For the purposes of iteration speed in development builds, on an iPhone in development mode, I am attempting to use hot reloaded dylibs. The goal is that the app is rarely fully restarted and small code changes can be applied quickly, drastically reducing iteration speed.
For this purpose I have a socket server on my Mac that sends changed dylibs to my app on my iPhone. This works great on Mac, however on iOS i am running into codesigning problems.
I am using the following to codesign the dylib:
codesign -f -s *** --timestamp=none testlibrary-ios.dylib
I am placing the downloaded dylib in this folder:
const char* cachedirectoryPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES)[0] UTF8String];
dlopen gives me the following error:
dlopen(/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/67A3D31B-6F72-4939-9E7F-665FC78CDC61/Library/Caches/testlibrary-ios.dylib, 0x000A): tried: '/usr/lib/system/introspection/testlibrary-ios.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/67A3D31B-6F72-4939-9E7F-665FC78CDC61/Library/Caches/testlibrary-ios.dylib' (code signature invalid in <78A101AD-D756-3526-8754-8B7F4925DE90> '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/67A3D31B-6F72-4939-9E7F-665FC78CDC61/Library/Caches/testlibrary-ios.dylib' (errno=1) sliceOffset=0x00000000, codeBlobOffset=0x0000C2E0, codeBlobSize=0x00004990),
Is loading a dylib like this on iPhones in development mode possible?
Any idea what is going wrong with codesigning or installing the dylib?
(Obviously this code is never deployed in an app that goes on the AppStore)
Code Signing
RSS for tagCertify that an app was created by you using Code signing, a macOS security technology.
Posts under Code Signing tag
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I'm having a problem with codesign for output from Pyinstaller
The files are in ~/PycharmProjects/ALP_Document_Factory_II
That folder contains the icon file, the entitlement file, and also contains a "dist" folder where Pyinstaller places the app file (ALP_Document_Factory_II.app)
The generated app works and runs when I double click it.
When I run codesign:
codesign -s xxxxxxxx -f --entitlements entitlements.plist -o runtime dist/ALP_Document_Factory_II.app
("xxxxxxx" is where I place the hash of my credential)
I get the following error message: No such file or directory
Here is the Terminal copy... minus my Hash
dickl45@Dicks-iMac3 ALP_Document_Factory_II % codesign -s xxxxxxxxxx -f --entitlements entitlements.plist -o runtime dist/ALP_Document_Factory_II.app
dist/ALP_Document_Factory_II.app: No such file or directory
Earlier I was able to use codesign and notarytool, but I must be doing something wrong that I can't see.
Yours baffled
MacOs 15.2
Quinn, in your post "App Groups: macOS vs iOS: Fight!", you mention that an app must meet at least one of four criteria to access an app group container without user intervention:
Your app is deployed via the Mac App Store (A).
Or via TestFlight when running on macOS 15.1 or later (B).
Or the app group ID starts with your app’s Team ID (C).
Or your app’s claim to the app group is authorised by a provisioning profile embedded in the app (D) [1].
Our app is distributed directly (Developer ID), so it doesn't meet the first two criteria. We already had the app group ID set up to match the iOS ID (without our Team ID) and changing it now would affect our users already-stored data, so criteria C isn't really an option either.
That brings us to criteria D. We've added the App Groups Capability to our App ID on the Developer site and creating a Developer ID provisioning profile with this App ID. However, for some reason the App Group Capability is not included in the provisioning profile.
How then do we go about satisfying criteria D ("your app’s claim to the app group is authorised by a provisioning profile embedded in the app (D)")?
If this is impossible, how can we migrate our user's data away from the affected container?
After upgrading the virtual machines used for building and testing our macOS application, it seems that something new in Sequoia is preventing virtual machines from running anything signed with a Mac Development certificate.
At first glance the issue seems very similar to this thread, but it could be unrelated. We are using the tart toolset to build and run our VMs. People seem to be having related issues there with Sequoia in particular.
