Push To Talk

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Let people send and receive audio in your app with the push of a button.

Posts under Push To Talk tag

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Not able to receive silent pushes in background
I’ve developed the Pro Talkie app—a walkie-talkie solution designed to keep you connected with family and friends App Store: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/pro-talkie/id6742051063 Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.protalkie.app While the app works flawlessly on Android and in the foreground on iOS, I’m facing issues with establishing connections when the app is in the background or terminated on iOS. Specifically, I’ve attempted the following: Silent pushes and alert payloads: These are intended to wake the app in the background, but they often fail—notifications may not be received or can be delayed by 20–30 minutes, leading to a poor user experience. VoIP pushes: These reliably wake the app, but they trigger the incoming call UI, which isn’t suitable for a walkie-talkie app that should connect directly without displaying a call screen. I’ve enabled all the necessary background modes (audio, remote notifications, VoIP, background fetch, processing), but the challenge remains. How can I ensure a consistent background connection on iOS without triggering the call UI?
PTT Framework has compatibility issue with .voiceChat AVAudioSession mode
As I've mentioned before our app uses PTT Framework to record and send audio messages. In one of supported by app mode we are using WebRTC.org library for that purpose. Internally WebRTC.org library uses Voice-Processing I/O Unit (kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO subtype) to retrieve audio from mic. According to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfaudio/avaudiosession/mode-swift.struct/voicechat using Voice-Processing I/O Unit leads to implicit enabling .voiceChat AVAudioSession mode (i.e. it looks like it's not possible to use Voice-Processing I/O Unit without .voiceChat mode). And problem is following: when user starts outgoing PTT, PTT Framework plays audio notification, but in case of enabled .voiceChat mode that sound is playing distorted or not playing at all. Questions: Is it known issue? Is there any way to workaround it?
AVAudioRecorder records silence
We have application using PTT Framework to record audio messages when app is backgrounded. Right now we are using AVAudioRecorder for that purpose. And problem is one specific user has frequent issue - recorded audio contains only silence. I've checked almost everything I can imagine but didn't find any possible reason of issue. Conditions: AVAudioRecorder uses following configuration: [ AVEncoderAudioQualityKey: AVAudioQuality.low.rawValue, AVFormatIDKey : kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, AVNumberOfChannelsKey: 1, AVSampleRateKey: 16000.0 ] App waits both didBeginTransmitting and didActivate audioSession from PTChannelManager (audio session has playback category at that moment) App does AVAudioSession category change to playAndRecord App gets routeChangeNotification with categoryChange and category = playAndRecord There is no any interruption notifications from AVAudioSession during recording There is no any error notification from AVAudioRecorder Any idea what exactly I do wrong? Is there anything else I should check? Thanks in advance. P.S. it looks like recording audio with AudioUnit has the same issue, but let's exclude it from question atm for simplicity.
PTT Framework Restrictions
We are attempting to update our app to use the PTT framework, as it has been made clear that this will be required in a future iOS version as opposed to using the Unrestricted VoIP entitlement we are using for several features of our app. However, the behavior of this framework poses some problems with implementing our app's functionality: It is not possible to programmatically join a channel when the app is not in the foreground. This hinders our ability to implement the Automatically activate radio stream feature of our app, which allows users who have opted into this feature to immediately begin hearing live PTT audio from their agency following an incident alert. Having the app constantly "joined to a channel" and using the restoration delegate could potentially work, however this is not ideal as this would result in the PTT UI needing to be displayed at all times, even when no radio stream is activated. We have a "Text to Speech" option that, when enabled, reads out the content of an incident alert after the alert sound has played. This currently happens by triggering an AVSpeechSynthesizer in the PushKit incoming push callback. It may be possible to render TTS audio on the fly in a Notification Service Extension and assign it as the notification's sound, if that is possible this is less of a problem. We also use the PushKit callback to, again if the user has enabled it, activate a "Shake to Respond" feature, allowing a short period of time after receiving an incident alert in which the user can shake their device to indicate that they are responding to the incident. There does not appear to be any way to have the level of background execution required to implement this using an NSE, and this is of course beyond the scope of the PTT framework. What options do we have to be able to continue to provide this functionality, without risk of it being disabled in a future iOS version?
