Steps to Reproduce
make an outbound call
cover the sensor
Actual Behavior
the screen won't go dark
device iOS Result
iphone15 17 Pass
iphone14p 18.0.1 Pass
iphoneXs_pro max 18.1.1 Pass
iphone13pro max 18.2.1 Pass
iphone16pro 18.2 Fail
iphone15pro max 18.3 Fail
iphone12 pro max 18.3 Fail
ps: Skype has the same probelm
Seems like this issue only happens on iOS18.2+ on some devices, so is there a bug for this?
RSS for tagDisplay the system-calling UI for your app’s VoIP services and coordinate your calling services with other apps and the system using CallKit.
Posts under CallKit tag
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The App has the ability to use WebKit and display web pages and the ability to add phone numbers to CallDirectory at specific timing.
In this App, when the App is launched or when the Add Contact button on the web page is pressed,
CallDirectoryExtention is reloaded from the host app (WebKit-viewController), the phone number is retrieved from the server, and the entry is updated.
I would like to add a process to remove the already added phone number entry when a specific value is retrieved from the application server.
The specific process we wish to implement is as follows.
Step 1: Use URLsession to retrieve values from the application server. (ViewController)
Step 2: If the value is a specific value, call a Function that deletes the CallDirectoryExtention entry. (ViewController)
Step 3: Delete all entries for the registered phone numbers.
However, I am aware that I have to use reloadExtension() to call the CallDirectoryExtention process from ViewController on Step2.
if I do so, CallDirectoryHandler.beginRequest() will be processed, and I am wondering if it is not possible to execute only the Function that deletes the entry.
Is there a way to run only the Function that deletes the CallDirectoryExtention entry from the host app(viewController)?
CallKit and WebRTC are used to realize the call functionality.
You can select video, voice, or text calling as your calling method.
When making a text call, the voice input is grayed out and cannot be used, is there a solution?
I am developing an app where the primary feature is to notify users.
To deliver notifications more effectively, I am considering using PushKit and CallKit.
Would it be acceptable under the guidelines to use PushKit and CallKit as an optional feature for an AI agent to notify users via a phone call?
Is there any way to limit use of the iOS 18 Live Caller ID extension to subscribed users? My team has been trying to figure out a workable approach to only allow full call blocking / identification via this feature for users with an active subscription and so far we have not found a workable approach.
One solution we’ve looked into is invalidating access tokens on the backend and only calling refreshPIRParameters(forExtensionWithIdentifier:) for users with a current valid subscription but it seems that this won’t work since the device will attempt to refresh on its own eventually.
We’ve also looked into swapping out the userTierToken in the extension based on subscription status but this also does not seem to be possible.
Is limiting/modifying this feature's functionality based on subscription status just not possible, likely by design due to the privacy-focused nature of it, or is there some other approach we’re overlooking?
The link above shows the data format that the user who gets a call, can get. I wonder if it is also possible to add other fields, for example: "summary". I am currently in the design-phase of an app that aims to present what the last call between the two parties was about, and that information can be gotten from an API that I will build according to Apple's principles that is comaptible with the Live Caller ID Lookup protocol. Therefore adding a field that will present a short summary of the last call will be very handy. Is that possible?
Prior to iOS18, the incoming/outgoing call history display in the Phone app matched the CallDirectory content, but starting with iOS18, changing the information tied to the same number results in the incoming/outgoing call history not matching the CallDirectory content, as it remains unchanged before the change. Is this a strongly intended change? If not, we would like to have it reverted back to the way it worked before iOS18.
Befor iOS18
Register the target phone number and name1 to CallRirectory
Incoming call using the target phone number
The target phone number and name1 is recorded as an incoming call history
Register the target phone number and name2 to CallRirectory
Incoming call using the target phone number again
The target phone number and name2 is recorded as an incoming call history
Also 1st incoming call history’s name is changed to name2
After iOS18
Register the target phone number and name1 to CallRirectory
Incoming call using the target phone number
The target phone number and name1 is recorded as an incoming call history
Register the target phone number and name2 to CallRirectory
Incoming call using the target phone number again
The target phone number and name2 is recorded as an incoming call history
But 1st incoming call history’s name is still name1
Why does this difference occur?
Will the restrictions on callkit be lifted in China in 2025? If so, how can you legally use callkit in China?
I am developing "local push" VoIP application.
I have a question about issues I found while testing this app.
After repeating a test for 24 hours in which a incoming call followed by an immediate disconnect 0.1 seconds later,
the iPhone of incommig call side encountered a 0xBAADCA11 error, causing iOS to force-close the app.
(The incidence is low, occurring three times in 17280 times incoming call(24 hours.))
This problem found on iOS17.6.1 (iPhone11Pro).
When the same test was performed on iOS18.2 (iPhoneSE3), the problem did not occur.
Did iOS take something measures against the 0xBAADCA11 error between iOS17.6.1 and iOS18.2?
If yes, I want to encourage customers to upgrade to the latest iOS version, please tell me about it?