I have added the VM's hardware UUID to the Devices list of our account. I have included that device in the devices list of our Mac Development provisioning profile. I have re-downloaded the profile, ensured that it is properly getting built into the app, and ensured that the hardware UUID of the VM matches the embedded provisioning profile:
Virtual-Machine App.app/Contents % system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep UUID
Hardware UUID: 0CAE034E-C837-53E6-BA67-3B2CC7AD3719
Virtual-Machine App.app/Contents % grep 0CAE034E-C837-53E6-BA67-3B2CC7AD3719 ../../App.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile
Binary file ../../App.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile matches
However, when I try to run the application, it fails, and while I have searched the system logs to find a more informative error message, the only thing I can find is that the profile doesn't match the device somehow:
Virtual-Machine App.app/Contents % open ../../App.app
The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000039440f0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=153 "Unknown error: 153" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed}}}
Virtual-Machine App.app/Contents % log show --info --debug --signpost --last 3m | grep -i embedded.provisionprofile
2025-01-21 16:33:32.369829+0000 0x65ba Error 0x0 2872 7 taskgated-helper: (ConfigurationProfiles) [com.apple.ManagedClient:ProvisioningProfiles] embedded provisioning profile not valid: file:///private/tmp/builds/app/.caches/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug/App.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile error: Error Domain=CPProfileManager Code=-212 "Provisioning profile does not allow this device." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Provisioning profile does not allow this device.}
I don't understand why the provisioning profile wouldn't allow the device if the hardware UUID matches. I have also attempted to add the Provisioning UDID in the devices list instead, but the form rejects that value because it's a different format (the form specifically requests a hardware UUID for macOS development, and a provisioning UDID for everything else).
If there is any debugging tool that lets me check a provisioning profile against the running hardware and print a more verbose reason for why it's not allowed on the device, please let me know.
Otherwise I'd have to conclude that, since I haven't experienced this issue before on an earlier OS, it has something to do with virtual machines running macOS Sequoia. (The same Mac Development-signed application runs just fine on my MacBook Pro running 15.2, as well as the VM host, which is also running 15.2.) I have also tried resetting the VM's hardware UUID and adding that one to the devices list, to no effect.
This is obviously seriously impacting our CI/CD pipelines to allow for proper UI testing of our application. If anyone is aware of any workarounds, I would love to hear them!
We are developing software that configures a network extension via a system extension on MacOS.
The host application (run as service) enables network extension and system extension capabilities. It registers the network extension.
The network extension has network extension capabilities and configures an app-group to be bundled into the service.
What we have built is already working, i.e. we build, sign, notarize and ship the code (it's already running on hundreds of SIP enabled customer devices in production).
But, we are currently falling back to manual profile management (i.e. download and import the profile) so that Xcode accepts the entitlements suffixed with -systemextention.
Recently we are testing deployment on iOS devices. For iOS profiles we cannot overcome the issues with setting the profile manually, XCode complains about mismatching networkextension entitlements even when manually importing the profile.
So I thought I get to the bottom of why automated signing is not working and hopefully overcome the issues with iOS.
Upon configuring automatic signing we ran into the following problem:
For a network extension that is installed via a system extension the network extension capabilities are expected to be defined with a -systemextension suffix, i.e.:
When using automated signing the profile in our development account reflects these settings, i.e. the profile is correctly generated with the values above.
However, XCode complains that the network extension capabilities don't match.
I went as far as to configuring a new application-ID so that XCode would generate a new profile in the development account. I then downloaded and decoded the generated profile.
The capabilities of the development portal profile were created as expected (as above), but somehow, the locally generated profile that is generated by XCode auto-sign expects:
What XCode auto-sign expects is not reflected in the development account profile (!).
I tried to overcome this by changing the entitlements of the project to omit the -systemextension suffix.
XCode auto-sign seemingly works then, but once the application is actually signed by CodeSign the signing fails because the capabilities don't match with the development account profile.
I tried profile re-generation by clearing Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Provisioning Profiles, but it always results in the same problem - either XCode is happy and the code signing fails when building, or the other way round.