APNS notifications of apns-push-type pushtotalk sometimes stop arriving after switching networks
PLATFORM AND VERSION: iOS Development environment: Other: .net MAUI with vscode Run-time configuration: iOS 18.1.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM APNS notifications of apns-push-type pushtotalk sometimes stop arriving after switching networks. STEPS TO REPRODUCE We have created a simple app which can be used to deminstrate this issue. When you launch the app it displays the APNS token which you can then use fromn the Apple Push Console to manually send it PTT push notifications. https://github.com/trampster/PttPushNotificationIssue On an iPhone SE (we havn't been able to reproduce on our iPhone 11) Start the APP to register for the APNS push notifications Turn off the WiFi wait for 5 seconds Attempt a push to the app manually using the Push Notifications Console (this should fail, which is fine) Turn on Cellular and wait for it to connect Attempt to push to the app manually using the Push Notifications Console -> This fails, and all attempts to send an pushtotalk push notifications fail until the we switch network again. Send a push while offline before connecting to the new network seems to make it happen more often but hard to tell for sure. The results of the failed push in the console look like this: Delivery LogLast updated: 30/01/25, 16:45:06 GMT+13 Refresh 30 Jan 2025, 16:45:03.661 GMT+13 received by APNS Server 30 Jan 2025, 16:45:03.662 GMT+13 discarded as device was offline The device is actually very much online. Switching networks again oftern makes things come right. But it doesn't seem to come right by itself. We can't respond to network changes and do anything as the whole point of using push-to-talk push notifications is to wake up the app when in the background to answer a call, this means we are not running and therefore cannot respond to network changes to try to work arround this issue.
AVAudioEngine Stop Method
Hi all! I have been experiencing some issues when using the AVAudioEngine to play audio and record input while doing a voice chat (through the PTT Interface). I noticed if I connect any players to the AudioGraph OR call start that the audio session becomes active (this is on iOS). I don't see anything in the docs or the header files in the AVFoundation, but is it possible that calling the stop method on an engine deactivates the audio session too? In a normal app this behavior seems logical, but when using PTT all activation and deactivation of the audio session must go through the framework and its delegate methods. The issue I am debugging is that when the engine with the input node tapped gets stopped, and there is a gap between the input and when the server replies with inbound audio to be played and something seems to be getting the hardware/audio session into a jammed state. Thanks for any feedback and/or confirmation on this behavior!
iOS doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an APNs PUSH
I am developing an application that uses NetworkExtension (Local PUSH function) And VoIP(APNs) PUSH. Nowadays, I found a problem on this app doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an APNs PUSH. My confimation result of my app and server log is below. 11:00 AM: my server(PBX) requests a VoIP(APNs) PUSH notification to the APNs. But my app does not receive the VoIP(APNs) PUSH. At this time, my app is running on LAN (Wi-Fi without internet connection), as a result, NetworkExtension was running. so I think this is normal behaviour. 14:55:11 PM: There is an incoming call from the my server(PBX) via local net, and NetworkExtension calls iOS API(API name is reportIncomingCall). However, iOS does not call the delegate didReceiveIncomingCallWithUserInfo for the reportIncomingCall. 14:55:11 PM: At almost the same time, iOS calls the delegate cdidReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload of VoIP PUSH. (instead of call the delegate didReceiveIncomingCallWithUserInfo for the reportIncomingCall?) And the content of this VoIP(APNs) PUSH was the incoming call at "11:00 AM". In other words, the VoIP(APNs) PUSH at 11:00 AM is stuck inside iOS, and at 14:55:11 PM, from NetworkExtension reports it. I feel there is a problem on iOS doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an VoIP(APNs) PUSH. Would you tell me Apple's opioion about this? If this is known problem, Please tell me about it.
It's not possible to access system PTT UI when app is backgrounded and "Always" location access is activated for app
Hello. Our app uses PTT framework and "Always" location tracking at the same time. By some reason, after backgrounding app, Dynamic Island shows only location tracking icon instead if PTT icon. And when user taps on it - application foregrounding instead of system PTT UI show. Only after first incoming PTT user can access system PTT UI. Is it a bug or intended behaviour?
Jan ’25
Using AVCaptureSession to record a video on initialising audio session from a Push To Talk call, audio of the ongoing video recording is getting stopped while the video recording is still ongoing.