※I have attached an ips files and sysdiagnose file of the 0xBAADCA11 error occurring. (please refer sysdiagnose also if you need.)
I experimented a lot with Live Caller ID when it first appeared with iOS 18 Beta.
Now I'm starting to pick it up again and have immediately noticed some detrimental differences between the behavior observed when it was in beta status to how it currently behaves with iOS 18.3.
The main difference is caching - if a call is made and data from a live call id lookup displayed on the call screen, then if the call is made again immediately then that data is re-fetched from the server.
And it takes a long time too, about 5 or 6 seconds before the data is displayed in the call screen (with the beta it took about 3 seconds).
In the data set cache_expiry_minutes is set to 50, yet it's not being honored, there's no caching occurring at all. Yet this did used to occur several months ago when the feature was in beta.
What's happened to caching, why is it no longer working when it used to?
Another change is there used to be a notification displayed when a call was blocked, this no longer is displayed.
Is this an intentional change or a bug?
I am currently developing a call service using CallKit and VoIP push. Recently, I have encountered a very challenging issue. During testing, when a VoIP push is received, the incomingCall gets triggered continuously, but then it automatically terminates after about 1-2 seconds. I am checking this issue under the debug scheme, and even when switching to different commits, the same problem persists.
I suspect it might be an issue with the device, but I would like to confirm the cause and find a solution. Below are some characteristics I have noticed:
On this device, when a VoIP push is received, CallKit automatically terminates, but this does not occur when debugging.
The issue always occurs when not debugging.
Looking at the device console logs related to callservicesd, there are many logs with 'invalidate' appended.
For example:
Invalidating process assertion for bundle ID from timeout
All calls ended. Clearing system uplink muted cache
Invalidate callDurationUpdateTimer
InCallService has changed process state to 2
InCallService has been suspended; invalidating its XPC client connections.
[0x565544180] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
XPC connection invalidated from client
These logs appear although our server did not receive any incoming call request, so we did not terminate it on our end. I also checked if there was a crash, but there were no reports left on the device.
Could you please share any insights into the cause or solutions for this situation?
Thank you.
I am trying to add voip call functionality to my app.
It works as expected while the app is in the foreground. But in the background it does not.
I have registered the app as requiring background voip permissions.
My implementation doesn't fit into one of these posts, so here is a gist:
We have just been granted access to the entitlement, and are following the documented steps for handled E2EE VOIP notifications listed here:
1 - A user initiates a VoIP call on their app. Their app then sends an encrypted VoIP call request to your server.
We do exactly this, Alice calls Bob from her app, sending a notification to our servers.
2 - Your server sends the encrypted data to the receiver’s device using a regular remote notification. Be sure to set the apns-push-type header field to alert.
We do exactly this, our server send on a notification to APNS with the apns-push-type header set to alert, destined for Bob.
3 - On the receiver’s device, the notification service extension processes the incoming notification and decrypts it. If it’s an incoming VoIP call, the extension calls reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload(_:completion:) to initiate the call. It then silences the push notification (see
I try to do exactly this. The notification is received by the NSE on Bob's device, which decrypts it and then notices it is a VOIP call from Alice. It prepares a dictionaryPayload with the decrypted data and then calls reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload(_:) async throws. This throws an NSXPCConnectionInterrupted error, which when logged shows as below:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named}
The only difference I can see to the documentation is that I am working in an asynchronous context so am using the asynchronous version of the method, but I don't imagine this should cause an issue?
I then supress the notification as documented and this works correctly.
Does anyone have any ideas why I am getting this error when calling reportNewIncomingVoIPPushPayload(_:) async throws?
The app I'm making uses the CallDirectory extension to identify callers.
Where is the contact data added by "func addIdentificationEntry" in "CallDirectory Extension" stored?
The app calls "CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.reloadExtension" and adds contact data by processing "CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext.addIdentificationEntry" written in "func beginRequest" of "CallDirectory Extension".
I thought that if I uninstalled the app, I would lose the contact data that added by App.
However, when I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it, it seemed to retain contact data that added by App before I uninstalled the app,
even though the app hasn't added any contact data yet.
Will the contact data added to the "CallDirectory Extension" be retained on iPhone even after uninstalling the app?
I found a similar post on the forum about contact data added by addIdentificationEntry.
・CallKit - addIdentificationEntry is it secure?
Answer of this post that "the added data is cached in a SQLite database",
but I couldn't find any official Apple documentation on this, so I'm not sure if this is correct.
If contact data is cached in SQLite, will that data remain on the iPhone when uninstalled and not deleted?
●Development environment
Mac OS Sonoma 14.7.1
Xcode 16.0
●Test Device
Hello, I’m working on a caller ID app and with the release of iOS 18.2, Apple has introduced the ability to set a third-party app as the default calling app. I have followed the official documentation for this feature and successfully set my app as the default phone app for making and receiving calls.