Bottom Line: I think that somehow XCode evaluates the profile validity differently from CodeSign; somehow when using automatic signing XCode does not take the network extension + system extension into account, but only expects the capabilities of the network extension.
If anybody know how to overcome this problem please help :)
I keep having issues with my account. I have certificates that will not revoke. I create new certificates, then I create new profiles for development, distribution and for developer ID application distribution outside of the app store as well. With my app in Xcode, I can only get the Developer profile to work to allow builds. My distribution profile builds and then fails, with an error 5. The Developer ID Application profile will not even accept the profile in XCode, sighting that there is no code signing, yet I have checked things over and over again. Ontop of this, I had developers in the past in my team and they added a whole lot of certificates for Developer ID that I just cannot use now. I also cannot revoke them. I have no active apps on the app store now, so I was wondering if Apple or someone can assist me in removing ALL the certificates, all the profiles and get a clean slate, so that I can setup everything from scratch again, because I have lost countless of hours getting nowhere and I cannot get Apple support to assist? Anyone been through this before?
When connected to the company's internal network without accessing the Internet, can an IPA installation package be generated if the certificate files are imported in advance?
We are trying to get much more serious about our ability to audit signed code and trace it back to a signing event. We have a signing service that includes a bit of client code that provides a CryptoTokenKit extension to expose the signing certificate to codesign and Xcode. The private keys are held by the signing service and access is strictly controlled.
The CTK extension is given a message/digest to sign, and from reading TN 3126, I believe this is representative of the code directory. For an audit trail, we can record some metadata about the signing request, such as Git repository, branch, commit SHA, etc., but the only value linked to the thing being signed is this blob.
Later, if we have an app and want to link it back to the signing event, I can't figure out how to find this blob. It's not the CDHash or any other value I see in the output of codesign -d -vvvvvv.
is there a way to recreate that blob given a signed artifact?
After updating Xcode my app stoped running on real device
Unable to distribute the App via Intune, When tried to install the App on Intune enrolled device.
Gets error: Unable to install “App Name”.
This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified.
Verified Bundle ID is getting updated and Sign-in shows successful.
Mac OS Build - 13.7.2 (22H313)
XCode Version: 15.1 (15C65)
Provisioning Profile renewed this week
Distribution Certificate Valid till 2027
I’m trying to fix an issue with a pipeline that automatically distributes an app to the App Store (TestFlight). Unfortunately, universal links don’t work because the .entitlements file in the build doesn’t include the specified associated domains, even though they are defined. I’ve double-checked the certificates, provisioning profiles, and Xcode settings — everything seems correct. Therefore, I assume the issue lies in the build commands, which are as follows:
Create Archive
xcodebuild -workspace ios/ClientDomain.xcworkspace -scheme ClientDomain archive -sdk iphoneos -configuration ClientDomain -archivePath ios/ClientDomain.xcarchive CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Manual CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="Apple Distribution: Company Name (XXXXXXXXXX)" PROVISIONING_PROFILE=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=No
Export Archive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ios/ClientDomain.xcarchive -exportPath ios -exportOptionsPlist ios/exportOptions.plist
I also want to provide files I use, in order to make sure I don't have any mistakes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Apple Distribution: Company Name (XXXXXXXXXX)</string>
I'm curious, how people usually distribute their apps to App Store. What if I do something wrong?
Our organization develops a Mac app and distributes it our of the Mac store. We have been creating App.dmg files for this and signed it with the Developer ID Application certificate and uploaded them for notarization using "xcrun notarytool". Everything was working fine until we created a new Developer ID Installer certificate to test the new App.pkg installer and uploaded it for notarization to the Apple server. It's been 3 days now and our production pipeline is stuck because all the submissions remain in In-Progress state and do not proceed further.
Details of the submission:-
createdDate: 2025-01-03T06:44:20.306Z
id: 7af70d77-1bab-4b17-aeba-7ddc75c030f9
status: In Progress
Since then, no submission(even for .dmg files) are processing through. I’ve raised a ticket with the support team as well, but it hasn’t helped. What more can we try to get out of this hole?