We have a Push To Talk application which allow user to record video and audio. When user is recording a video using AVCaptureSession and receive's an Push To Talk call, from moment the Push To Talk call is received the audio in the video which is being captured is stopped while the video capture is still in progress. Here after the PTT call is completed, we have tried restarting the audio session, there are no errors that are getting printed but we still don't see the audio getting restarted in video capture. We have also tried to add a new input for AVCaptureSession we are receiving error that is resulting in video capture stopping, error mentioned below: [OS-PLT] [CameraManager] Movie file finished with error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11818 "Recording Stopped" UserInfo={AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey=true, NSLocalizedDescription=Recording Stopped, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Stop any other actions using the recording device and try again., AVErrorRecordingFailureDomainKey=1, NSUnderlyingError=0x3026bff60 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16414 "(null)"}}, success We have also raised a Feedback Ticket on same: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/16050598
Apple Push Notification service server certificate Was the update published as scheduled?
I tried below at 2:00 PM on 21/01/2025(JST). Apple Push Notification service server certificate update I followed above, a new server certificate: "SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate" was added to my push server, but a certificate error occurred and push notifications could not be sent. So I refered this article,Instead of connecting via DNS name resolution at api.development.push.apple.com, I fixed api.development.push.apple.com to "" in /etc/hosts, I could push notifications with the new server certificate. (I got this IP( from this airtcle) From this, I suspect that Apple had not yet updated the APNs certificate (CA) for the Sandbox environment as of 2:00 PM on January 21, 2025 (JST). Was the update published as scheduled?
Jan ’25
Apple Push Notification service server certificate update
You are probably aware of the upcoming root certificate change for any servers you might have that you use to send push notifications by connection to APNs. If you are not, here is the announcement. We have been getting some questions about this, and understand not everyone is familiar with their server setup. First, we would like to clarify that this is only a change to your server's certificate trust store. You do not need to update anything else, like your APNs push certificates, the build certificates and provisioning profiles for your team/app, and so on. All you need to do is to install the mentioned new root certificate to your push server's trust store. If you are using a 3rd party push provider, it is them who will need to handle their servers. But you may want to double check with them nevertheless. If you are managing your own push servers that connect to APNs directly, then it is your responsibility to download and install the root certificate mentioned in the above link on your server(s). Unfortunately we cannot provide specific instructions on how to install this root certificate on every kind of server out there. Each server operating system/push server software will have different ways these root certificates are installed, which is out of scope of our support abilities. If you are not sure how to do this, I would recommend you seek help for this from your server-side developers or server admins. Or, if you don't have access to such resources, you can ask the support channels for your system the question: How do I install a root certificate? We have setup a test server at that you can use to try and send pushes to test whether your new root certificate is correctly installed. An alternative way to test this would be, from a terminal prompt: openssl s_client -connect -servername api.sandbox.push.apple.com -verifyCAfile USERTrustRSACertificationAuthority.crt -showcerts Change the parameter to the -verifyCAfile argument to point to your trust store, and it should allow you to validate Sample return results would be: Connecting to CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 C=US, ST=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority verify return:1 depth=1 CN=Apple Public Server RSA CA 11 - G1, O=Apple Inc., ST=California, C=US verify return:1 depth=0 C=US, ST=California, O=Apple Inc., CN=api.sandbox.push.apple.com verify return:1 Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies
Jan ’25
Prevent Push to Talk System Screens
Is there a way to prevent or disable either of the following system PTT screens? When on the lock screen, you can tap the PTT indicator at the top of the screen to show a full-screen PTT view that includes both a "Leave" and "Talk" button When on the home screen, you can tap the PTT indicator at the top of the screen to show the PTT "Pill" that includes a "Talk" button I'd like to prevent showing both of these views. We don't use them in our app (we use PTT to play back messages, but use hands-free voice commands to send messages back). Is it possible to disable/never show those system PTT views? Screenshots of them attached.
Dec ’24
PTTFramework w/ AVAudioSession
Hi all, I have spent a lot of time reading the tech note and watching the WDDC video that introduce the PTTFramework on iOS. I currently have a custom setup where I am using AVAudioEngine to schedule and play buffers that are being streamed through a call. I am looking to use the PTTFramework to allow a user to trigger this push to talk behavior from the lock screen and the various places with the system UI it provides. However I am unsure what the correct behavior is regarding the handling of the audio session. Right now I am using .playback when there is no active voice transmission so that devices such as AirPods can be in AD2P mode where applicable, and then transitioning to .playbackAndRecord category only when the mic input should become active. Following this change in my AVAudioEngine manager I am then manually activating and deactivating the audio session manually when the engine is either playing/recording or idle. In the documentation it states that you should not attempt to activate or deactivate your audio session directly, but allow the framework to handle it. Does that mean that I need to either call the request to transmit delegate function or set an active participant on the channel manager first, and then wait for the didBecomeActive delegate method to trigger before I actually attempt to play or record any audio? (I am using the fullDuplex mode currently.) I noticed that that delegate method will only trigger if the audio session wasn't active before doing one of the above (setting active participant, requesting transmit). Lastly, when using the PTTFramework it also mentions that we get support for PTT devices and I notice on the didBeginTransmittingFrom property we have a handsfreeButton case. Is there any documentation or resources for what is actually supported out of the box for this? I am currently working on handling a lot of the push to talk through bluetooth LE, and wanted to make sure there wasn't overlap with what the system provides. Thank you!
