I want to launch my app via shortcuts which has new automation, Then I selected NFC scanning button and run immediately. Next I selected my AppIntent, but when I get launched from a Tag, How can I get data stored in it.
I want to implement AppIntent in my Objective-C framework, because we need to design a fast pass to certain function.
However, I create a struct inherited from AppIntent, and create a projectName-Bridging-Header.h in my framework just like I did in my project. It seems like framework don't work, I can't find it in shortcuts
I want to implement AppIntent in my framework which is created and choose Objective-C as language, but when I new a swift file and implement AppIntent. then import to my project. the AppIntent didn't work. but I can use AppIntent directly in project.
How can I observe notifications triggered by scanning NFC in backgroundMode, I want to customize notifications, add Gif or Image to notification content. because the merchants want to display their images when shopper take their iPhone near goods.
how can I customize local notifications contains GIF when my app scanning NFC tags and get different data from NFC tags.
I want to develop an app that can play videos on my iPhone's desktop by scanning NFC tag. can I request this permission from apple team.
I'd like to open a small window to play the GIF by scanning NFC tag, when app is unlocked. can I use app clips to realize it ?
My app need a specific scene that play a video when my iPhone close to NFC Tags. and my app can read the data from NFC Tags, the data will tell us which kind of video can be play.
I tried to write URLScheme or Universal Link in NFC Tags, but all this ways will pop up notifications. not launch my app and play a video, how can I design my app.
please give me some advice, thanks!
I'd like to launch my APP via scanning NFC Tags In BackgroundMode. However, every time when I scan NFC tags, there always APP notification pops up, instead of opening APP directly.
Please advise me how to skip the APP notification and directly launch APP.