Hello, I've developed an application using Electron with JAVACRIPT. I have managed to deploy to both Windows and the web but having trouble deploying the application to my Mac users.
It's my first time deploying an application for Mac but feel like I'm stuck at the last hurdle and out of ideas so I'm reaching out for help.
My application is successfully signing but during the build and when my Notarize.js is running it seems to get stuck indefinitely.
I can check and see the status of the Notarize attempts but they seem to be stuck "In Progress". Here are the logs.
Successfully received submission history.
createdDate: 2025-01-06T00:59:45.245Z
id: 1dc39b5f-fdca-4bf2-a6f6-fa793de2786e
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-04T08:01:36.168Z
id: c575b015-edd6-4e09-8da5-7ae09f4f67db
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T08:30:31.528Z
id: 570ae540-8cce-4418-ab09-7f6be33dc245
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T07:57:56.701Z
id: 42748de8-026a-4663-9fd2-88c7608588d3
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T06:30:19.569Z
id: 5140caa0-df14-491a-b148-82015f9856da
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T05:56:28.916Z
id: 535c6be1-4999-4b3e-9766-42512a8deb67
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T02:51:04.893Z
id: ead2268c-62b2-4b4b-8850-c1cdb5313d6a
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T01:50:51.954Z
id: d0c44281-a788-4704-a057-4620d284516d
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T00:48:54.445Z
id: 3d13727c-06a3-49d7-902b-4001522107c3
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T13:35:26.715Z
id: 1823a550-a9ff-467a-8a60-dd3e42305258
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T13:23:41.894Z
id: cbc341a2-9a51-43d6-83ae-713443c84fec
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T12:21:44.561Z
id: 1af34419-655f-49b8-bea0-05b4232c46a7
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T11:34:03.732Z
id: 8c4ab3b5-2ea9-4220-9667-94011bcf76fb
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T11:19:16.052Z
id: 093dfb8a-9058-417d-acd3-8ea5d0bb654a
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T11:13:14.676Z
id: 556b7c1c-d114-4717-b0f7-4f1614ada845
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T10:52:36.834Z
id: ce3d3c8a-d218-4978-8757-2ca9d12aad76
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T09:27:13.535Z
id: b65ec764-baab-444d-809b-e4242d70548b
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T09:27:01.176Z
id: be228acc-e6a2-48f2-937b-5b2962275052
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T09:19:19.182Z
id: d99fc10b-c424-4d0c-a2aa-37a9e9165d91
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T08:55:43.064Z
id: 2e7f8df7-9c0b-4dd0-8df7-8f3428c0bfa0
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T08:19:48.676Z
id: 678355da-e413-4b1a-92a8-776a6ff6a055
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:58:48.278Z
id: 8591f8d7-1d57-4e80-af90-d77190160a20
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:54:41.193Z
id: f029dfeb-3f14-4f65-83e2-d9356ef6ac00
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:27:50.613Z
id: 574f2563-d533-4885-947a-2f57170196af
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:09:54.203Z
id: 589f7f3a-d231-4911-8ad6-9d2c15a61ac0
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T05:39:02.574Z
id: 9edd43de-6d14-4743-87fc-ab570bee7399
name: Popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T04:36:12.342Z
id: ba02116d-1aad-4521-8667-ad086b14c1cb
name: Popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T03:22:49.185Z
id: b8585c81-b7f5-4c35-9bd6-62157c6ce4bc
name: Popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
Hello, I've developed an application using Electron with Javacript. I have managed to deploy to both Windows and the web but having trouble deploying the application to my Mac users.
It's my first time deploying an application for Mac but feel like I'm stuck at the last hurdle and out of ideas so I'm reaching out for help.
My application is successfully signing but during the build and when my Notarize.js is running it seems to get stuck indefinitely.
I can check and see the status of the Notarize attempts but they seem to be stuck "In Progress". Here are the logs.
