegion) } monitoredRegions.removeAll() } private func getMonitoredRegions() -> [Region] { let monitoredRegions = locationManager.monitoredRegions var regions = [Region]() for monitoredRegion in monitoredRegions { if let region = LocationUtils.convertCLRegionToRegion(monitoredRegion) { regions.append(region) } } return regions } public func stopMonitoring() { recentLocation = nil stopRegionMonitoring() } } extension LocationViewModel: CLLocationManagerDelegate { public func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { authorizationStatus = manager.authorizationStatus switch authorizationStatus { case .notDetermined: stopMonitoring() case .denied: stopMonitoring() case .authorizedAlways: break case .authorizedWhenInUse: // If user has requested whenInUse, request for always allow. locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() @unknown default: break } if let location = manager.location { recentLocationSignal.send(location) recentLocation = location } } public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { if let recentLocation = locations.last { self.recentLocation = recentLocation recentLocationSignal.send(recentLocation) } } public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { } public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didStartMonitoringFor region: CLRegion) { if let monitoredRegion = LocationUtils.convertCLRegionToRegion(region) { let oldRegion = monitoredRegions.first { $0.identifier == monitoredRegion.identifier } if oldRegion == nil { monitoredRegions.append(monitoredRegion) } } } public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, monitoringDidFailFor region: CLRegion?, withError error: Error) { } public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) { newlyEnteredRegionSignal.send(region) } public func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) { newlyEnteredRegionSignal.send(region) } } When app is awaken due to location event on app delegate, we initialize this location model, and location manager, and remove old monitored regions, and call startMonitoringRegions again, to keep the regions updated. Please let me know if I'm missing any crucial information.
by tejanvm.
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Hello, I'm looking for an end-to-end example project that shows a correct implementation for the new iBeacon CoreLocation APIs in iOS 17.0 (CLMonitor, etc.). Ideally the example would cover background waking as that is the area in which I am facing the largest challenges. Perhaps there's an Open Source project or an official Apple example? Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Jeremy
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I have given location permission for the app i'm developing. Now i need to reset location permission and want to see the permission pop-up. I have tried tccutil reset and /var/db/locationd/clients.plist is not accessible. Both are failing even with sudo. Please suggest any methods.
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Trying to use new Swift @Observable to monitor GPS position within SwiftUI content view. But how do I tie the latest locations to the SwiftUI Map's mapCameraPosition? Well ideally the answer could cover: How to fix this error - So get map tracking along with the User Position, but also How to include facility to turn on/off the map moving to track the user position (which I'll need to do next). So could be tracking, then disable, move map around and have a look at things, then click button to start syncing the mapcameraposition to the GPS location again Refer to error I'm embedded in the code below. import SwiftUI import MapKit @Observable final class NewLocationManager : NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { var location: CLLocation? = nil private let locationManager = CLLocationManager() func startCurrentLocationUpdates() async throws { if locationManager.authorizationStatus == .notDetermined { locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } for try await locationUpdate in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() { guard let location = locationUpdate.location else { return } self.location = location } } } struct ContentView: View { var newlocationManager = NewLocationManager() @State private var cameraPosition: MapCameraPosition = .region(MKCoordinateRegion( center: newlocationManager.location?.coordinate ?? <#default value#>, span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.25, longitudeDelta: 0.25) )) // GET ERROR: Cannot use instance member 'newlocationManager' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available var body: some View { ZStack { Map(position: $cameraPosition) Text("New location manager: \(newlocationManager.location?.description ?? "NIL" )") // works } .task { try? await newlocationManager.startCurrentLocationUpdates() } } } #Preview { ContentView() }
by callagga.
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I made a simply dummy app for testing location services for another app where i'll need to get the user's location when they're in the app. I added the "Privacy - Location When In Use Description" key, and the following is my code: Content View: import CoreLocation class LocationManager: NSObject, ObservableObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { private let manager = CLLocationManager() @Published var lastLocation: CLLocation? override init() { super.init() manager.delegate = self manager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest manager.startUpdatingLocation() } func requestLocation() { manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { switch manager.authorizationStatus { case .notDetermined: print("nD") case .restricted: print("r") case .denied: print("d") case .authorizedAlways: print("aa") case .authorizedWhenInUse: print("awiu") @unknown default: break } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { guard let location = locations.last else { return } self.lastLocation = location } } Location Manager: import CoreLocation class LocationManager: NSObject, ObservableObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { private let manager = CLLocationManager() @Published var lastLocation: CLLocation? override init() { super.init() manager.delegate = self manager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest manager.startUpdatingLocation() } func requestLocation() { manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { switch manager.authorizationStatus { case .notDetermined: print("nD") case .restricted: print("r") case .denied: print("d") case .authorizedAlways: print("aa") case .authorizedWhenInUse: print("awiu") @unknown default: break } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { guard let location = locations.last else { return } self.lastLocation = location } } When I click the request location button, I don't get the prompt asking for the proper location permissions, and the authorization status never changes from not determined. I've tried using the SwiftUI Location button and that works, but it's only for one time location user (and I don't want users having to click it everytime). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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I'm following Apple guidelines to add the Location Push Service Extension to our app. I followed these steps: I applied and got approved for Location Push Service Extension. My app already asks the user for "Always" permissions for location updates I added the entitlement key = TRUE I added to the project a new Target, and selected Location Push Service Extension from the iOS Application Extension group I encouter the following issue. When I run the app and call startMonitoringLocationPushes(completion:) I receive the following error: Error Domain=CLLocationPushServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)" By looking at Apple documentation for CLLocationPushServiceErrorDomain, code 1 stands for: missingPushExtension An error code that indicates the app is missing a Location Push Service Extension. As mentioned beofore I already added the Location Service Extension Target to the project. Any idea of why I receive this error? Thanks
by dobroios.
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Hi. I want to make iOS app that when use camera AR, it can show someplace around me have annotations. ARGeoAnchor something but I don't have any idea. Can anyone give me some keywords? I can use Mapkit to search but don't know how to map it in AR.
by IrisHA233.
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