PTT Bluetooth transmission does not work as expected
Hello, I've been working to implement PTT in the way recommended by the documentation. The main issue is that the bluetooth methods are opaque, so I cannot solve for what I need. The result will be that I will have to resort to hacky approaches that the PTT framework seems to be intended to solve (playing silent clips, playing custom notification sounds, having long running background audio sessions). I am testing with Anker soundcore mini as well as airpod pro. Here's the issue: there are 2 very different behaviours depending on whether I'm using a call/fullDuplex session and a halfDuplex session. halfDuplex Anchor mini Current behaviour long press activates siri pressing again after siri is active, starts transmission long press activates siri again pressing again after siri is active, stops transmission pause/play routes to the ongoing media session and plays music Expected behaviour play/pause should map to transmit/stopTransmit IF I have to use long press, it should at least not trigger siri AirPod pro Current behaviour long press changes noise cancellation pause/play routes to the ongoing media session and plays music Expected behaviour play/pause should map to transmit/stopTransmit fullDuplex/call Anchor mini: Current behaviour long press activates siri pressing again after siri is active, starts transmission long press activates siri again pressing again after siri is active, stops transmission pause/play routes to the ongoing media session and plays music Expected behaviour play/pause should map to transmit/stopTransmit IF I have to use long press, it should at least not trigger siri AirPod pro Current behaviour long press changes noise cancellation pause/play maps to mute/unmute (even if media is playing) Expected behaviour This makes sense for call behaviour, I wish it worked this well for PTT The intention here is to be able to fully interact with a channel hands-free. The current API seems to make that impossible. Is that by design? Reading all the docs seems to suggest its intended for transmit/stopTransmit to be doable just with the play/pause buttons, but even apple hardware seems to not support that.
Nov ’24
Migrating from CallKit to PushToTalk Framework for PTT Calls — Handling Incoming Calls and Cellular Conflicts
Hello everyone, I’m developing a VoIP-based application that supports both standard VoIP calls and Push-To-Talk (PTT) calls. The app does not use the unrestricted-voip entitlement since it’s not publicly documented or communicated as a standard by Apple. Previously, I handled PTT calls using CallKit after receiving PushKit notifications, but I’m now migrating PTT functionality to the PushToTalk Framework while keeping CallKit for standard VoIP calls. I’m facing a few challenges that I’d like help with: Handling Incoming Push-To-Talk Calls When the App Is Closed and the Device Is Locked I considered continuing to use PushKit notifications to alert users via CallKit and using CallKit until the user brings the app into the foreground, at which point I’d switch to the PushToTalk Framework. While this could technically work, the user experience is not ideal. Are there any recommended approaches for handling PTT calls in this state? Handling Incoming PTT Calls When the App Is in the Background According to Apple documentation, I cannot join a PTT session unless my app is in the foreground. However, in practical scenarios, we often receive incoming PTT calls while the app is in the background. What’s the best solution for this situation? It feels odd to show notifications or use CallKit until the app is foregrounded. Conflict Between Ongoing PushToTalk Call and Incoming Cellular Call Currently, if there’s an ongoing PushToTalk call using the PTT framework and a cellular call comes in, if I receive a PTT transmission and call requestBeginTransmission, the cellular call is ended. I can handle this within my app, but is this expected behavior? Is this the intended conflict management for concurrent PTT and cellular calls? Lastly, a broader question: when will the unrestricted-voip entitlement stop working? I’m contemplating using this entitlement to handle incoming PTT calls without CallKit, but I’m concerned about its longevity. Some apps have been using it for messaging and other features for over four years, and it’s still functional for them. Any guidance or insights on these points would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Sep ’24
PTT framework problem after idle ( recording muted by OS )kaj23