Successfully received submission history.
createdDate: 2025-01-06T00:59:45.245Z
id: 1dc39b5f-fdca-4bf2-a6f6-fa793de2786e
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-04T08:01:36.168Z
id: c575b015-edd6-4e09-8da5-7ae09f4f67db
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T08:30:31.528Z
id: 570ae540-8cce-4418-ab09-7f6be33dc245
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T07:57:56.701Z
id: 42748de8-026a-4663-9fd2-88c7608588d3
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T06:30:19.569Z
id: 5140caa0-df14-491a-b148-82015f9856da
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T05:56:28.916Z
id: 535c6be1-4999-4b3e-9766-42512a8deb67
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T02:51:04.893Z
id: ead2268c-62b2-4b4b-8850-c1cdb5313d6a
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T01:50:51.954Z
id: d0c44281-a788-4704-a057-4620d284516d
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-03T00:48:54.445Z
id: 3d13727c-06a3-49d7-902b-4001522107c3
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T13:35:26.715Z
id: 1823a550-a9ff-467a-8a60-dd3e42305258
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T13:23:41.894Z
id: cbc341a2-9a51-43d6-83ae-713443c84fec
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T12:21:44.561Z
id: 1af34419-655f-49b8-bea0-05b4232c46a7
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T11:34:03.732Z
id: 8c4ab3b5-2ea9-4220-9667-94011bcf76fb
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T11:19:16.052Z
id: 093dfb8a-9058-417d-acd3-8ea5d0bb654a
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T11:13:14.676Z
id: 556b7c1c-d114-4717-b0f7-4f1614ada845
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T10:52:36.834Z
id: ce3d3c8a-d218-4978-8757-2ca9d12aad76
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T09:27:13.535Z
id: b65ec764-baab-444d-809b-e4242d70548b
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T09:27:01.176Z
id: be228acc-e6a2-48f2-937b-5b2962275052
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T09:19:19.182Z
id: d99fc10b-c424-4d0c-a2aa-37a9e9165d91
name: Popcorn-1.0.0.dmg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T08:55:43.064Z
id: 2e7f8df7-9c0b-4dd0-8df7-8f3428c0bfa0
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T08:19:48.676Z
id: 678355da-e413-4b1a-92a8-776a6ff6a055
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:58:48.278Z
id: 8591f8d7-1d57-4e80-af90-d77190160a20
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:54:41.193Z
id: f029dfeb-3f14-4f65-83e2-d9356ef6ac00
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:27:50.613Z
id: 574f2563-d533-4885-947a-2f57170196af
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T07:09:54.203Z
id: 589f7f3a-d231-4911-8ad6-9d2c15a61ac0
name: popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T05:39:02.574Z
id: 9edd43de-6d14-4743-87fc-ab570bee7399
name: Popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T04:36:12.342Z
id: ba02116d-1aad-4521-8667-ad086b14c1cb
name: Popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2025-01-02T03:22:49.185Z
id: b8585c81-b7f5-4c35-9bd6-62157c6ce4bc
name: Popcorn.zip
status: In Progress
I have received email about your development certificate has been revoked, but couldn't identify who did that, due to this revocation one of our enterprise application stopped working. So posting here to seek some suggestion on following
1.) Identification of Revoking Party: Though I have already raised a support ticket to Apple still waiting for their reply. Is it possible for Apple to send logs or account activity logs that from which account or who did the revocation?
2.) How much does Apple take to reply to the support tickets.
3.) No one else received email in my development team. Is it because the certificate which I created is revoked that's the reason only I have received email?
4.) May I know what are the other scenarios that certificate can be revoked other than a human error?
5.) Is there a way for us to internally monitor activity within our developer account, such as identifying who has been actively logged in and updating certificates?
Hello Team,
I am building an Electron app and building platform-related installers line exe, appimage and dmg. To build an installer, I am using the electron builder library.
When I do code signing and notarization, the signing process gets stuck without any error. I have verified certificate and other information are correct. Below are more details.
@electron/notarize": "^2.5.0
@electron/rebuild": "3.3.0
electron": "26.2.1
electron-builder": "^25.1.8
electron-devtools-installer": "3.2.0
Current Setup
CircleCI pipeline
Developer ID Application certificate is properly installed and verified
Notarization is configured in both package.json and build arguments
I see the last log as below where it gets stuck without any error.
