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I am using CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() and CLBackgroundActivitySession to receive background location updates. My app has "Always" authorization, but I can not get rid of the top left "Blue bar" in any way except for by manually closing the app (swipe up in multi-app preview view). I have tried setting CLLocationManager.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator = false but it does not make any difference. How can I get rid of the blue bar in the top left corner? My project started from this WWDC23 sample code Has "always" location authorisation through CLLocationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() Has UIBackgroundModes - location set in Info.plist Tested multiple days with a real iPhone 14, iOS 17.2 (although an iPhone SE gen2 iOS 17.2 seems to loose the blue bar after a while)
by Wallman94.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Which mode uses the least battery? The docs don't say much at all about the modes. default airborne automotiveNavigation fitness otherNavigation Some background is that they all result in location updates every 1s, I would gladly trade battery performance for less frequent updates.
by Wallman94.
Last updated