Documentation Reference:
Now, I’m facing some challenges and need some guidance:
Custom UI for Incoming Cellular Calls:
Is it possible to show a custom UI when receiving SIM-based cellular calls (not VoIP)? I want to replace the default iOS call screen with my own design when a cellular call is received. Can CallKit allow me to manage and display this custom UI for real cellular calls?
Detecting Incoming Cellular Calls:
Can I detect incoming SIM-based cellular calls when my app is set as the default calling app? I would like to track and show details of incoming calls (e.g., caller information, call duration) using a custom interface.
Displaying Call Data (Call Duration, Recent Calls):
Can I show call data (e.g., call duration, recent call history, etc.) for SIM-based cellular calls within my app when it is the default calling app? I need to know if it’s possible to retrieve and display this data in a custom format.
Managing Outgoing Cellular Calls:
For SIM-based outgoing calls, can I handle the process of initiating the call and then show a custom UI for the call in progress (similar to how VoIP apps manage outgoing calls)?
I understand that CallKit can be used to manage the UI for calls, but I’m unsure about the limitations when it comes to real SIM-based cellular calls. Is it possible to implement these features with the current API capabilities, or are there any restrictions I should be aware of when managing cellular network calls?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I have been playing around with getting the Live Caller ID example project setup yet I cannot get passed the initial configuration. I have the app extension running on my device and the server running on the correct host and port so things are working in that sense, yet when I go to the Call Blocking & Identification Services to toggle on my extension I see that the /config endpoint is failing with the following error:
Invalid existingConfigIds count 1. Expected 0 or 0.
The existingConfigIds has one entry with a Data object of zero bytes.
I’m not sure where/why this is getting added upon initialization. Has anyone seen this occur? I followed the testing instructions as far as I can tell and haven’t seen this issue discussed elsewhere.
I've been testing the Live CallerID feature using the Apple-provided local server example - live-caller-id-lookup-example. I've been running a local server with tunneling using ngrok for the initial setup. Everything was working perfectly with the following setup:
final class CallerID: LiveCallerIDLookupProtocol {
var context: LiveCallerIDLookupExtensionContext {
serviceURL: URL(string: "")!,
tokenIssuerURL: URL(string: "")!,
userTierToken: Data(base64Encoded: "BBBB")!
However, after I updated the URLs to the production ones, I encountered an issue:
struct CallerID: LiveCallerIDLookupProtocol {
var context: LiveCallerIDLookupExtensionContext {
serviceURL: URL(string: "")!,
tokenIssuerURL: URL(string: "https://example/issue")!,
userTierToken: Data(base64Encoded: "BBBB")!
The problem is that during calls or when updating PIR parameters, the application still attempts to connect to the initial ngrok tunnel URLs instead of using the new production URLs. I can confirm this because the logs on my local server show incoming requests, indicating that the application is still referencing the old ngrok tunnel URLs.
Steps I’ve taken to resolve the issue include:
Deleting and reinstalling the application.
Using reset(forExtensionWithIdentifier:)
Unfortunately, these attempts have not been successful. I even extracted the binary of the app and extension to inspect the strings, confirming that the correct production URLs are present.
The server was started with the following command:
PIRService --hostname service-config.json
Could this be some sort of caching bug on the iOS side, or am I missing something?
I am working on Agora Voice Call and using CallKit to manage incoming and outgoing calls.
When I accept a call, CallKit goes behind my app. I want CallKit to remain in front of my app. Please guide me.
What determines whether the live caller ID call extension sends a /queries request with an EvaluationKey instead of an EvaluationKeyMetadata.Identifier? Is this behavior configurable through our app?
In the live-callerid-lookup-example, the code checks if the PirRequest contains an EvaluationKey and uses it for evaluation if present; otherwise, it defaults to the uploaded key. However, during testing with the live caller ID extension, we observed that the client system (iPhone) consistently sends /queries requests using only EvaluationKeyMetadata.Identifier.
Is it possible for the client to send queries with an EvaluationKey to reduce storage requirements?
In the "Refresh the Data" section, it is mentioned that "The system periodically refreshes these parameters automatically." Could you provide more details on the specific timing or frequency of these automatic refreshes? For example, do factors such as Low Power Mode, power-saving mode, or a screen-locked state affect the frequency or occurrence of these updates?
Following up on a previous thread that was marked as resolved, we're observing that the behavior of blocked calls in iOS 18.2 hasn't changed as indicated.
Current behavior in iOS 18.2:
Calls blocked by Call Directory extensions still appear as "unanswered" in the Phone app's call history
The calls are successfully blocked (don't ring) though
There's no indication in the call history that these calls were blocked
Expected behavior (as previously indicated would be fixed in iOS 18.2 beta 3):
Blocked calls should be labeled as "Blocked"
Should show which app blocked them
This continues to cause confusion among users who expect blocked calls to either be clearly labeled or not appear in their history at all. We're still receiving regular user complaints about this behavior.
Has there been any change in the timeline for addressing this? Any information would be helpful for both developers and users.
Thank you in advance.