• selecting signing options file=release/build/mac-arm64/xxxx Assistant.app entitlements=assets/entitlements.mac.plist hardenedRuntime=true timestamp=http://timestamp.apple.com/ts01 requirements=undefined additionalArguments=[]
"build": {
"productName": "xxxxx - Your AI Work xxxxx",
"executableName": "xxxx xxxxx",
"artifactName": "xxxxx-Assistant-${version}-${arch}.${ext}",
"appId": "org.erb.xxxx",
"asar": true,
"asarUnpack": "**\\*.{node,dll}",
"files": [
"afterSign": ".erb/scripts/notarize.js",
"mac": {
"timestamp": "http://timestamp.apple.com/ts01",
"identity": "xxxxx Technology Inc (xxxxxxxx)",
"target": [
"electronLanguages": [
"icon": "build/mac-icon/Logo512x512.icns",
"type": "distribution",
"hardenedRuntime": true,
"entitlements": "assets/entitlements.mac.plist",
"entitlementsInherit": "assets/entitlements.mac.plist",
"gatekeeperAssess": false
"dmg": {
"icon": "build/mac-icon/xxxxxxLogo512x512.icns",
"contents": [
"x": 130,
"y": 220
"x": 410,
"y": 220,
"type": "link",
"path": "/Applications"
"directories": {
"app": "release/app",
"buildResources": "assets",
"output": "release/build"
"extraResources": [
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- Required for Electron/Chromium JIT -->
<!-- Required for basic Electron functionality -->
<!-- Required for network communication (REST APIs) -->
I have made the following verification.
I already tried on multiple macos with different processors.
Verified on a high-speed network.
Certificate is exported to .p12 and verified.
All Env Variables are set with the correct value. (APPLE_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD+APPLE_ID+APPLE_TEAM_ID )
I have tried with CSC_LINK/CSC_KEY_PASSWORD + Keystore as well.
Appriciate any help.
I've made an MacOS app with Unity Cloud Build and I want to sign and distribute it using App Store Connect.
I download the compiled .app file and use codesign to sign all the appropriate files.
I also use an entitlements file when I sign the runtime binary.
I used the command codesign -d --entitlements on the resulting .app file to confirm that com.apple.security.app-sandbox is set to true, which it is.
But when I use productbuild to create the .pkg file and upload it using Transporter, I get an e-mail from App Store Connect saying that "ITMS-90296: App sandbox not enabled"
I don't know how to further debug this...
Does anyone have any pointers on how to fix this?
Note: it has to be doable either via the Unity Editor, Unity Build Cloud or the MacOS CLI...
Codesign showing that app-sandbox is enabled:
The error from App Store Connect:
My app has been "In Progress" for over a day. It's release date and these absurd behaviours are happening. Hasn't Apple been able to fix this? We're approaching 2025 with issues that have been happening since 2023. Are these guys serious or they just ignore these issues?
I am using fastlane and match to upload an app to test flight. The app requires com.apple.developer.storekit.external-link.account to be activated.
My identifier has activated the capabilities and when I look at provisional profile, it also has it, but when the app has been uploaded, it's missing (although all other entitlements are there).
Now it gets weird:
Every time I run my flow I delete derived data, deletes all downloaded provisional profiles and use match to redownload them with read only (force is not an option).
It does not work. I go to Apple dev and Toggles the capability off and on and saves. This invalidates the profile. I press edit and save. So no real changes. Run my flow and the app is uploaded correctly WITH the correct capabilities. Runs the flow again without the manual steps and the entitlements will be missing once again.
Repeats the toggle stuff and the subsequent behavior repeats itself. Same flow and same code and same settings, app and profile....
I am building automated flows so this does not really work for me....
I would like to code sign an app or installer with an RSA 4096-bit code signing certificate.
I created a CSR using RSA4096bit and ECC in Mac Keychain Access, but I was unable to use that CSR to create a code signing certificate on the Apple Developer site.
How do I issue an RSA4096-bit or ECC code signing certificate?