We have been successfully using the PTT (Push-to-Talk) framework in our application since the release of iOS 17. Audio is recorded by pressing a PTT button and speaking after the PTT framework initiates an AVAudioSession. While the PTT framework has generally worked well since the iOS 17 release, we have received reports that, on occasion, after the app has been idle for a while ( when I have seen it my phone has been in flightmode over night), it suddenly records only silent audio. This issue does not occur every time but sporadically. For users experiencing this problem, pressing the PTT button results in no “PTT framework start sound,” and only “empty sound” is recorded. The only solution to restore audio is restarting the device. Restarting the app alone is insufficient, though leaving the PTT channel and rejoining it also resolves the issue. I have reproduced the problem several times and observed that everything appears normal within the app. We receive an active AVAudioSession from the PTT framework, and it seems like the app is recording, but all recorded sound packets are silent. Upon reviewing logs from the phone (via the Console app), I noticed that the app is muted when starting the recording and unmuted after stopping the recording. For example: • Start recording ≈ 15:01:30 • Stop recording ≈ 15:01:44 • 15:01:30.124144+0100 audiomxd -CMSessionMgr- MXCoreSessionSetProperty: Session ‘sid:0xa80037, AppName(2717), ‘prim’’ isRecordingMuted updated to ‘1’ • 15:01:44.384208+0100 audiomxd -CMSessionMgr- MXCoreSessionSetProperty: Session ‘sid:0xa80037, AppName(2717), ‘prim’’ isRecordingMuted updated to ‘0’ When the system functions normally, the isRecordingMuted flag toggles between 0 and 1, but remains at 0 (non-muted) during recording. After stopping the recording, this state does not change anymore, unlike in the error state. There is no difference in behavior whether the app is in the foreground or background when starting the transmission, or whether the PTT framework’s “Talk” button is used once the device enters the “error state.” I have filed a bug report with logs provided on 28 November 2023 that is still open but no feedback. We now have customers that are reporting this issue again on 17.5.1 and its starting to be a big issue. Anyone else that have similar problems ?
Aug ’24
Push To Talk
I am using PushToTalk in my project for using only listing audio. steps :- App Launch :- Create PTT Channel PTT Token :- Send Token in Server App Kill :- It's Automatically restored channel using :- channelDescriptor(restoredChannelUUID channelUUID: UUID) -> PTChannelDescriptor Play audio given by incomingPushResult method issue :- I am receiving an audio link through incomingPushResult. When incomingPushResult is called, it automatically restores the channel. However, the channel has already been created, resulting in two channels being created. When I send the link from the server, the audio plays properly. However, if I resend the same link after 5-6 seconds, the audio does not play. After I leave the first channel, the same audio starts playing in the second channel. When I send the link again, the audio does not play because I left the first (main) channel. func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { granted, error in if granted { DispatchQueue.main.async { application.registerForRemoteNotifications() } } } Task { await self.createChannel() } return true } func createChannel() async { do { channelManager = try await PTChannelManager.channelManager(delegate: self, restorationDelegate: self) let channelImage = UIImage(named: "ic_p") channelDescriptor = PTChannelDescriptor(name: "Pikachu", image: channelImage) let channelUUID = UUID() self.currentChannelUUID = channelUUID channelManager?.requestJoinChannel(channelUUID: channelUUID, descriptor: channelDescriptor!) print("PTT creating channel") } catch { print("Error creating channel: \(error)") } } func incomingPushResult(channelManager: PTChannelManager, channelUUID: UUID, pushPayload: [String : Any]) -> PTPushResult { guard let data = pushPayload["data"] as? [String: Any], let mediaLink = data["media_link"] as? String else { return .leaveChannel } print("incomingPTT") // URL to fetch the audio data from self.audioURL = mediaLink // Play the audio from the URL DispatchQueue.main.async { self.playSound(url: self.audioURL) } let participant = PTParticipant(name: mediaLink, image: .checkmark) return .activeRemoteParticipant(participant) } func channelDescriptor(restoredChannelUUID channelUUID: UUID) -> PTChannelDescriptor { let channelImage = UIImage(named: "ic_r") return PTChannelDescriptor(name: "Restored Channel", image: channelImage) } func channelManager(_ channelManager: PTChannelManager, didActivate audioSession: AVAudioSession) { print("Activated audio session") self.playSound(url: self.audioURL) } Output: - App Launch After App Kill Play audio :- Audio Play Success and leave the channel (Before Leave Channel View) After Leave Channel View
Aug ’24